Tag: rob

Posted in Car Mod

Truck with an EVO Engine? WTF!

Our trip down under has been filled with nothing but wild and crazy cars, and it’s not over yet! This may not have been the most radical vehicle we saw this trip, but it’s definitely…

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Posted in Car Mod

WHY My Video was REMOVED and Rob Ferretti’s Response (Ferrari 488 for sale)

My video was removed from Youtube and Rob Ferretti aka SuperSpeedersRob sent me a message about it. Link to my video: Link to Rob’s video: Thanks Superspeedersrob! source

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This is a SERIOUS Achievement in the GTR World!
Posted in Car Mod

This is a SERIOUS Achievement in the GTR World!

This is a SERIOUS Achievement in the GTR World! One of the easiest ways to make power is to remove restrictions by using better engineered parts, but thats not always the option for everyone. Sometimes…

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