Tag: schutzstaffel

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Network of Nationalist Veterans

In Madrid, unnoticed by many, Schutzstaffel men gather to celebrate their dark past alongside like-minded individuals. Among them, Otto Skorzeny plays a significant role, known for maintaining a network of Schutzstaffel veterans. Rumors suggest he…

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World War II: The attack on Moscow, 1941

The attack of the armed forces on Moscow in 1941 during World War II was a pivotal event. Initially making progress, the German forces faced harsh winter conditions and resilient Soviet resistance. The Battle of…

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Hitler’s Elite Enforcers: The Weapon-Schutzstaffel | Beyond the Myth | Ep. 4 | Documentary

The Weapon-Schutzstaffel was the combat branch of the Schutzstaffel, serving as Hitler’s personal army during World War II. It differed from the regular German army, the Wehrmacht, in various aspects. The Weapon-Schutzstaffel recruited based on…

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The Rise of Hitler’s Guards | Beyond the Myth | Ep. 1

How could Hitlers Schutzstaffel rise ? In this documentary, we delve into the history of the Schutzstaffel, Hitler’s most notorious paramilitary organization, known for spreading terror and death under the ominous shadow of the swastika….

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