Could Pro-Palestine Protesters HELP REELECT Trump? Professor Weighs In

Fordham professor Mark Naison recounts the history of the university’s Hamilton Hall being the site of past student takeovers. #columbia #studentprotest Originally produced April 30, 2024.

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Author: Rafael Nieves


34 thoughts on “Could Pro-Palestine Protesters HELP REELECT Trump? Professor Weighs In

  1. What is new is that both sides of these protests now are that they are both pro-war, not anti-war. These campus pro-war protests are a disgrace to the memory of the anti-war protests of the 60s and 70s.

  2. This professor needs to understand that they need wp to vote for them and fight for their causes. Many i know, who used to fight for "minority causes," refuse to help anymore. Because progressives have made wm the enemies. They lable people like me as oppressors. So, as a wm, why would i vote for a party who hates us?

  3. So when Trump gets elected, will the students riot like during the BLM protests? 🤔 (because that will the brilliantly funny)

  4. They said Trump can press button and start WW3. What is Genocide Joe doing?
    How can they still say Trump is worse? Have we not seen him and now Genocide Joe?
    Incompetent Joe.

  5. 9 million reasoning being has arrived since senile joe was appointed, ah Leader of The free world. Most corrupt? or just average corrupt.

  6. Who cares either side that wins we all lose . I’m suppose to pretend Steve is better than Stevie?I can’t believe these are the voices we have, if you can even call what we have a choice it’s obscene.

  7. I cannot and will not vote for Joe Biden. I'm a liberal progressive. I voted for Biden. Never again. We don't live in a Republic so what are we protecting exactly?


  8. idk i’m voting kennedy cause he’s the only pro-peace candidate with a chance. sure he ain’t perfect but he’s the best we have. he’s actually willing to have a discussion and change his mind. palestine is sad and i follow many palestinian outlets but still im not gonna vote based on another country when we got SOOO many issues ourselves.

  9. I’ve got some bad news for ya. Our next president will not be able to defend this nation from self destruction.
    The US had a good run, but all good things must come to an end.

  10. Biden knows all he has to do is simply criticize Israel for a couple of weeks (which with come soon enough) & progressives will forget about the death, fall in line & vote for him again

  11. The problem I have is the idea that these protests are creating division between people as opposed to speaking in a measured voice with a pulpit that all people can see, and hear rather than this cacophony of noise, and visuals that just breed more division. My family are Orthodox Jews, I remain secular. I would like to see debates among different factions . No one knows what the ideology of people coming into this country through the southern border. I don’t believe these protests are as organic as one might believe . Today is May 5, 2024 . I’ll commence with the idea that this is merely informed on the subject conjecture on my part. If there are the degree of outside agitators as I believe there are, I would find it very suspect if there was not some catastrophic event waiting in the wings prior to the November election process. We have over ten million people that have crossed the border. Our government releases numbers of whom may have crossed legally, and are in line for citizenship. It’s a very small number opposed to how many people have entered the country illegally or slapped through the cracks as it were . It’s been estimated that there are more undocumented immigrants in America than the combined populations of ten of our smaller – by population – states . If this is some cynical ploy by the Biden Democrats to lift Biden in the polls it’s both immoral, highly unethical , and I’m certainly illegal. I’m neither a Biden nor Trump supporter. I don’t believe in Americans tax dollars funding foreign proxy wars ,of which are over a hundred great, and small.
    I repeat. I believe there are things going on behind the protests movements that by, and large are college age children ie. Gen Z. I would hate to see these kids manipulated to the degree that this becomes an overwhelming conflict here on the soil of America because our MSM on all sides are dividing people with fear, and hate . We can’t have this. If,and when there is an uprising of a violent magnitude towards America we will not have the unity we had at the hours of 9/11 . We would be facing a civil war. Only the professional war mongers would know whom THEIR adversaries are. Let that sink in …

  12. Let's have some Democrat debates so we can decide who is getting Trump elected or not… oh wait, there will be no Democrat debates because Biden has been appointed as the candidate just as it happens in a dictatorship. It's time to stop blaming everyone except the Democrats for what's about to happen. It's the Democrats' fault Trump will win the next election.

  13. PLOT TWIST! What if it turns out MAGA secretly funding the student PATRIOTS in an effort to STOP US TAX PAYER DOLLARS from going to a FOREIGN NATION???

  14. These days, imo, it might be easier for demonstrations to grow out of control than it was in 1968 due to social media, but mostly due to the outsider influence fueling and supporting the demonstrations. Also, President Biden surely must have the advantage of FBI information about how many and what kind of demonstrations and how far they might go to help him make the decision if and when to make a statement, and what to be sure to say.

  15. By the time that the majority of US public opinion shifts to favor the Palestinians, they will already have been rendered permanently impotent by Israel. The only alternative to Biden's foreign policy is that of Trump – history has already shown us that which a Trump administration will do on behalf of Israel. I would not at all be surprised to see the temple mount seized by Israel along with the Dome of the Rock if Trump is re-elected in 24.

  16. How long will it take for Columbia to reinvest in the etfs that don't have the weapoms manufacturers that send weapons to Israel? Days, weeks, months? I'm sure it would take a while to audit every thing they pay for to see if it has ties to an Israeli company. So I expect to see the occupiers in that building for the long hall.

  17. There’s a man who speaks from experience and, despite being a protestor, became a professor, so not such a big impact on future careers, eh Robbie.

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