Tag: therealnews

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11 Pro Impeachment Activists Arrested at Sen. Mitch McConnell’s Office

“By The People” is a grassroots group that has been pushing for impeachment for a long time. Instead of taking a pause to celebrate victory, they showed up at Senator McConnell’s office to demand that…

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Debate: Is Impeachment the Best Way to Get Rid of Trump?

Jacobin Magazine hosted articles on either side, Real News now hosts their debate. Does Impeachment make any sense? Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended…

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The last Democratic Debate and the Future of the Democratic Party

Last week’s debate didn’t connect with viewers or mobilize the base. Director/Video Editor: Taylor Hebden Audio Engineer: Adam Coley Visual Producer: Andrew Corkery Chase Producer : Genevieve Montinar Subscribe to our page and support our…

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Egypt Bans Journalist Daoud Kuttab from a Transparency Conference

Journalist Daoud Kuttab was barred from entering Egypt without being given a reason. His banning indicates the growing paranoia of the Egyptian regime in the face of mounting international criticism. Director/Video Editor: Cameron Granadino Audio…

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Where is the Outrage Over British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s Book, ’72 Virgins’?

Marc Steiner and Moshe Machover discuss why the lack of outrage over Johnson’s book is so concerning. Director/Video Editor: Cameron Granadino Audio Engineer: Taylor Hebden Visual Producer: Andrew Corkery Chase Producer: Genevieve Montinar Subscribe to…

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NAARPR Relaunch Renews National Fight Against Police Repression

As we enter a new phase of racist and political repression in the US with the convergence of a myriad of political and social issues, how are we planning to fight against this? Jacqueline Luqman…

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Year in Climate Crisis: Fossil Fuels Expansion, Scary Science and Global Activism

The Real News Network’s Steve Horn and Dimitri Lascaris talk about the 2019’s biggest climate stories. Director: Dwayne Gladden Audio Engineer: Will Arenas Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer:…

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Great Employment Numbers: 44% of Fully Employed Make $18,000 a Year or Less

Beneath the rosy employment report lives a reality of low-paying part-time and temporary work with no benefits or security. Director/Video Editor: Will Arenas Audio Engineer: Cameron Granadino Visual Producer: Andrew Corkery Chase Producer: Genevieve Montinar…

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Anti-Semitism in the Labour Party: A Comprehensive Study of Nothing

Jamie Stern-Weiner discusses his collection of essays, articles, and studies that examine the allegations of anti-Semitism in the British Labour Party. The book finds extensive evidence that accusations have been fabricated in order to delegitimize…

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New Climate Model Predicts Alarming Levels of Global Heating

Dr. Neil Swart of the Canadian Center for Climate Modelling & Analysis says a new model predicts nearly 8°C of heating by 2100 in a high emissions scenario. Director/Video Editor: Cameron Granadino Audio Engineer: Taylor…

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Capitalism’s Failures Ignited Worldwide Protests

While the spark for each protest might be different, it is not about left and right but the failure of neoliberalism Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video…

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Defending Brazil’s Coast From the Latest Oil Spill

The oil spill spans 10 states and contaminated 1500 miles of coastline. The Real News rides with a group of coastal defenders battling the spill. Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate….

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How Israel/Palestine Became a Central Issue in US Politics

Alex Kane discusses how US-Israel relations evolved from a bipartisan to a partisan issue in recent years and how Israel/Palestine serves a symbol for other social struggles over social justice in the US Subscribe to…

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Indigenous Peoples’ History is More Complicated Than a Holiday Myth

TRNN Replay: Tara Houska, tribal rights attorney and co-founder of NotYourMascots.org, discusses often omitted nuances of Indigenous peoples’ history and outlines some current struggles being waged Subscribe to our page and support our work at…

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How Public Officials Milk the Healthcare System for Private Gain

An in-depth look at a series of local scandals shows how politicians game the healthcare system for private benefit, raising the costs for everyone. Producer: Taya Graham Producer/Editor: Stephen Janis Director: Adam Coley Audio Engineer:…

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As Resistance Halts Pipelines, LNG and Tar Sands Move via Rail

The Trump administration is considering a proposal to move fracked gas by rail at the behest of a company owned by Milwaukee Bucks billionaire owner Wes Edens, a major donor to the DNC. As tar…

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Trump Impeachment: A Misguided Move?

The Democrats claim their articles of impeachment against Trump are a solid case. The Nation and Grayzone contributor Aaron Maté argues that they are actually quite weak, and only serve corporate Democrats’ interest in feeding…

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Trump Is the Golden Calf

Trump dredges up old anti-Semitic tropes to the applause of a right-wing Jewish group. Director/Video Editor: Bababtunde Ogunfolaju Audio Engineer: Taylor Hebden Visual Producer: Andrew Corkery Chase Producer: Genevieve Montinar Subscribe to our page and…

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Inspector General Report Unveils Systemic Problems at FBI

The Inspector General’s conclusions show that the FBI’s new standards for investigations are so low, everyone should be worried. Director/Video Editor: Taylor Hebden Audio Engineer: Adam Coley Visual Producer: Andrew Corkery Chase Producer: Genevieve Montinar…

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US Arms Companies Use Trump’s Militarism to Dominate the Global Arms Trade

U.S. companies control 35% of the global arms industry. The growing weapons market is fueled by wars in the Middle East and by Trump’s excessive defense budget and aggressive posturing. Director/Video Editor: Adam Coley Audio…

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The Secrets of an Elite Law Enforcement Unit Which Ran a Criminal Gang Inside a US Jail

The police accountability report talks to a first-hand witness to the alleged crimes of a group of corrections officers charged with brutalizing inmates as part of a larger criminal scheme Producer: Stephen Janis Taya Graham…

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They Lied to Us All Along, We Knew It, and the Afghanistan Papers Prove It

The Washington Post series exposes how political and military leaders purposefully misled the public from the outset of the war in Afghanistan–a war they knew could not be won. Director/Video Editor: Taylor Hebden Audio Engineer:…

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COP25 Was Moved to Spain to Conceal Chilean Government’s Human Rights Violations

The concept of “loss and damage” and carbon markets are a sticking point at the UN’s climate summit, and protests are continuing in Chile, the original site of the talks. Oxfam’s Nafkote Dabi and Gary…

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All Is Not Lost for Labour

British activist Tariq Ali argues that Labour’s strategy was deeply flawed, but turmoil will follow Boris Johnson despite the large Conservative victory. Director/Video Editor: Will Arenas Audio Engineer: Dwayne Gladden Visual Producer: Andrew Corkery Chase…

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188 Democrats Vote for Trump’s Bloated Defense Budget

41 Democrats, 6 Republicans, and 1 Independent stood against a record  $738 billion for defense, which gives Trump his space force and the right to launch more wars.  Director/Video Editor: Bababtunde Ogunfolaju Visual Producer: Andrew…

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Cop Charged with Making Multiple False Arrests

Baltimore Police Sgt Ethan Newberg is facing 32 counts of false imprisonment and assault for using illegal arrests to intimidate the community, prosecutors allege. Please join Taya Graham and Stephen Janis for this important episode…

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Trump’s Executive Order on Anti-Semitism Attacks Free Speech, Palestinians, and Jews

Dima Khalidi discusses the legal and civil society ramifications of President Trump’s executive order adopting the controversial IHRA working definition on antisemitism, defining Judaism as a race or nationality, which would threaten free speech on…

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