Tag: trnn

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Cops arrested him for filming in public, but things took a bizarre turn when the case went to court

The arrest of a Texas cop watcher for filming in public is the most recent chilling example of how law enforcement across the country is attempting to roll back auditors’ First Amendment rights. Jack Miller,…

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They filmed police on their own property, cops used ruthless tactics to stop them

Texas teenager stands up for her right to record the police and her whole family pays the price! Please join journalists Taya Graham and Stephen Janis for this important episode of the Police Accountability Report!…

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The Chris Hedges Report: Moby Dick and the soul of American capitalism

“Moby Dick”, by Herman Melville, is among America’s greatest novels. It is a prescient portrait of the American character and our ultimate fate as a nation and perhaps a species. Melville makes our murderous obsessions,…

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The Chris Hedges Report: Hemingway’s Shadow

The writer Mark Kurlansky, by a series of coincidences, spent his life as a journalist and author in the shadow of Ernest Hemingway, starting with his presence in Idaho on the day Hemingway died. Kurlansky…

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Police crackdown on Istanbul Pride march

The conservative AKP government of Turkey has repeatedly banned all Pride marches since 2014. AKP politicians—including president Recep Tayyip ErdoÄŸan—and pro-government media continue to target and marginalize the LGBTQ community, calling them “perverts” and a…

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A father tried to protect his daughter, then cops attacked him and his dog

The Loveland, Colorado, Police Department has made national headlines for brutality and overreach. But a new case involving the disturbing arrest of an entire family is raising more questions about what local officials are doing—if…

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How America’s broken electoral system made the Jan 6 insurrection possible

America’s electoral system is broken. From partisan gerrymandering and voter suppression to an Electoral College that sidelines the popular vote, it should surprise no one that a majority of Americans don’t believe they live in…

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How Massachusetts nurses waged a 10-month strike

Read the transcript of this video: https://therealnews.com/an-oral-history-of-the-10-month-st-vincent-hospital-strike The COVID-19 pandemic and the corresponding failure at every level of government to prevent its spread dealt a devastating blow to healthcare workers. Nurses, doctors, and other medical…

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How Native organizers won voting access and reached record turnout in 2020

Read the transcript of this video: https://therealnews.com/how-native-organizers-won-voting-access-and-reached-record-turnout-in-2020 Native Americans overcame multiple challenges to turn out in record numbers during the 2020 elections, playing a crucial role in Joe Biden’s victory over Donald Trump. One of…

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How Maryland is preventing prisoners from getting college degrees

UPDATE (7/1/2022): One day after this segment aired, prison authorities announced that they had “reconsidered” their earlier decision, clearing the way for Atiba to earn his degree. Education is one of the few rehabilitative options…

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A cop pulled them over for a minor infraction, then the encounter took a bizarre turn

The story of one Minnesota couple’s ongoing problems with police provides a pointed example of the systematic overpolicing of rural communities across the country. In this episode of the Police Accountability Report, hosts Taya Graham…

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The drug-resistant bacteria crisis no one’s talking about

COVID-19 has wreaked havoc on the world for the past two years, but there’s a potentially deadlier threat creeping across the globe right now that hardly anyone is talking about. According to a recent report…

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Kim Kelly: Workers make history, and so can you

The world is in a bleak state right now, and every day it feels a little more certain that the elite power brokers who control our society are not going to do anything to make…

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Prisons are an environmental catastrophe

Read the transcript of this interview: https://therealnews.com/the-prison-industrial-complex-is-an-environmental-catastrophe “As a result of being on or near wastelands, prisons constantly expose those inside to serious environmental hazards, from tainted water to harmful air pollutants,” Leah Wang recently…

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Georgia’s Latinx community seeks to ‘out-organize’ voter suppression

Georgians went to the polls in record numbers during the May 24 primary ahead of the crucial 2022 midterm elections, despite renewed GOP efforts to suppress the votes of the state’s communities of color. Passed…

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The Chris Hedges Report: How to defeat the billionaire class

Read the transcript of this video: https://therealnews.com/the-chris-hedges-report-how-to-defeat-the-billionaire-class Since being elected to office in 2013, Seattle City Councilmember Kshama Sawant and her socialist party have been locked in a bitter battle against the city’s moneyed elites,…

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Eric King ‘assaulted by guards, assaulted by Nazis’

Eric King is an antifascist, antiracist, anarchist activist who is currently serving a 10-year federal prison sentence for throwing Molotov cocktails into an empty government office in Kansas City, Missouri, in solidarity with the 2014…

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‘F*ck this indifferent, hypocritical, & violent world!’

“There are times when I want to scream out: “F*** this entire indifferent, hypocritical and violent world!’” So writes philosopher George Yancy in a recent piece for Truthout entitled “If the State of the World…

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Mutulu Shakur denied compassionate release despite terminal cancer diagnosis

After 36 years behind bars as a political prisoner, Mutulu Shakur is on his deathbed. The movement elder, healer, and radical Black freedom fighter was diagnosed with stage 3 bone marrow cancer in June of…

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From Haiti to Minneapolis, anti-colonial resistance catches white supremacy by surprise

Resistance is everywhere, but everywhere a surprise, especially when the agents of struggle are the colonized, the enslaved, the wretched of the earth. Anticolonial revolts and slave rebellions have often been described by those in…

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UN Commissioner: ‘Apartheid’ not enough to describe Israeli settler colonialism

Joe Biden’s trip to the Middle East has come and gone. Biden dropped in on Israeli and Palestinian leaders, then flew to Saudi Arabia for the top of his agenda—getting the Saudis to pump more…

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Cops thought they could arrest them for protesting in public, but activists turned the tables

The growing and eclectic brand of activism known as cop watching continues to invent creative ways to confront overpolicing across the country. In this episode, Police Accountability Report hosts Taya Graham and Stephen Janis examine…

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Police used this dangerous restraint during a fatal arrest, so why isn’t anyone talking about it?

Read the transcript of this video: https://therealnews.com/police-used-this-dangerous-restraint-during-a-fatal-arrest-so-why-isnt-anyone-talking-about-it The death of Christopher Robert Hensley in the custody of Fletcher, North Carolina, police is raising new questions about the use of deadly restraint by law enforcement. In…

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The Chris Hedges Report: Breaking the cycle of American violence

American society is the most violent of any nation in the industrialized world. Nothing we do, from administrating the world’s largest prison system to militarizing our police, seems to help. Dr. James Gilligan argues that…

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We don’t need the CIA – The Chris Hedges Report

Chris Hedges and John Kiriakou discuss the CIA, how it has evolved, how it sees its mission, what it does, how it works, and the effects of its clandestine operations around the globe. John Kiriakou…

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NY prisons ban care packages containing food

The prison-industrial complex has many ways of turning the incarceration of human beings into a profitable business model. In New York state, new regulations targeting care packages for prisoners show this logic at work. Friends…

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The Algerian Revolution—60 years later

July 5, 2022, marks the 60th anniversary of Algeria securing its independence from France. Algeria’s revolutionary example inspired activists and freedom fighters around the world, including anti-colonial leaders throughout Africa and Black revolutionaries in the…

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