DAMNING REPORT: UK Health Agency FAILS Children Suffering With GENDER Dysphoria

Jessica Burbank and Amber Duke react to a new report on gender-affirming care. #Transgender #gender

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Author: Rafael Nieves


44 thoughts on “DAMNING REPORT: UK Health Agency FAILS Children Suffering With GENDER Dysphoria

  1. You cannot have a double blind study.
    You give one group hormones. Their body changes. They experience euphoria as they like their new appearance. You give the control sugarpill (placebo). Their bodies remain the same. They keep experiencing dysphoria.
    You cannot have a double-blind study of medications that has an extremely noticeable effect.

    And I'm very suspicious of the detransirion rate she mentioned. 85%. I'd like to look at that study, and look at what people write as reasons. Family and environment being hostile is something to take note of.

    And no. More often than not. Trans people say they knew early on that there was something going on.

    And why does it feel like she thinks autism is a brain disorder? A mental illness? Autism just means one is different. And the fact that trans people have a higher statistic of being autistic, just means there's a corelation, NOT a causation.

  2. This whole trans thing bandwagon is going to backfire. The children who transition at a young age are going to realize that they were pushed into the wrong decision. If I was a parent I would wait till my kid is 16.

  3. People like Jess is exactly why the Cass report was necessary. Children cannot consent and it is abhorrent that trans activists have informed the medical profession rather than proper research. Glad she got great pushback.

  4. Jess, the studies done in Norway, Sweden, and Finland came to the same conclusion as the Tavistock study in the UK: the harms of "gender affirming care" greatly outweigh any purported benefits.

  5. “Medication is binary, but gender expressions are often not”—the Hilary Cass. science should not be an ideology based pastime to promote political status or agency. gender transition ignores the medical primacy of informed consent of minors.

  6. What is Jessica talking about… It's an official report by the NHS (national health services of Britian). Because she doesn't like the outcome, she asks "is this person transphobic?" Shocker

  7. There are NOT a great many studies about health outcomes for transitioning. This is pretty well known actually. Jessica would know this if she was a serious journalist and not just being blindly partisan.

  8. Well, I guess as a culture we had our 15 minutes of letting go, opening our arms out and throwing ourselves off a cliff . It WAS obvious to anyone that it HAD TO BE A CULTURAL ARTIFACT. People should realize that cultural artifacts like The Beatles, The Emo's and so on have a limited duration span. Another Flower Revolution which has reached it's end. Now let's all fully realize the depth of cognitive dissonance, teenage histrionics and hypocrisy that AN ENTIRE CULTURE can succumb to. Same fervor as the witches of Salem. Maybe we need to pull away from carnality and back into guiding principles. A stink of salaciousness prevailed throughout.

  9. Amy person who's had hormonal issues can tell you how awful it is, then they want to completely reverse hormones? Plus, they honestly think suicidality can be fixed by medicine and surgeries!?

  10. Study conducted in the UK – but the same blind "care" for gender issues across the world has failed by the same measures.
    At least Europe is starting to wake up – North Americal and Australia are trailing behind, with countless children continuing to be harmed.

    Burbank is insane. Comparing experimental cancer treatments when someone is facing certain death, to unsupported experimental surgeries and treatments in children. Give your head a shake lady. Children are put on puberty blockers as young as 10 and move on to hormones as early at 14. These are children making decisions that are permanent and life altering.
    The studies she references are old and do no look at long-term, you have to look at more recent studies for that, and the recent studies show how damaging they are. Burbank talks about bias, but is the one relying on outdated and old studies, likely that were bias from the start when pharmaceutical companies are making all the money on these treatments – where have we seen studies like that before?

  11. I work as a contracts lawyer for clinical trials. Does she realize how long it takes to even get to the point of getting an actual Person to take an experimental drug? Years. Does she know all the rights they waive if they are injured or have side effects from the drug? People go on these trials because they are desperate and feel they have no other choice. If there are alternatives, you take them. If kids have the option of holistic care, then they should have holistic care. If they turn 18 and THEN want to take the drugs and have the surgeries….then have at it! But surgeries and drugs with side effects that could possibly impact them years from now, should be a last resort, or at least only an option when they are 18+.

