Tag: therealnews

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Police violence, gentrification, and racial capitalism w/Robin D. G. Kelley

In 2001, Cincinnati police killed a 19-year-old Black man named Timothy Thomas, sparking an uprising that shook the city for four days. 19 years later, in the city of Minneapolis, local police officers killed George…

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Why the far-right loves racist vigilantes w/Spencer Ackerman | The Marc Steiner Show

White vigilante terror is older than the United States itself. The lawful use of violence by white citizens to establish political supremacy can be found throughout US history—from slavery and Indian killings to lynchings. Today,…

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Stop Cop City and the history of environmental activism | The Chris Hedges Report

The movement to Stop Cop City in Atlanta has brought environmental defenders and police abolitionists together to fight a mega-project that would demolish the historic Weelaunee Forest to create a massive urban warfare training facility….

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Trans panic in kids’ sports w/Prof. Travers | Edge of Sports

The right has become obsessed with trans people—and sports is an increasingly contested battlefield of the culture war. Prof. Travers joins Edge of Sports to discuss the anti-trans panic in sports, which has particularly taken…

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Yes—Canada has anti-Black racism, too

To the uninitiated, Canada may have a reputation for friendly and folksy charm. For Black and Indigenous peoples of the ‘Great White North,’ this veneer belies a white supremacy as vicious as anywhere else. Since…

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Staffers in Congress are sick and tired—they want a union!

Behind every elected official in Congress, whether beloved or reviled, is an army of staffers and aides who do everything from writing bills to organizing meetings, politicking—and all too frequently, no shortage of objectively degrading…

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Why a ‘Two-State Solution’ in Israel/Palestine doesn’t work | The Marc Steiner Show

The debate on a just future to end the Israeli occupation of Palestine has often pivoted around the question of a two-state or one-state solution. In a recent article for Foreign Affairs, four longtime proponents…

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Israel’s West Bank checkpoints, from the eyes of Palestinian workers

In the West Bank of occupied Palestine, workers queue up at Israeli military checkpoints on their commutes to work. These workers are made to walk in single file through humiliating metal structures that are set…

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48-year political prisoner reviews John Oliver’s report on solitary confinement | Rattling the Bars

The topic of solitary confinement was the focus of a recent episode of John Oliver’s Last Week Tonight on HBO. Thanks to the hard work of activists organizing against solitary confinement for decades, awareness of…

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Canada’s workers rise up! w/Emily Leedham

Caught between COVID-19 and the cost of living crisis, Canada’s workers have been pushed to the edge—and it’s spurring a revitalization of the labor movement. From an illegal one-day strike in the education sector to…

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W. Kamau Bell, the reluctant optimist | Edge of Sports

In this episode of Edge of Sports, host Dave Zirin highlights two takes on the gender politics of sports culture. Dr. Cheryl Cooky joins the Ask a Sports Scholar segment to discuss the history of…

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Indonesia protests big reversal on labor rights

Trade unions in Indonesia are mobilizing workers by the thousands to protest the 2020 Omnibus Bill, which significantly undermines many labor protections won under the 2003 Labor Law. President Jokowi Widodo argues that more labor…

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Cash bail is an abomination of justice | Rattling the Bars

While the underlying logic of the cash bail system in the US may sound convincing on paper, in practice it has become a means of denying justice to, and destroying the lives of, people who…

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Israel assassinated Shireen Abu Akleh | The Chris Hedges Report

Veteran Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu-Akleh was covering an Israeli raid on Jenin Refugee Camp in her official capacity as a reporter for Al Jazeera on May 11, 2022, when an unnamed Israeli sniper fired a…

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Marianne Williamson explains her 2024 presidential campaign

The 2024 election season has begun, and while a second Trump vs. Biden showdown is expected by many, a number of challengers have emerged within the Democratic Party. One of them is Marianne Williamson—author of…

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Khader Adnan’s matyrdom and Israel’s abuse of Palestinians w/Dr. Rabab Abdulhadi| Rattling the Bars

The death of Khader Adnan in Israeli detention during a hunger strike on May 2 of this year sparked mourning worldwide and a general strike in occupied Palestine. The 45-year-old Adnan was on his 87th…

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Why incarcerated people’s perspectives matter w/Da’Shaun Harrison | Rattling the Bars

The call for prison abolition has been popularized over the last decade of popular movements against police violence, many of which have operated under the banner of Black Lives Matter. But what does abolition mean,…

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‘The president forced our comrade to die’—South Korea’s unions vs. Yoon Seok Yeol

On May 1, 2023, Yang Hoe-Dong, district leader of the Korean Construction Workers’ Union, fatally set himself on fire in protest of the Yoon Seok Yeol’s racketeering charges against him. Yang was just one of…

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Demaurice Smith full interview | Edge of Sports

DeMaurice Smith’s tenure as the Executive Director of the NFL Players’ Association has coincided with a “maelstrom” of issues plaguing players’ rights on the field. In this full interview from Episode 1 of Edge of…

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My life in the Civil Rights Movement | The Marc Steiner Show

TRNN show host Marc Steiner’s Rise of the Right series has followed the ascendance of far-right political forces domestically and internationally. In a special episode of The Marc Steiner Show, TRNN Editor-in-Chief takes the mic…

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Livestream: Residents of East Palestine need our help!

Months after a catastrophic Norfolk Southern train derailment changed their lives and communities forever, residents of East Palestine, Ohio, and the surrounding area feel “numb,” lied to, and abandoned… and they’re running out of drinkable…

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These former prisoners are fighting mass incarceration | Rattling the Bars

*Editor’s note: At 00:56, host Mansa Musa misspeaks when quoting a report and says that 55 million people are in the system of mass incarceration; the correct number is 5.5 million. Over 1.9 million people…

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Nayib Bukele’s El Salvador: Gang crackdown or return to dictatorship?

El Salvador’s President Nayib Bukele is a millennial social media sensation, who has ruled with an iron fist over the last year, instituting a state of exception and locking up 65,000 suspected gang members. For…

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Frente Polisario explains the Western Sahara struggle w/Amb. Sidi Omar

The national liberation struggle of the Sahrawi people of Western Sahara has been ongoing for 50 years. Through the twists and turns of history, the people of Western Sahara have faced Spanish colonialism, the occupation…

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Harriet Tubman and the battle for America’s symbols w/Clarence Lusane | The Chris Hedges Report

The debate over America’s symbols and monuments has sharpened with the growing mass movement for racial justice in the past decade. The lionization of slave-owners and genocidaires has been pointed out by many as in…

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The Puerto Ricans illegally occupying land to resist displacement

In the aftermath of Hurricane Maria, community groups throughout different parts of Puerto Rico have rescued vacant lands and transformed them into spaces for social and community development. This story was supported by the journalism…

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Coming to TRNN: Dave Zirin takes us to the Edge of Sports

Sports and politics have always been intertwined. Sports are where joy and freedom, competition and cooperation, collide, where human beings exceed our physical and psychological limitations, where racial, gender, and class hierarchies can be smashed…

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