Tag: republicans

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DHS Was Tracking White Supremacist Terrorists, but Nobody Wanted to Listen

No one listened when the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI sounded the alarm about the rise of white supremacist and far-right domestic terrorism, says former DHS intelligence analyst Daryl Johnson and Greg Huffman…

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The Baltimore Trash Video Fox News Doesn’t Want You To See

A closer look at Fox News reporting reveals that the narrative espoused by President Trump that Baltimore is, “rat and rodent infested” is complicated by people from outside of Baltimore using the city as their…

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Republicans Partied in a Monument to American Wealth Inequality

The little-known back story of the hotel where Republican’s gathered in Baltimore last week is how it embodies all the unjust policies that have created record wealth inequality in the US Subscribe to our page…

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North Carolina Did What SCOTUS Wouldn’t – Ended GOP Gerrymandering

A North Carolina state court panel stopped the GOP’s gerrymandering plan by ruling that the maps drawn for GOP-dominated voting districts were in violating of the state’s constitution, and of the rights of North Carolina…

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Conflict Between Trump and Military-Diplomatic Establishment Is Full of Hypocrisy

We are living in a political world that seems turned on its head, with Democrats voting to stay in Syria and Republicans wanting to get out–but neither side is getting it right. Subscribe to our…

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Nikhil Goyal: Sanders Will Expose Trump’s Lies and Betrayal of the Working Class

“Trump wants to cut Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, and Sanders wants to expand Social Security and guarantee Medicare for All. Trump wants to send your kids off to endless wars, Sanders wants to send…

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Cornel West: Elites Underestimate the Power of the People

Scholar and activist Dr. Cornel West says Bernie Sanders will take on corporate power and implement a just foreign policy, and that former Mayor Michael Bloomberg is a “neoliberal gangster.” Subscribe to our page and…

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Want to Build Class Solidarity? Learn to Talk About Race

Journalist Chris Hedges says both Republican and Democratic elites are happy to discuss race, gender, religion, and any politics of identity—as long as you don’t connect it to class divisions. Class: The Little Word the…

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‘It’s About Time’ America Reckons With Its Racist Founding

The George Floyd uprisings revealed the inadequacies of both Biden and Trump, argues professor Gerald Horne. Director/Video Editor: Taylor Hebden Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video content…

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2nd GOP debate leaves some voters still looking for Trump alternative

GOP voters are reacting to the second Republican primary debate held Thursday night without the Republican frontrunner, Donald Trump. CBS News political reporter Cara Korte shares what she heard from voters at a Libertarian watch…

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No clear winner in 2nd GOP primary debate, Republican strategist says

Republican strategist Leslie Sanchez and Democratic strategist Joel Payne joined CBS News to talk winners, losers and everything else that came out of Wednesday night’s GOP debate, the second held without frontrunner Donald Trump. #news…

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Are the GOP debates just Trump cabinet auditions?

Republican presidential candidates held another debate Thursday night, but GOP frontrunner Donald Trump, up by over 30 points in Iowa and New Hampshire, wasn’t there. CBS News reporter Musadiq Bidar has more. #news #trump #politics…

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Government shutdown deadline looms, GOP donors push for Youngkin 2024, more | America Decides

“America Decides” reports on House Speaker Kevin McCarthy pushing his divided colleagues to get behind a short-term spending bill and avoid a government shutdown, some of the country’s biggest Republican donors ramping up efforts to…

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Schumer calls out McCarthy for groveling to hard-right Republicans

Lawmakers remain deeply divided on a spending bill to fund the government with a shutdown just three days away. Right-wing Republicans in the House have pledged to oust Kevin McCarthy as House Speaker if he…

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Left-progressive Cori Bush makes her mark—On the neoliberal agenda

Racial justice activist Cori Bush’s stunning upset against a Congressional Black Caucus-backed incumbent in Missouri underscores the power of the growing movement against racism and corporate greed. Subscribe to our page and support our work…

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House Republicans hold first hearing on Biden impeachment inquiry | full video

House Republicans held the opening hearing Thursday in their impeachment inquiry into President Biden. The chairmen of the Oversight, Judiciary and Ways and Means committees outlined the factual and legal basis for the inquiry and…

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As Maryland Evictions Resume, Activists Demand Protections

Activists demanded state and local officials extend protections for the some 400,000 people unable to pay rent during the coronavirus pandemic. Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video…

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Trump ignores GOP debate on trip to Michigan to speak with autoworkers

While his GOP presidential competitors participated in their second debate, former President Donald Trump was in the swing state of Michigan speaking with autoworkers at a non-union facility about the ongoing UAW strike. CBS News…

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House Republicans dig in on border security inclusion in government spending bill

With a potential government shutdown looming, Democrats and Republicans seem to be moving farther apart. Some conservative members of the House say they may be open to a short-term spending deal, but insist it has…

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Republican candidates step up attacks on Trump at second debate

Seven Republican presidential hopefuls took aim at former President Donald Trump for skipping Wednesday night’s debate as they made their case for the Oval Office. CBS News senior White House and political correspondent Ed O’Keefe…

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Trump Has A Path To Victory. It’s Voter Suppression.

The real threat facing the 2020 election isn’t Russian interference or voter fraud, it’s the GOP’s massive voter suppression effort, argues journalist Greg Palast. Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. **…

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House Republicans contradicted by their own witnesses at Biden impeachment hearing

House Republicans held their first hearing on the impeachment inquiry of President Biden Thursday. For more than six hours, GOP members insisted they have evidence of wrongdoing by the president, only for their own witnesses…

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With 2 days until a government shutdown, right-wing Republicans are not backing down

There’s deep frustration in Washington over the lack of progress in avoiding a government shutdown. The deadline for a deal is midnight Saturday and a handful of House Republicans are still threatening Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s…

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Sen. Dianne Feinstein remembered by Sen. Amy Klobuchar

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, who shattered glass ceilings during her more than three decades in the U.S. Senate, has died at the age of 90. She was the longest-serving woman in the Senate, as well as…

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McCarthy-backed bill to avoid government shutdown gets bipartisan rejection

The House on Friday rejected a stopgap bill to fund the government, with a group of hard-right Republicans handing Speaker Kevin McCarthy yet another defeat in his efforts to avoid a shutdown. The 165-page bill,…

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Gov. Glenn Youngkin urged to run for president by Republican donors

Some of the country’s most prominent anti-Trump conservative figures and donors are quietly ramping up their efforts to convince Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin to run for president. CBS News chief election and campaign correspondent Robert…

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Schumer, McConnell remember Sen. Dianne Feinstein, “a giant in the Senate”

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the longest-serving woman in the Senate, has died. She was 90. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell both paid tribute to Feinstein, who they both called a…

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