  12. Jessica should have done research into Hilary Cass. Actually read the Cass report and look into why it was commissioned. Her statements and assumptions just make her sound like an idiot.
    Dont assume do some bloody research!

  13. it's supposed to take a holistic approach to why kids have a problem with their healthy sexed body not their "gender identity". there's nothing opinionated about the report. they assessed the studies available and found them to be insufficient. there will still be transition taking place but the service will work on addressing all of the children's issues first and not just affirm blindly. these aren't just light inconsequential things to play around with but hormones that can mess up a child's endocrine syste, and puberty blockers can lead to the underdevelopment of bones and the brain. puberty is essential for a healthy future. i can't believe how bought so many institutions and organizations are. there's a reason why hypercapitalist places like the US still allows all of this insanity to take place meanwhile europe is pushing back

  14. Experimental cancer treatments are not usually trotted out on children. Experimental cancer treatments are only used on people in imminent risk of death and have tried all other options. That is not the case with these gender affirming surgeries. Gender dysphoria was treated with therapy, in many cases for years, before the psych doc signed off that you are in the right mind to have gender reassignment surgery. It was also restricted to adults. You know, people that have reached the legal age that they can engage in such decisions. Big difference between the two things being discussed.

  15. It’s even worse in the US! The Western World has been performing medical and pharmaceutical experiments on minors. The U.K. and many other European countries have called a halt to it. America, Australia and Canada are the only ones still sterilising children.

  16. Did Jessica actually compare not requiring stringent long-term studies of the meds given to dying cancer patients to the fact we don't require proof that these "gender affirming" treatments work to help children? She is deep in the ideology here. Time for some critical thinking, Jessica.

  17. Is Jessica Burbank a doctor because Hilary Cass is. Your guest is prime evidence of the vast abyss between UK and American culture and politics. By the way, can we have a language back please? Has she read the WPATH files or the Hannah Barnes book? Huge credit to the presenter.

  18. Reminder Jessica Burbank has no scientific or medical qualifications to be able to interpret the 381 page report done by a team of clinicians which took 3 years.

    Dr Cass was appointed to chair the Independent Review of Gender Identity Services after an accomplished career in children’s health. She was awarded an OBE for her services in 2015.

    Between 2012 and 2015, Dr Cass was president of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, and from 2017 to 2020, she was chair of the British Academy of Childhood Disability.

    Now retired from clinical practice, she worked for a number of years as a doctor and consultant at one of London’s most prestigious public hospitals, St Thomas’ Hospital.

    For over 15 years, Dr Cass also worked in paediatric disability at Great Ormond Street Hospital.

    Throughout her career, Dr Cass showed a keen interest in working with children with a variety of special needs, such as those on the autistic spectrum, those with epilepsy, and those with visual impairments and multiple disabilities.

    Where is the evidence the report is bias and based on opinions?

  19. What I find remarkable as a Brit is, Americans on the left often hold up healthcare systems like the NHS as well as the Finnish and Swedish models as examples to which the US should aspire to that are more trustworthy and reliable than the American model. And yet, on this single issue, they believe the total opposite and suddenly these progressive socialised healthcare systems are "transphobic" and the US system that is driven entirely by profit is the trustworthy one. Just on this one issue.

  20. "I just don't see this report changing much, it read as something that was extremely opinionated…", and then she goes on to express her opinions. Jessica definitely markets herself as "Look, she's hot, she must be smart, right?"

  21. If a child cannot lawfully receive a tattoo before 18, it’s ludicrous to allow them to change their gender rendering them sterile for life. The adults have failed an entire generation of children with gender dysphoria

  22. Hi Jessica, the Cass report was based on facts. It's a pleasant change from the lunacy you're spouting. Who exactly are you to dismiss a report from a very experienced doctor in the field. You are the problem.

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