Embryos Deserve Legal Protection as MINORS, AL Supreme Court Rules; CHRISTIAN NATIONALISM?: Rising

Amber Duke and Jessica Burbank discuss the legal rights of embryos.

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Author: Rafael Nieves


29 thoughts on “Embryos Deserve Legal Protection as MINORS, AL Supreme Court Rules; CHRISTIAN NATIONALISM?: Rising

  1. "Why do we support the separation of church and state as social-justice Christians?

    It's because Jesus teaches us to love our neighbors — and coercion is the opposite of love. Like Jesus, we must never use the law to force people to follow our faith. Put another way: There's no such thing as a "Christian nation," and religion should not be part of our public schools.

    Yet in Nebraska right now, right-wing politicians are pushing a slew of Christian-nationalist bills that would use public schools to advance conservative religion. This legislative package would:

    • Change school funding to send taxpayer money to private, religious schools — which are not held to the same non-discrimination standards as public schools

    • Give public school students credit for attending religious classes

    • Make it easier for groups like Moms for Liberty to push book bans, which we have seen disproportionately target books by LGBTQ authors and writers of color

    We know that Christian-nationalist pastors and activists will be putting pressure on Nebraska politicians to pass these bills. We need to show officials that there are even more Christians in a nationwide movement who believe in the separation of church and state — because keeping them separate protects both.

    You might be wondering… why get involved in Nebraska?

    We've seen bills like this introduced in states across the country. Nebraska is special because:

    1) The chamber is nonpartisan, so state senators do not caucus with a party. It relies much more on personal connections between senators to get legislation passed.

    2) Nationwide pressure makes headlines, which helps galvanize and support further local action.

    3) It has a unicameral legislature.

    Thank you for everything you do to love your neighbor.

    In peace,

    – Karli, Rev. Nathan, and the Faithful America team

    "Then he said to them, 'Give therefore to the emperor the things that are the emperor's, and to God the things that are God's.'" – Matthew 22:21"

  2. @13:46 Hack Burbank said Illhan omar was fact checked about her statements about Somalia and "That is not what she said" This is FALSE, it was fact check and proven that is EXACTLY what she said. GET BURBANK OFF THIS SHOW…. SHE IS A LIAR!!!!!!

  3. Jessica doesn't seem to care about little kids getting mutilated by atheist,but really bothered by God loving people to protect them,that's disappointing Harvard graduates.

  4. Hogwash, Jefferson was worried about religion dominating government. He saw what happened in Europe when religion played such a huge role in the government. War after war to defeat the "wrong" beliefs.

  5. Ephesians 6:12

    For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

  6. Eye rollingly pathetic excuse by the Supreme Court to impose their own religious convictions on the general population. The fertility clinic was negligent and that is for sure but them then saying embryos have the same rights as minors is a step too far. They are then pretending like this will not be used to unfairly penalize IVF clinics for mistakes that can happen even when all precautions are taken is laughable.

  7. A chicken egg unfertilized is just an egg you can eat for breakfast. A fertilized chicken egg is an unhatched chick. How is this rocket science?

  8. Her comment on Illhan Omar are incorrect, it's been debunked as poor translation so this woman used that reference in bad faith. She claimed it in such a way that she could pretend insurance if called out on it. Incredibly smug and disingenuous guest- but then again you can't expect moral fortitude from anyone from the heritage foundation

  9. When it's about religion, people are devided on just that. So why not make it about psychology and how it's better for our well being to live by certain moralities. Which is actually true.
    Bella L

  10. The 2 conservative females did a good job pointing out the duplicity. Christians are absolutely publicly chastised, while other religions are left alone. Jews have their own unique fight, but their religious convictions, as it applies to politics, doesn't seem to be under the same kind of open scrutiny, unless you consider Israel apart of the United States.

  11. Will mothers be force vaccinated to protect her minor child? with every new untested emergency poison they come up with?

  12. 🦆 Nationalism is an ideology and movement that promotes the interests of a particular nation (as in a group of people) especially with the aim of gaining and maintaining the nation's sovereignty (self-governance) over its homeland. Nationalism holds that each nation should govern itself, free from outside interference

  13. Maybe it is not up to us, we will make the decision based on our own bias, maybe we just dont abort if we are not sure, thatway know one is wrong. I know its " my body, my choice "(except for vaccines) but remember who gave you a body to choose with!!!!

  14. The Law is meant to coincide with natural law. The further we get from the way our bodies were made to function, the more complicated the laws get.

    We don't suffer from problems anymore, we suffer from solutions.

    It's as if people don't understand how babies are made. There are preconditions for birth that shouldn't be ignored, especially when they're willingly performed by the"victims". The outcome of exacting "justice" for these "victims" involves murdering a helpless little human because of the carelessness/selfishness of adult intellectual infants.

  15. Just in case lgbtgdq is genetic I'm against IVF nowadays…. If you don't live a reproductive lifestyle you shouldn't be allowed to reproduce … I was okay with it when it was just heterosexual women doing it…. Lifestyle choices should yield the proper results.

  16. Sorry Jessica, but the separation of church & state concept references the general idea that no cabal, corporation, conglomerate nor congregation should have the same rights as any individual, under the framework of our republic. All of us use a moral compass to inform our beliefs, because science offers only so much information & is without nuance. Please, stop the self righteous bs silly atheist.

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