Tag: the real news

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In mainstream media, capitalism’s failures are always your fault

Congress can unthinkingly allocate billions in new defense funding and the media won’t bat an eye; Meanwhile, passing critical stimulus legislation to help millions of Americans is like squeezing blood from a stone. Why? Because…

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Faith and the fight against climate change, part 4

In the final episode of this series, Aman Azhar asks: what value do faith-based community groups have in addressing the climate crisis and why is it that we don’t hear much about faith groups’ engagement…

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Non-extradition ruling a win for Assange, not for press freedom

A U.K. judge’s ruling has spared Julian Assange for now, but advocates warn the court’s rejection of Assange’s free speech defense could stifle investigative journalism. Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate….

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Congress rebuffs Trumpist insurrection, certifies Biden’s win

Four were killed and 26 arrested as hundreds of Trump supporters stormed the Capitol on Wednesday, temporarily halting the Senate as it prepared to certify the presidential election results. Subscribe to our page and support…

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After Dems win GA and right-wing insurgents storm DC, progressives’ work is just beginning

“The Marc Steiner Show” is back for 2021, and we’ve sure got a lot to discuss. In this episode, Marc is joined by Kali Holloway, anti-racist activist and columnist for The Nation, and Danny Sjursen,…

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Prisoners have power in their own words

Eddie Conway, former Lieutenant of Security for the Baltimore Black Panther Party, was locked up on dubious charges and held as a political prisoner for over 40 years. Conway is part of a generation of…

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Yes, this kind of thing happens in America

Trump’s attempted coup and increasingly violent supporters are only a surprise to those without a grasp of the U.S.’s racist history, says historian Gerald Horne. Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate….

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One frightening story reveals the true cost of rural overpolicing

A single dad goes camping with his kids and ends up in handcuffs; Then, PAR talks with Otto the Watchdog, a cop watcher who says he has been targeted for harassment for his First Amendment…

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How diverse, progressive coalitions can build power in Florida

TRNN’s Marc Steiner talks with Rachel Gilmer, co-director of Dream Defenders, about long-term strategies for progressives to build power in Florida with young, working-class, and ethnically diverse communities. Subscribe to our page and support our…

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‘When we do it to people of color, we don’t call it fascism.’ Bruce Franklin, 40 years later

Forty years ago, Bruce Franklin sounded the alarm on surveillance limiting underground work, climate change, and the impeding elimination of the human species—all of which, he argued, would pave the way for fascism. Subscribe to…

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Marc Steiner Show: Black and Indigenous antifascism, Cindy Blackman Santana, and social justice

In the premier episode of the Marc Steiner Show, as fears mount over political violence in the wake of the election, Dr. Nikki Taylor and Dr. Gerald Horne talk about the history of, and resistance…

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The law enforcement lies distorting the ‘Defund the Police’ movement

PAR takes a deep dive into the deliberately misleading rhetoric surrounding the ‘Defund the Police’ debate and uncovers data that reveals which political party really loves policing. Subscribe to our page and support our work…

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Battleground Wisconsin, USA

Former Madison City Councilman David Ahrens and Milwaukee activist Angela Lang join TRNN’s Marc Steiner to look at Wisconsin’s progressive roots and racist realities—and to discuss the political battles to come. Subscribe to our page…

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‘The’ Black/Latinx vote is a myth

TRNN Editor-in-Chief Maximillian Alvarez interviews Ben Jealous, president of People for the American Way, about the media’s rush to draw conclusions from 2020 exit polls and make sweeping generalizations about Black and Latinx voters. Subscribe…

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Florida ‘rights of nature’ amendment protects ecosystems and the right to clean water

Voters in Orange County, Florida overwhelmingly approved a charter amendment granting rights to their main waterways. Chuck O’Neal of the Florida Rights of Nature Network and Thomas Linzey of the Center for Democratic and Environmental…

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Award-winning ‘Nomadland’ documents poverty and survival in America

When capitalism chews us up and spits us out, where do we go? How do we carry on? And can we find ways of living that honor the dignity of our humanity when the world…

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The pandemics of racism and COVID-19 are a deadly mix

The U.S. response to the COVID-19 pandemic highlights deep racial inequities in wages, health, and vaccination rates—but it’s a century of racist public policy that laid the foundation for these disparities. Dr. Lawrence Brown, author…

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Bigger than Bessemer: Workers EVERYWHERE must stand up & fight back

Jennifer Bates was among the group of warehouse workers who initiated the process of forming a union at the Amazon fulfillment center in Bessemer, Alabama. Now, nearly a year later, Jennifer has testified in front…

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Greek political prisoner is at death’s door

Since 2002, Greek revolutionary and activist Dimitris Koufontinas has been in prison for his role in the Revolutionary Organization 17 November (17N). Labelled a “terrorist” by the Greek government, Koufontinas began a hunger strike on…

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Brazil: LULA strikes BACK

In a huge win for the left and for democracy, Brazil’s Supreme Court has annulled corruption convictions against former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, making it possible for Lula to challenge Jair Bolsonaro for…

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Mumia has COVID-19, supporters demand his release

In this urgent, unscheduled episode of “Rattling the Bars,” Eddie Conway talks to Pam Africa, legendary Philadelphia activist and head of the International Concerned Friends and Family of Mumia Abu-Jamal, about the health of longtime…

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DANNY GLOVER: Why the fight against AMAZON in Bessemer matters

Click here to listen to the extended audio interview with Danny Glover and read the full transcript: https://therealnews.com/hammer-and-hope-danny-glover-on-the-amazon-union-drive-in-bessemer-alabama One of the most historic union votes of our era is underway: 5,800 workers at the Amazon…

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Amazon worker in Bessemer: ‘We gonna win’

All eyes are on Bessemer, Alabama, where 5,800 Amazon fulfillment center workers are currently voting on whether or not to unionize. With the vote counting just weeks away, TRNN Editor-in-Chief Maximillian Alvarez sits down with…

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Every Thursday at 9:00 p.m. EST on The Real News Network, journalists Stephen Janis and Taya Graham premier a new episode of the acclaimed Police Accountability Report, a show that investigates police corruption around the…

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California prisons: A public health disaster

California is experiencing a public health disaster by keeping people incarcerated in overcrowded, unsanitary, and violent conditions. TRN Executive Producer Eddie Conway speaks with Amber-Rose Howard, Executive Director of Californians United for a Responsible Budget,…

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The union fight at Amazon is a fight for Black lives

In the latest installment of our special series “Battleground Bessemer,” TRNN Editor-in-Chief Maximillian Alvarez sits down with Joshua Brewer of the Retail, Wholesale, and Department Store Union (RWDSU) Mid-South Council. Brewer is one of the…

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Police Union Defends CONVICTED COPS Keeping Their Jobs

Why is it so hard to reform the police, let alone hold police accountable for abusing their power? What are the legal and political protections that have put police above the very law they’re supposed…

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