Biden & Trump HEAD TO THE BORDER for DUELING Visits: Rising Reacts

Briahna Joy Gray and Robby Soave discuss President Biden and Donald Trump’s dueling trips to the southern border. #border #migrantcrisis

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

Author: Rafael Nieves


47 thoughts on “Biden & Trump HEAD TO THE BORDER for DUELING Visits: Rising Reacts

  1. This is the first time that it markedly feels like our government isn't on our side. They are not hiding it anymore and that's pretty much both sides. That's why people want to vote for Trump. There doesn't need to be another Bill Bri. Those Bill's are packed with money going to other countries. Biden just needs to let boarder states enforce the law. Biden was ready to start Civil War 2.0 for illegals. That's insane.

  2. Listening to Trump and Biden makes it clear that Biden acts and speaks like a president and Trump acts and speaks as a lunatic!

  3. Remember when Republicans use to oppose Executive Orders? Now they’re calling for Biden to use Executive Orders instead of going through Congress? Pathetic.

  4. Wow, kinda surprised that Bri didn't get on her high horse a start going after the guest. Albeit the segment was under 9min, so she didn't have much time to get into with them either.

  5. Trump did say that at the end of his administration Venezuela was on its knees ready to collapse so we could take their oil. He and Peloisi worked to impose Yankee puppet Clown Guiado. I’m sure this had nothing to do with the crisis going on right now.

  6. Didn’t he already do this when RFK went last year? I might be imagining that, but it didn’t work at all back then so idk how it would help now

  7. Dems know they already lost on the border issue. They're just gonna keep crying "Buh Buh Buh the Bipartisan Border Bill!" until November.

  8. I remember when Biden really wanted to get everyone vaccinated, he said he would implement rules he knew would get struck down in the court. He isn't showing the same passion around the border.

  9. This guy is lying through his teeth. Federal judges killed title 42 and Remain in Mexico because they found it unconstitutional and said it required congressional action. Biden has deported more people and had less unaccounted migration than Trump. Trump never built any new border wall and Mexico didn’t pay for it. AMLO rejected Trump’s policy. Georgia isn’t a sanctuary state. We need laws to shift resources and fund asylum courts.

  10. If you already have power to secure the border why do you need a bill to secure it especially if that bill is coupled with things you know aren't going to get full bipartisan support. it would be different if Biden put together a bill that actually was bipartisan

  11. Bri just never misses an opportunity to deceptivelyclaim the foreign aid bill had border security provisions that the GOP asked for or that American citizens wanted. It was a trafficking fast track, nothing more. It in no way would mitigate the deluge of illegals.

  12. It’s amazing the effect poll numbers have in getting a politician or candidate off his or her thumb to address a national emergency even after 3 years

  13. Maybe Joe will wander over to the other side of the border, and Mexican authorities will arrest him for illegally crossing into their country. Americans can only hope.

  14. Bri goes from "there's not really a problem at the border and these peoples lives are in danger" to "There's a border problem and the only solution is the progressive one" without any inbetween

  15. She said half the fentanyl comes from China. It's way more than half. 90% of fentanyl that enters the US comes from China. We shouldn't downplay that.

  16. Let's not forget that Biden ran on open borders and a surge of illegal immigration. And when that back fired he sent Kamala south to say "don't come." Democrats only policy is to do the exact opposite of what Trump does.

  17. I believe the bi partisan boarder bill makes it an impeachable offense for a president to block Ukraine aide, can anyone verify this?

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