BIDEN BASE CRUMBLING? Poll shows MAJOR SHIFT right, DEMS SCRAMBLE, can TRUMP woo Blacks & Hispanics?

Democrats and Republicans are vying for the support of Black voters in November. This week on What’s America Thinking, host Julia Manchester drives deep into the impact Black voters have on the 2024 election. Here to break it all down is Antjuan Seawright, founder and CEO of Blueprint Strategy, and Deana Bass Williams, co-founder of Bass Public Affairs. Plus, hear The Hill’s Cheyanne M. Daniels recap her recent event in partnership with Howard University on the power of women in politics.

What’s America Thinking? is a lively, informative show that leans into why Americans are so fed up with the government and its inability to make their lives better. We’ll focus on the people behind the polls, pocketbook issues, the disconnect between Washington and Main Street – what Americans are REALLY thinking!

Make sure to subscribe and join Julia every week as she discusses hot-button issues and hears what America is thinking.

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

Author: Rafael Nieves


25 thoughts on “BIDEN BASE CRUMBLING? Poll shows MAJOR SHIFT right, DEMS SCRAMBLE, can TRUMP woo Blacks & Hispanics?

  1. That Black man is just talking superficial BS that the everyday Black person doesn't think about. Paying bills, buying groceries, and putting gas in their car, not superficial BS, is more important.

  2. God. Black America… let me ask you a question. Is this who you have to speak for you? Another shill and Obama knockoff and someone that fumbles every sentence? These people seem to just be reading a script.

  3. How does purposely putting a certain racial group into certain places good for anyone besides singular black individuals? It's honestly weird how you can think having a race in certain places is some kind of great accomplishment for the Black community

  4. Trump has the police unions support, the auto unions support, 26% black support, 46% Hispanic support, 51% young voter support, independents are leaning Trump. Trump is leading in 6 out of 7 swing states and many electoral maps show him with the lead.

  5. Trump has done more for Black people dating back to the late 70s I'm sure Al Sharp Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, Urban League, and the NAACP can tell you Trump has done more for Blacks but I guess since they are not in Trump's pockets anymore it's all good now…smh

  6. Black Americans got kicked to the curb and replaced by illegals. Why would a black person give Dems their vote? You may have not liked 45 however blacks were doing much better under his presidency.

    Now the Dems have found millions of dollars for illegals but nothing for blacks. Look at what's going on in New York and Chicago.

    Black citizens of this United States of America be careful of not voting in the same poverty you've gone through in the past 3 and a half years.

  7. Its simple. Vote for Trump who will support this country and clean up the government or vote for the same we have now or worse.Kennedy will only play catch up for his 1st term. Not much will be done.( not that he wouldnt try to pull us out of our hole but he couldnt). We know where Trump stands.FOR THE PEOPLE❤. Comments frm Trump is true. This guy is a complainer and many blks would dissagree.This guy is just a lefty lier.

  8. I am a Black Man and feel this black man on the panel is Full of it. The current administration has absolutely destroyed this country! And there is something wrong with this dude if he can not see it & admit it. This is not a black & white issue. Biden's administration is killing our entire country. Trump 2024.

  9. This is ridiculous! Americans are every race, creed, and color. The kids you interviewed said nothing of significance!
    People are simply fed up by being led by a demented puppet! Ridiculous and not helpful to me.

  10. The average American, regardless of color, would prefer to get along with each other. Democrats and liberal extremists seem to be fostering more division today, than Republicans.

  11. Uh Biden is not middle class and he certainly has not done anything to help Americans, the only ones he helped are illegals and that is only to build his voter base . I am surprised how poorly informed the liberals have become. If there was ever a man close to being a dictator it is Joe Biden .

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