Arizona BANS ALL ABORTIONS, Kari Lake Says ‘I OPPOSE Today’s Ruling’

Briahna Joy Gray and Robby Soave weigh in on the Civil War-Era abortion law brought back in Arizona. #abortion #arizona

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

Author: Rafael Nieves


46 thoughts on “Arizona BANS ALL ABORTIONS, Kari Lake Says ‘I OPPOSE Today’s Ruling’

  1. "Conception"….King David said in Psalm 51 "…I was conceived…"………I…ME….LOL…not "my clump of cells was conceived."

  2. NO! They are FIGHTING against allowing emergency abortions in red states TODAY in SCOTUS. Red states are arguing that abortion care ‘isn’t medically necessary’ whereas the majority of fetal maternal specialists have proven best medical practices for many cases! This guy again doesn’t know what he’s talking about. No one has elective abortions in 8 months.

  3. Kari Lake will do & say virtually anything to get elected. 😂 There's video of her praising the 1800's law & it will be played as nauseum.

    No worries she will just claim the system is rigged again when she loses. These ppl are beyond sore losers.

  4. Arizona, Montana and Florida will be voting blue. You trumpsters really gonna lose on this issue😅😂😊🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

  5. I see this as an overall positive. Abortion should no longer be a federal issue. It should be something you vote on at a state level

  6. “Dumpster fire” 🔥 is every day in America under this administration. And it won’t be better under Trump either if he wins or ANYONE for that matter. BOTH parties & administrations support “hate speech” laws that protect ONE race/ethnicity, religion AND a foreign country we’re not going to be allowed to criticize BY LAW (up until now, you’re “only” threatened with being banned from polite society & every mainstream social media platform).

    It is a clear infringement on the first amendment and will NOT help the group it’s supposed to protect. In fact, this law will make life much worse for them as people RESENT having their speech – and by extension, their THOUGHTS – policed.


  7. Briahna is lying ! Opposing Roe v Wade is not the same as being against this ruling ! It should be left to the states. Now Arizona and it's people will do what they need to do to make it legal in their state. Problem solved.

  8. "No one supports this law"? The state supreme court literally supported the law!
    And the reason why no one is coming out of the woodwork saying that "All abortions should be illegal from the get-go" is because they've been out of the woodworks since 1972

  9. Dobbs proved that there is no "right" that Gray keeps referring to. You might believe in such a "right" in your heart, but unless your state agrees with you, your view will not be upheld in the law.

  10. I feel like there needs to be a direct policy vote on abortion in every single state in 2024, put the question on the ballot so that's its actually up to the votes and not through proxy. Let the people in Arizona directly vote on abortion policy.

  11. Amanda's water broke and she had a miscarriage, and that's why she needed an abortion.

    Sorry, what? Miscarriage means the sudden loss of a pregnancy. You wouldn't need an abortion for that. The fetus is already dead. Removal of a dead fetus is not an abortion.

    A rupture of the amniotic sac can heal. The treatment protocol for preterm, premature rupture of membranes is hospital bed rest. The bed rest part is necessary to not put strain on the healing membrane, and the hospital part is to monitor for signs of infection and treat them immediately.

    At 18 weeks, an abortion would be easily medically justifiable, given that there was significant risk to the life of the mother and that the fetus was still 6 or 8 weeks from viability and unlikely to survive.

    Even in places with blanket abortion bans, like Canada in 1965, there was no question about whether or not you could terminate a doomed pregnancy if the mother's life was at risk. My mother had an ectopic pregnancy removed that very year, no problem.

    Given that the amniotic sac is capable of repairing itself, some parents might decide to try to save the pregnancy. And in the current legal climate, some doctors might be reluctant to terminate if proper medical care could preserve the pregnancy.

    But sending the mother home to fend for herself is NOT proper medical care. It's not any kind of medical care.

    I don't know whether Amanda and her husband opted to try to save the pregnancy. They certainly seemed to want the baby. I really hope they weren't led down a garden path by doctors with an agenda. If there's ONE thing COVID has taught me, it's that doctors DO have agendas, and they WILL violate the Hippocratic oath to serve it.

  12. Bri cooking here, what a “whoopsie” that “no one supports,” except the courts in multiple red states 🤷

  13. I've been sampling this channel to see if I might like to watch it regularly and have observed a relentless deficit of intellect. I see the presenters are not nearly young enough to be interns, but if it were not for the video, I would be convinced that every voice on The Hill, be it guest or host, were juniors at Columbia University.

  14. Kari Lake's opponent iand Biden are getting a billion dollars in free ads…This guy was not honest..Of course he knows what law Kari was talking about..😒😒

  15. Bri, the woman in the ad was upset because she had a miscarriage, not because she couldn't abort her baby! For real Bri, are you that heartless? Even if one believes a woman should be allowed to have an abortion, that is most certainly not anything to jump up and down in joy over! You reallly need to have a come to Jesus moment Bri! Find a boyfriend, get married, and have children!

  16. She’s been getting kind of sharp and snappy lately and honestly she doesn’t know what she’s talking about 60-70% of the time….

  17. France does not have a 14 week abortion ban, it's a limit, after which abortions can still take place if signed off by 2 physicians. Their framework is about HEALH CARE for women not about criminalizing abortions. France just literally enshrined abortion rights into their constitution as the Eiffel Tower lit up with "My Body My Choice".

    And the main reason why France felt compelled to act on this was after watching the chaos the U.S has created for American women's mental and physical health after overturning Roe v Wade. Unlike France, What these red states are seeking is criminalization, which puts women's lives at risk. Like the woman shown in the video who's doctors had her almost die twice because they weren't sure enough if approving an abortion would result on them being legally liable. So for Robby to bring up countries like France and others as examples is not an honest comparison. The U.S is actively seeking to put women and doctors in jail for getting or facilitating an abortion.

  18. Brie is delusional. Wow. The 160 year law, oh my god how horrible. Almost as bad as the 200 plus law for freedom of speech. If you don't like it change it, States are not subservients of the Federal government.

  19. Brie is ridiculous. States have legislators too. They can choose too and change law. The Supreme Court just said something you did not like. Progressives want higher power to overrule everyone else, the Federal Government over States and the UN over the U.S.

  20. Then when the table turns Democrats do nothing but just wait gives time the GOP for the opportunity to choose another judge.
    Haven't you cheated enough?

  21. That clip from a COMPAINGN AD that Brie offered as an example of the negative fallout of the overturning of Roe v Wade is about incompetent doctors. Standard medical care is not necessarily an abortion. However, after a miscarriage, standard medical care is to provide services and procedures to prevent infection. To protect the health of the mother. Also, did she want the baby or did she want an abortion. Seems like the lady actually wanted the baby… so…

  22. leads to paradise RUS ENGL HINDUISM BIBLE TANAH – they say clearly about Muhammad see on YouTube the name Muhammad is written in Hebrew in the Tanakh – songs of Solomon 5 – daughters of Jerusalem I love Muhamedim ( respect Muhamed)etc . In HINDUISM, THERE are 40 PLACES ABOUT MUHAMMAD

    Ibn 'Abbas- …." He will enter Paradise and see a thousand servants ruling millions of cities.========

  23. Just can not stand the nail spitting, name calling tone that Bri flips into …in a split second the moment somebody (Robby) challenges her . Her ‘ mom voice’
    “ RObby….blab blah blah”…..nails on a chalk board….pretty sure if the neighbor kids
    from next door hear her…..they immediately go brush their teeth and go out the door to school….
    I try….I try to tolerate her but I just can not

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