Tag: real news

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The industrial working class is not dead

It’s a common refrain that “we just don’t make things in the US anymore.” Implied in this refrain is the notion that practically all manufacturing jobs have been outsourced overseas as we’ve transitioned to a…

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Body camera shows cops in this town are out of control. How will the city respond?

A 73-year-old grandmother with dementia is thrown to the ground and arrested, and the arresting officers are caught laughing while reviewing their bodycam footage. In this episode of PAR, we examine how this case, a…

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Richard Wolff: Capitalism is holding “all of us hostage”

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the nature of work and the lives of working people in drastic ways. Millions of workers lost their jobs over the past year and a half, millions more saw their…

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Factory farming is pushing independent farmers to the edge of extinction

A proposed concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO) in Burnett County, Wisconsin, is slated to house 26,000 hogs and produce millions of gallons of liquid manure every year. Residents fear the irreparable damage a facility of…

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Factory farms pose an ‘existential threat’ for rural Wisconsin communities

The rural landscape in the US is changing drastically: The days of the independent family farm have increasingly given way to industrial agriculture and factory animal farms. In states around the country, from Iowa and…

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Cops hate citizen journalists, but they’re not the only ones

Citizen journalists continue to play a critical role in holding police accountable, which is why they face increasing pushback from the underlying system that bolsters bad cops. PAR speaks to cop watchers Laura Shark and…

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1998 mass shooter still used to justify life sentences for juveniles

Kip Kinkel was publicly reviled when, suffering from undiagnosed paranoid schizophrenia, he shot and killed his mother and father before killing two of his classmates and wounding 25 others in a mass shooting at Thurston…

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Cops destroyed her family with a suspicious drug bust. 47 years later she’s breaking her silence

The nation’s endless war on mind-altering substances has many casualties, some who refuse to be forgotten. That’s why Catherine Freeman is coming forward after 47 years to describe how her family was set up by…

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Pfizer’s greed is killer, say protesters

Dozens of protesters took to the streets of New York City, chanting “Pfizer’s Greed Kills,” as Pfizer and the German government refused to share COVID-19 vaccine formulas with the Global South. Pfizer has made billions…

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US media co-opts Cuba protests for imperialist ends

Amid power outages, food shortages, and continued fears over COVID-19, amplified by 60 years of economic strangulation by a US blockade, thousands of protestors in Cuba have taken to the streets to demand answers and…

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Don’t mess with a coal miner’s wife

Union miners at Warrior Met Coal in Brookwood, Alabama, have now been on strike for four long months, facing economic hardship, social stigma, and even physical assault on the picket line. But the miners have…

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U.S. Supreme Court ruling makes it easier for judges to give young people life sentences. Now what?

ACLU legal expert Sonia Kumar says the ruling slows but does not stop the movement toward more just sentencing for juveniles. Help us continue producing radically independent news and in-depth analysis by following us and…

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‘Neither Washington nor Beijing!’: The Western left grapples with “new Cold War” between US-China

The Trump administration’s frequent antagonism toward China ushered in what many analysts have called a “new Cold War” between the two world powers. Rather than reverse course, President Biden has committed to thrusting the US…

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Rural Wisconsinites take on the factory farming industry

There is a battle happening in rural America: Across the country, rural farming communities are struggling to combat the relentless onslaught of Big Ag and the factory farming industry. With help from the federal and…

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Why climate deniers are amplifying COVID-19 disinformation

For decades, billionaires and corporations have created organizations and disinformation networks explicitly designed to wage war on the science that links carbon emissions to climate disruption. Now those same networks are being used to spread…

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Remembering Amiri Baraka and his poem ‘Somebody Blew Up America’

Twenty years after 9/11, a chorus of activists, writers, and political prisoners remember Amiri Baraka’s influential and controversial 2001 poem “Somebody Blew Up America.” In this episode of Rattling the Bars, we hear from Baraka…

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From 9/11 to COVID-19: It was never about ‘shared sacrifice’

Last week, Americans marked the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks by remembering the 3,000 lives lost on that day. As was the case in the aftermath of the attacks, those reflecting on the…

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A cop kicked a compliant man in the head, then police tried to cover it up

The brutal assault on a suspect after a high-speed chase that was captured by a security camera reveals how police have many hidden mechanisms to skirt accountability. In this episode, PAR examines not just the…

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Shocker: Military-industrial complex doesn’t want wars to end

Help us continue producing radically independent news and in-depth analysis by following us and making a small donation: https://therealnews.com/donate-yt Former generals and elected officials are flooding the airwaves to demand the US continue its occupation…

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Big Pharma is trying to scare you so they can gouge you even more for lifesaving drugs

Update 8/30/21: At the 6:40 mark in the video, PhRMA is referred to as a 501(c)(3) organization, but the correct classification is 501(c)(6). We regret the error and are posting this update as clarification. The…

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Remembering Gloria Richardson

TRNN Executive Producer and former Black Panther Eddie Conway talks to author and activist Dominique Conway about Gloria Richardson, a fierce activist who led a multi-year campaign against segregation in Cambridge, Maryland. Richardson, who died…

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US economic war on Cuba continues, even after war in Afghanistan ends

As the 20-year war in Afghanistan officially came to an end, President Joe Biden justified US military withdrawal in an address to the nation on Aug. 31: “This decision about Afghanistan is not just about…

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Post-9/11 militarization has cost $21 trillion—here’s where that money could have gone

As the US occupation of Afghanistan comes to end, Americans are just beginning to come to terms with the cost of 20 years of war. A new report titled State of Insecurity: The Cost of…

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Luke Stewart was sleeping in his car, then cops killed him

On March 13, 2017, officer Matthew Rhodes of the Euclid Police Department in Ohio killed Luke Stewart, an unarmed African-American man who was sleeping in his car when Rhodes and his partner Louis Catalani first…

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We are living in the hell Ronald Reagan made

Last month marked the grim anniversary of one of the darkest days in American labor history. Forty years ago, President Ronald Regan crushed a strike by the Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization (PATCO), fired over…

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Striking nurses hold the line against investor-owned healthcare giant

Monday, August 9, marked the 155th day that nurses at St. Vincent Hospital in Worcester, Massachusetts, have been on strike. At the center of the strike is a concern about working conditions and staffing, specifically…

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