3rd Party Spoilers: RFK JR. Gains Ballot Momentum, How Candidates Have Impacted Elections

Which party will RFK Jr. take more votes from? The Hill’s Rafael Bernal digs deep into RFK’s third-party run.

What’s America Thinking? is a lively, informative show that leans into why Americans are so fed up with the government and its inability to make their lives better. We’ll focus on the people behind the polls, pocketbook issues, the disconnect between Washington and Main Street – what Americans are REALLY thinking!

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

Author: Rafael Nieves


50 thoughts on “3rd Party Spoilers: RFK JR. Gains Ballot Momentum, How Candidates Have Impacted Elections

  1. He has proposals that appeal to both sides. At first, people thought he would be a major spoiler to to the left, however he was featured on a lot of right wing news sites so siphoned off of their voters. He seems like the most reasonable candidate in this race because both sides get something out of him and he doesn’t use divisive rhetoric

  2. RFK jr is just as much a spoiler as Biden, trump is leading by an average of 2.3 in all of the polling, if Biden were to leave now trump would win, if trump leaves RFK jr would win, and I’ve yet to see anything that suggests Biden could win.

  3. Biden is the spoiler because he can’t win in a two way or a three way race according to the most recent, largest poll that came out a few days after this. There’s one candidate that can beat Trump and it’s Kennedy. He can do that if Biden acknowledges that he is the spoiler and steps aside.

    Alternatively, if Trump is prevented from being on the ballot, then Kennedy wins easily against Biden, and a general election between the two of them.

  4. I'm a student of Abraham Lincoln and the long brewing bedlam (30+ years) leading up to the Civil War; years of an ever widening breach, fed by sectional prides and cultural hates, secessionist threats and demagogues' deceits.
    Sound familiar?
    So, I think it's time to ask ourselves: Does voting for Trump or Biden bring us closer to or take us further away from the impending civil cataclysm?
    Will voting within the Trump/Biden Duopoly end ANY of our nagging, intractable, divisive Issues? Probably Not, because those Very Issues are the devices the duopoly uses to keep us at each other's throats, so we'll never notice their corporate sponsors/donors quietly exercising their Crony Capitalist agenda by continuing to lobby (buy) 😮pols; by further capturing govt regulatory agencies; by adding to the already rampant Chronic Disease Epidemic as Big Food toxifies us and Big Pharma drug-drowns our symptoms; by further consolidating the military-industrial complex and it's steady feed of forever wars, etc.
    Voting in this dubious Republican/Democrat duopoly is destroying our Democratic Republic.
    Lincoln's Republicans were a fledgling party not expected to win against the prolific Democratic Party. But when that Democratic party splintered into two parties, basically North and South, Lincoln won the day with 39.8% of the vote. He was only a one-term congressman until the Lincoln-Douglas debates made him a national beloved figure. I think the same can happen to RFK Jr if we can finagle the duopoly doters to debate him.
    Consider: If you vote the duopoly you get the same old crapopoly.
    So, vote for Bobby for a Lincolnopoly! Ha!

  5. No such thing as a spoiler. Earn your votes or don’t. I won’t vote for B or T under any circumstances. Go ahead and tell me throwing away my vote… rather that than throw away my soul.

  6. These unconditional elections are a result of democracy having us needing what we never wanted. The framework of the Constitution is predicated upon the Communist Republicanism of the early, true Church and of Cicero. As such, being an Elector is an OFFICE rather than the scurrilous franchise which the democracies propagandize about incessantly. Communist households built on Love provide an assurance of survival within those rei privatae which allows the local, interstitial res publica to have a stewardship governance through those delegated to that task. That structure was recursively built to provide the republican form of government for the States which the government of the United States has refused to guarantee for the several States in the Union, in violation of the pivotal Article IV, Section 4.

  7. When RFK Jr. was on Bill Maher's show Real Time on Friday night 4/26, he brought up the point that during Pfizer's vaccine trials, the subjects that received the COVID vaccine had a 23% higher all cause death rate than the unvaccinated group. All cause death rate would include: heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, kidney failure, brain aneurysms, etc. If there was a 23% higher all cause death rate among the vaccinated, wouldn't that be a red flag for the FDA or Pfizer to do more research? Why isn't the media or Trump or Biden addressing this? Is Kennedy the only one who cares about the quality of our public health system and the health of the country? Is our government so captured that our health is an after thought.

  8. Anyone who was a Dem even 5 years ago couldn't call themselves one today, not with any moral or logical consistency. We were never pro censorship or pro endless wars. We were anti-war. We defended freedom of speech. We defended individual liberties. I don't recognize my former party of nearly 40 years. Kennedy24

  9. Repealing the Patriot Act on day one <– NO other candidate is going to do this. Ending the cross-pollination between corporations and the government agencies that are supposed to regulate them. <– they won't do this either. They won't pardon Snowden, and they won't pardon Assange. This is all on day 1 of a Kennedy administration.

  10. You all are so funny, trying to push the idea that "Neither Party expects RFKJ to win"… the breakdown of voting blocks in the US back in 2016 was 42% INDEPENDENT, with Dems at 29% & GOP at 26%. Just think how many ppl have fled the Duopoly since then! RFK's chances are great.😂👍

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