Tag: trnn

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US disdain for Haiti & Haitian refugees has a deep history

Just weeks ago, as we reported previously on The Real News, onlookers around the US and around the world were horrified yet again by scenes of pain, desperation, and brutality at the US-Mexico border in…

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Hollywood’s exploited workers speak out

Last weekend, tens of thousands of members of the International Association of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) voted overwhelmingly to authorize a strike. With 89.66% of eligible members participating and 98% voting to authorize the strike,…

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Free Indigenous political prisoner Leonard Peltier

In this special Indigenous Peoples’ Day episode of Rattling the Bars, TRNN Executive Producer Eddie Conway speaks with author and activist Ward Churchill about the wrongful imprisonment and deteriorating health of Indigenous political prisoner Leonard…

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Kellogg’s workers across US go on STRIKE

Like Frito-Lay, Nabisco, John Deere, and Heaven Hill Distillery, cereal giant Kellogg’s has seen consumer demand skyrocket during the pandemic, reporting profits of $1.25 billion in 2020. To meet this demand, many workers in Kellogg’s…

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The COVID-19 scandal Tucker Carlson doesn’t want you to know about

America’s most popular TV host, Tucker Carlson, continues to share baseless COVID-19 conspiracy theories with his millions of Fox News viewers while comparing vaccine mandates to authoritarian overreach. In reality, though, Carlson’s pushing of debunked…

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‘Fighting to free our people’: 55 years of the Black Panther Party

In October of 1966, the Black Panther Party was founded in Oakland, California. Since then, the Panthers have been a driving radical force for Black liberation, self-defense, and community organization and self-determination. In this special…

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Robin DG Kelley: Fighting for freedom in the face of capitalist apocalypse

The world was a very different place when Robin DG Kelley’s renowned book Freedom Dreams: The Black Radical Imagination was first published in 2002. As the reality of post-9/11 America and the war on terror…

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A staggering number of inmates have died in Louisiana prisons

In the state of Louisiana, 786 inmates—none of whom were ever sentenced to death—died behind bars between 2015-2019 while serving out their prison sentences. Since Black people are already incarcerated at disproportionate rates, these deaths…

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Crushed by debt, NYC taxi drivers go on HUNGER STRIKE

On Wednesday, Oct. 20, a group of taxi drivers in New York City with the New York Taxi Workers’ Alliance began a hunger strike to demand that the city enact life-saving debt relief to workers…

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Cops pulled him over for a bogus ticket, then things got really ugly

A questionable traffic stop by an Arizona highway patrol officer reveals how the powers bestowed upon police are ripe for abuse. Video shows how the officer escalated the encounter after he was challenged by a…

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Cops ordered him to break the law, then arrested him when he wouldn’t

The arrest and incarceration of New Mexico resident Chris Dixon provide yet another stark example of the Kafkaesque nature of contemporary police power. Dixon was arrested after police tired to force him to consent to…

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Israel’s influence in Europe could lead to criminalization of critiques of Zionism

The International Forum on Holocaust Remembrance and Combating Antisemitism convened earlier this month in In Malmö, Sweden. According to the Swedish government, “The programme focused on four main themes: Holocaust remembrance; Holocaust education; Antisemitism on…

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The people of Sudan fight against a military coup

On Monday, Oct. 25, Sudan’s military seized control of the country, arresting Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok and dissolving the transitional council government that was created to oversee the country’s passage to a more democratic system…

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Cuba, COVID-19, and ending the US blockade

For over 60 years, the United States has effectively jailed the country of Cuba through illegal political intervention and economic war. And yet, while facing continued economic strangulation and political vilification, the socialist republic has…

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He livestreamed a congressman’s aide on Facebook, they charged him with two felonies

The prosecution of a progressive marijuana activist for livestreaming an encounter with a congressman’s aide during a protest shows how the criminal justice system can be easily used as a tool for political retaliation and…

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Inflation panic is the new deficit hawkery

“After years of hypocrisy and bungled forecasts of doom, the budget deficit no longer provokes panic,” economist Max Sawicky recently wrote in In These Times. “The elites need a new bogeyman, otherwise Congress might actually…

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We must abolish the death penalty

According to a 2021 survey by the Pew Research Center, even though they have doubts about its administration, fairness, and usefulness as a crime deterrent, most Americans today still support the death penalty. Moreover, while…

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Cops said they arrested him for turning around at a checkpoint, but the real reason is much worse

PAR investigates new data that confirms what many have long suspected: police-initiated car stops are not just deadly, but often blatantly unnecessary.   This week, PAR continues its coverage of the overt abuses of…

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‘We want Rikers closed and no new jails in its place!’

COVID-19 turned what were already inhumane conditions at Rikers Island, New York’s most notorious jail, into a full-blown humanitarian crisis. Prisoners, activists, and legal advocates are demanding it be closed for good. For years, prisoners,…

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Baltimore museum workers are fighting for a ‘wall-to-wall’ union

In this video installment of Battleground Baltimore, TRNN Editor-in-Chief Maximillian Alvarez sits down with Laura Albans and Matt Papich, two workers at the renowned Baltimore Museum of Art who are involved in a crucial unionization…

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Cops wanted to arrest him for a red light infraction, but they weren’t ready for what happened next

Traffic stops lead to fraught encounters with American law enforcement, which is why this stop between a LA County Sheriff and a local cop watcher is so illustrative of the power of turning the camera…

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A Dutch court may help deliver justice for a Gazan family killed in an Israeli strike

In 2017, Ismail Ziada filed a civil suit at the District Court of the Hague against former Israeli military leaders Benny Gantz and Amir Eshel for their role in a 2014 strike—part of the Israeli…

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‘This is COINTELPRO 2021’

After spending nearly half a century in prison, leftist revolutionaries and political prisoners David Gilbert and Russell Maroon Shoatz (who also spent 22 years in solitary confinement) were released earlier this year. In this episode…

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The fight to organize teachers in small-town Wisconsin

In 1974, the population of Hortonville, Wisconsin, was around 1,500, and yet it became the site of one of the most contentious and consequential teachers’ strikes in the state’s history. In the end, over 80…

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Cops railroaded him into a false confession. He’s still fighting to clear his name.

In 2014, at the age of 15, Prakash Churaman was arrested at his home at 6AM without a warrant. After driving him around for a few hours, police brought Churaman to the 113th Precinct and,…

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35,000 Kaiser Permanente workers set to go on strike

35,000 members of the Alliance of Health Care Unions, a coalition of 21 local unions representing over 52,000 workers at the healthcare giant Kaiser Permanente in states around the country, have set a strike date….

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‘A war that could never be won’: An autopsy of the US war in Afghanistan

For many around the world who consider the United States to be all powerful, the ignominious end to the war in Afghanistan, the harried withdrawal of US troops, and the swift takeover by the Taliban…

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