Tag: trnn

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For prisoners, the holidays are extremely painful

After spending the past year and a half socially distancing, millions around the country will be coming together to celebrate the holidays this year with a renewed appreciation for seeing and being with loved ones….

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Auditing Maryland’s infamous former cop-killer-defending medical examiner

Dr. David Fowler garnered national attention after his controversial testimony on behalf of killer cop Derek Chauvin. The former Maryland Chief Medical Examiner made headlines when he testified Floyd died in part due to exhaust…

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The US deportation machine is out of control right now

The world was horrified earlier this year to see US Border Patrol’s horrific treatment of asylum-seeking Haitian refugees fleeing for their lives. Even though the news cycle has moved on, the nightmare for migrants and…

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An urgent message from Stephen and Taya of The Police Accountability Report

Your support matters more than ever: https://therealnews.com/support The Real News Network is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Donations are tax deductible (as permitted by law.) Sign up for our newsletter: https://therealnews.com/nl-yt Like us on Facebook: https://facebook.com/therealnews…

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‘We need help’: Hospitality workers are overworked, underpaid

Hospitality workers around the country have faced some of the worst layoffs in any industry during the COVID-19 pandemic. UNITE HERE, a labor union representing over 300,000 workers, most of whom are in the hospitality,…

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Prison food is much worse than you think

“Prison food in the United States is a public health and human rights crisis,” the Maryland Food & Prison Abolition Project states on their website. “By weaponizing the experience of eating, the state transforms one…

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The Chris Hedges Report: Hip hop, censorship, and Palestinian resistance

Legendary UK-based hip-hop artist and activist Kareem Dennis, aka Lowkey, uses his considerable talents as a musician to pay homage to the voices and struggles of the oppressed, from the plight of migrants that have…

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The Chris Hedges Report with Dr. Cornel West

Dr. Cornel West is the most important standard bearer for the Black prophetic tradition, the most important intellectual and spiritual movement in our history. Rooted in the experience of American racism, capitalist exploitation, and imperialism,…

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Maryland Gubernatorial Transportation Forum

Get to know the transportation views of leading candidates in the Maryland Democratic Primary for Governor. Join us at the Real News Network Studio and live online to hear from leading gubernatorial candidates about their…

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Cops arrested him for filming an accident scene, but did the police break the law?

The continued arrests of a group of Texas cop watchers is raising serious questions about how the law is applied to citizen journalists. In this episode of the Police Accountability Report, hosts Taya Graham and…

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Joy James on the rise of the Black bourgeoisie

In the 1970s and ‘80s, the image of the Black “welfare queen” was used as a racist scare tactic and a propaganda tool to justify gutting the postwar welfare state, “public good” institutions, and economic…

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Minneapolis educators on strike against austerity

4,500 educators with the Minneapolis Federation of Teachers have been on strike since March 8, demanding smaller class sizes, better pay and benefits, more mental health resources for students, and increased workforce diversity. After working…

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A just transition away from the war economy is possible

Ever since World War II, the US economy has become increasingly reliant on the war industry to provide jobs. It was, in fact, World War II that converted our existing economy into one dependent on…

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Cop arrested a man for not walking on a sidewalk, but he didn’t know anyone would see this video

When a Terre Haute, Indiana, man was arrested for not walking on a sidewalk on a street that doesn’t have one, the Police Accountability Report investigated. We obtained body camera and dashcam video evidence that…

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Howard University faculty call off strike, win tentative agreement

Hundreds of non-tenure-track lecturers and adjunct faculty at Howard University, one of the most storied higher education institutions in the US, have been fighting for nearly four years to negotiate their first union contract with…

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How war in Ukraine is shaping Iran nuclear deal talks

As Russia’s assault on Ukraine grinds on and fears over the deployment of chemical or nuclear weapons grows, Iran nuclear talks are picking up speed down in Vienna. The aim of these negotiations, ostensibly, is…

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Guantánamo Bay is still a humanitarian horror

In January of this year, on the twentieth anniversary of the opening of the notorious military prison at Guantánamo Bay on the eastern tip of Cuba, the United Nations’ top human rights office issued an…

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Stop war in Ukraine, fight like hell for peace

The horrific war in Ukraine is now entering its third week after Russian troops launched a full-scale invasion on Feb. 24. As Ukrainians fight for their lives and the world teeters on the edge of…

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Cops thought no one would see this brutal arrest, then a video surfaced exposing the truth

Another questionable arrest in a small town is raising more concerns about the state of policing in rural America. A man was repeatedly struck by police in Paducah, Texas, during an encounter that was caught…

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From ‘Dead Man Walking’ to abolishing the death penalty

From her world-famous book Dead Man Walking to a life spent educating the public about the inhumanity of the death penalty, the work of activist nun Sister Helen Prejean is known around the globe. What…

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Why Starbucks workers are unionizing around the US

The rank-and-file effort to unionize Starbucks stores around the United States is one of the most head-spinningly historic worker-led movements in our generation. Since the Elmwood Avenue store in Buffalo, New York, made history by…

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LA strippers are fighting for a union

On March 18, dancers working at the Star Garden Topless Dive Bar in North Hollywood, California, presented a petition to the owners of the club “demanding an end to retaliatory firings and bad club policies…

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Conservatives for abolishing the death penalty

Conservatives in America have long argued that the death penalty is a necessary fixture of our legal and carceral system, both as a “crime deterrent” and as a means of serving justice. But more conservatives…

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Exploited Turkish workers hit the streets on May Day

Working people in Turkey are engulfed in a deep economic crisis. Facing an inflation squeeze and huge price hikes, the conditions and rights of workers in Turkey are deteriorating day by day. On May 1,…

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Railroad workers are being ground to dust

TRNN viewers may remember a recent interview we published at the beginning of February in which Editor-in-Chief Maximillian Alvarez spoke with retired railway engineer Jeff Kurtz about a US District Court blocking railroad workers at…

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The Chris Hedges Report: Gerald Horne on the unrelentingly radical life of Paul Robeson

Heroic dissidents are demonized, marginalized, physically and psychologically destroyed, or assassinated by the American ruling class. Before the persecution of Julian Assange, before the FBI assassination of Fred Hampton and Malcolm X, before the murder…

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Illinois Ironworkers LAID OFF after unionizing

On Sept. 7, 2021, after a majority of employees had formally expressed interest in unionizing, workers at G&D Integrated LLC—a transportation, logistics, warehousing, and supply chain services company in Central Illinois—marched on their boss together…

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