Tag: send

Posted in Entertaiment

The Many LIES Prisoners TELL To Get YOU TO SEND THAT

In this video, I share with you a lot of reenactments of what it’s like the MANY LIES -some- NOT ALL PRISONERS TELL in an effort to get people to send them money. Hope you…

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Posted in Entertaiment


Best mail time in a long time. And definitely turned into a pretty funny video. I honestly wasn’t sure if we’d ever be able to do another mail time video. But certainly glad that we…

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How Prisoners In Prison POSE For Pictures To SEND HOME
Posted in Entertaiment

How Prisoners In Prison POSE For Pictures To SEND HOME

In some prisons, prisoners are able to buy a 2 dollar picture ticket from commissary to then be able to take a picture that can be sent home to there loved one. These are the…

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