Tag: travel vlog

Posted in General

We Found His $400,000 PAVATI Boat 95′ UNDERWATER… @HeavyDSparks

When @HeavyDSparks called us up over Labor Day Weekend last fall and told us he’d sunk his $400,000 @Pavati Wake Boats, we thought we might be falling for one of his pranks like he’d pulled…

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Posted in Cop Shows

Attacked by a Cop with a Mustache (An Arkansas Travel Vlog)

You guys asked for more vlog style videos so here ya go! I recently was invited to speak at a law enforcement appreciation day event in Russellville, Arkansas of all places! Hosted by https://www.wivesofarmor.org/ it…

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Posted in Cop Shows

Cop Takes His Kid for First LEGAL Beer

My oldest son, aka underpaid producer, turned 19 the other day so I took him out for the royal barber shop treatment and over to our fine neighbor to the north, Canada, to snag a…

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