Tag: trnn

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Black mass incarceration in the so-called Free State

Until recently, the horrifyingly unjust reality of America’s mass incarceration system has not been a central concern in popular political discourse. In the past few years, however, more people have learned about the brutality and…

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Biden’s team WON’T end the FOREVER WARS

From Afghanistan to Niger, the “new normal” of American warfare shows no signs of changing course under President Biden and his hawkish national security team. In this episode of “The Marc Steiner Show,” combat veteran…

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‘Zionist’ is not hate speech, activists say

A Saturday Night Live joke about Israel’s vaccine apartheid sparked outrage from some ardent supporters of the Israeli government, but the controversy speaks to larger threats to free speech in the digital age, especially when…

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‘What’s left out of a news story is more important than what goes in’

In 1980, Eddie Conway participated in and helped organize a prisoners’ educational outreach program called “To Say Their Own Words,” where thinkers and scholars came to Maryland Penitentiary and spoke about topics like impending U.S….

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Charlie Cobb: ‘Protest is necessary … but it is not sufficient.’

In 1980, Eddie Conway participated in and helped organize a prisoners’ educational outreach program called “To Say Their Own Words,” where thinkers and scholars came to Maryland Penitentiary and spoke about topics like impending U.S….

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Why 2021 could be the year labor STRIKES BACK

With a new Democratic administration in place and so many union contracts about to expire, 2021 could be a major turning point in the labor movement. In this segment of “The Marc Steiner Show,” Marc…

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Wall Street is a grift

Between r/wallstreetbets, short selling, and a lot of GameStop stock, things have certainly been interesting on the stock market of late, but who are the real winners and losers here? And what does the #GameStonks…

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She was ARRESTED for trying to fight opioid addiction with legal medication

While the nation suffers a opioid addiction crisis fueled by profit-hungry pharmaceutical companies, police in a small Pennsylvania town arrested a woman for taking a widely prescribed treatment for opiate addiction while driving. In this…

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If Democrats don’t deliver now, voters will (rightly) turn on them

From eliminating the filibuster to pushing through much-needed $2k COVID-19 relief checks, conservative and centrist Democrats like Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema are standing in the way of crucial legislative actions that would allow the…

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The government murdered Fred Hampton. Will it ever be held accountable?

Flint Taylor and Jeff Haas, co-founders of the People’s Law Office in Chicago, were the lead lawyers in the landmark case that exposed the FBI’s involvement in the assassination of Black Panthers Fred Hampton and…

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Israel’s vaccine apartheid is killing Palestinians

From Amnesty International to Human Rights Watch, international groups have condemned the systematic COVID-19 vaccine apartheid in Israel and Palestine. The Israeli government and its supporters, however, maintain that it is not responsible for providing…

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How an entire Black community was poisoned

What does ‘environmental racism’ mean? What does it look like in practice? When researchers discovered that residents of the small, unincorporated, predominantly Black community of Tallevast, Florida, were experiencing abnormally high rates of cancer and…

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People don’t know what the hell critical race theory is

The right-wing outrage machine has come up with a new boogeyman: critical race theory (CRT). Over the past year, from Donald Trump to Fox News and beyond, conservatives have fixated on vilifying CRT and banning…

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This city supported worker ownership—and got results

In the final installment of TRNN’s deep dive into how worker cooperatives are coping with the pandemic, Jaisal Noor explores how one city is helping to increase worker ownership of local businesses. Worker cooperatives are…

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Cops keep pulling him over, and their reasons are increasingly bizarre

Shortly after our story aired on how police put LA resident Daniel Alvarez in handcuffs for a bogus traffic violation, he was pulled over again for allegedly switching lanes without signaling. In this episode of…

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Cops wanted to make her a felon, but missed a key piece of evidence

Michelle Lucas, a community activist and grandmother of four, was devastated when she was charged with two felonies for allegedly passing a counterfeit bill. Our investigation uncovered evidence that forced prosecutors to admit the police…

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This bodycam footage reveals all that is WRONG with policing

Video obtained by TRNN reporters Taya Graham and Stephen Janis highlights American law enforcement officers’ lack of de-escalation training and respect for civilians. In this week’s PAR, Graham and Janis investigate the questionable arrest of…

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Workers in Bessemer are “gonna start a movement”

After a year of workers organizing, signing union authorization cards, enduring constant union-busting efforts from management, and participating in an election, the historic union drive at the Amazon fulfillment center in Bessemer, Alabama, is coming…

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Will we stand up for Black trans lives, too?

Last summer, during what some have called the largest social justice uprising in United States history, the lives of Black trans people were ignored. While many rightly raged against the murders of George Floyd and…

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Georgia’s new voter suppression law is rooted in Jim Crow racism

Georgia Rep. Park Cannon was arrested last week as Georgia became the latest state to implement laws that restrict Black voters’ rights. In response to alleged voter fraud, dozens of new voting laws have been…

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Did cops RETALIATE against this activist (and did the public defender drop the ball)?

As we continue our investigation into over-policing and mass incarceration in rural America, we return to Pocomoke City on Maryland’s lower eastern shore to speak with Michelle Lucas. Lucas is a pizza delivery driver, a…

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How megacorporations exploit US prison labor

The 13th Amendment has created an inhumane (but perfectly legal) system in which multinational corporations are able to regularly exploit prison slave labor in the U.S. for profit. In this special, extended episode of “Rattling…

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400,000 children could die if Yemen blockade isn’t ended

Yemeni-Americans with the group Liberate Yemen launched a hunger strike on March 29 to demand an end to the Saudi-led and U.S.-backed blockade of Yemen. Considered the worst humanitarian crisis taking place in the world…

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BREAKING: Charges dropped in multiple cases after PAR investigative reports

PAR has three positive updates on cases we’ve recently covered. As part of our coverage of overpolicing in rural America, we update the case of Ohio cab driver Lufti Saalim, who was tasered while waiting…

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The Parole System Is Broken

In the state of Maryland, prison inmates serving life sentences can only be granted parole by final decree from the governor. Even for elderly inmates at high risk of COVID-19 infection, as well as inmates…

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At the Derek Chauvin murder trial, the defense’s secret weapon is exposed

Dr. David Fowler stunned the world when he testified that Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin was not responsible for the death of George Floyd. But this is not the first time Fowler has taken a…

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Is the Chauvin verdict a sign of change, or the policing system saving itself?

Derek Chauvin’s defense used every tool at its disposal to keep him from being held accountable for killing George Floyd last May, including David Fowler, former chief medical examiner for the state of Maryland, whose…

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