Glenn Greenwald, Alex Jones, and Destiny OH MY. Was J6 Really a COUP?!

Briahna Joy Gray and Robby Soave discuss a recent online political debate on Jan. 6. #Jan6 #capitolhill
Originally aired Jan. 24, 2024;

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Author: Rafael Nieves


33 thoughts on “Glenn Greenwald, Alex Jones, and Destiny OH MY. Was J6 Really a COUP?!

  1. 'Fake slate of electors'is such garbage. Were the electors not real people? They were a slate of ALTERNATE electors. In Hawaii in 1960, Democrats designated an alternate slate of electors while recounts were being done and at the time, Richard Nixon was ahead. I guarantee this is the precedent Trump was following

  2. First, it's disappointing reading this comment section, as usual. Most seem to lack the comprehension skills to at least acknowledge what was literally said, as usual. The discussion shifted away from the January 6, Capitol Hill incident pretty early on. So while I agree with much of the sentiment (in the comments), I would phrase it differently…you know, as if I was actually listening and have a functioning brain.

    If the language being used to attempt to disqualify Trump is "insurrection" (aprox 5:35), then Briahna's enforcement of limiting the debate to the word "coup" is the true "sleight of hand" (aprox 6:25). Furthermore, even her points about the coup require so many unproven assumptions and "grains of salt" (aprox 9:47), it's embarrassing to watch someone standing her ground while sinking in quicksand.

    In other words, "Tag me in, Robby. You debate like you're scared of girls."

  3. So you're telling me i can not pay taxes(which i legitimately dont think i should pay) & as long as a i "believe " it i wont get in trouble?

  4. Post election action point to soft coup… not by trump… by the biden military faction. Accuse you enemy of what you are doing. Also post coup tactics

  5. NO ONE SHOULD ENGAGE WITH DESTINY! He regurgitates AI and algorithmic answers to positions he simply agrees with and spews them in a black and white manner as if his position has a no reasonable opposite or at the very least no reasonable contrariety. Please stop platforming this pathetic aging gamer whose background is in verbally 't-bagging' children in live gaming events.

  6. Destiny is INCREDIBLY annoying! He just likes to 'play' debate. He is the epitome of the sophists in Greek thought challenged by Socrates. Destiny is a POS. He is more interested in 'gotchas' than truth. He could just as easily taken Glenn perspective and face palmed and childishly screamed into his mic and everyone would say he is right because he shouts better and twists words better. He is a joke. The question of this as an insurrection is CLEARLY questionable and to suggest it OBVIOUSLY isn't is absurd.

  7. Brianwash Bri ignores videos of dems ballot box stuffing mail-ins @ 3am, and dem judges denied appeals of counts in 60+ courts

  8. This was not an insurrection it was a riot caused by people being shot in the face and encouraging people to enter the capitol. Trump followed the process to dispute the election. There wete problems with the elections there were 150,000 alledged mail in ballots that were not folded and were filled out by computer.
    There were election laws illegally changed. How about the attempts to illegally remove Trump with the bogas steele dosier that could be seen as a coup maybe all that participated in the Russia collusion coup should be prosecuted.

  9. At this point with all the fraudulent copied mail in ballots, votes of deceased people from before 2020, machine vote adjudications, copy and pasted signature verifications, and votermachine dysfunctional algorithm counts, many years later and as confirmed by many court cases, it seems the real soft coup was a variety of election fraud at the county level in many counties. It is of a significant difference and not just some slight fraud.

  10. It is in truth a representative repubiic not a democracy,which is obviously what you push and believe.Concerning all the other,all the players, you included It's theater, a waste of time.

  11. Coup? Get serious. Please don't embarrass your business by providing a microphone for any host so prime time unfit as this woman.

  12. J6 was a Reichstag Fire Event Orchestrated by the Establishment and Biden Administration. This is proven by the fact General Miley had conspired against Trump and then Democrat States sent their state armies to seize the nations capital and questioned the troops loyalties based on their voter status. Since then the government and media has been targeting all of it dissenters, journalists, and political opposition like an authoritarian regime. Now they are removing their political opposition from ballots and re-election to create a despotic one party system.

  13. Of course, there was a coup brought on by the deep state fortified by the FBI and democratic party. That’s the criminals right there.😊

  14. Isn't it a coup that our intelligence agencies registered millions of people who don't vote and cast ballots for Joe Biden with them? Seems like a "soft coup" anyway.

  15. Dead democrat voters, 2 state votors, desroyed voters ballors, barring voters from buildings, multiple ballots at drop boxes multiple times, erased machines, thousands of ballots with a check mark only for biden and no other positions, late night tallies, over 100 percent of population voting in a precinct, impeachment after impeachment, constant media smearing? What do you think?

  16. Entire comment section is coping hard… Glen got dragged in this debate. Destiny repeatedly nailed him down and all Glen could do was try and mischaracterize his positions…

    anyone who actually watched the entire debate would know this.

  17. Sorry Bri but most people don't believe that January 6th or anything that Trump did while president amounted to a coup or an insurrection. She's just arguing for arguments sake, it's the default setting of 95% of leftists. And then she projects her mental gymnastics on to Robbie. Actually almost impressive.

  18. President Trump left on January 20, so don’t say he wants to hang on to power. Before that, he had the right to contest the election result because Election hearings in 5 swing states showed massive irregularities & Trump won 18 of the 19 Bellweather counties, which was previously accurate in predicting who would win an election. Trump’s assertion was legitimate because there were objective irregularities that should have been investigated for at least 10 days before certifying the election result. Certification means you vouch the election results were accurate. How could you vouch that, if there was a contest? It’s not a delusion! The whole nation was given the chance to see the election hearings. The matter should have been sent to the State Legislatures, which, according to the Constitution , have the sole power to make decisions concerning presidential elections. The court system refused to see Trump’s evidences. No one should claim there were no evidences of fraud. His supporters did not believe Biden is legitimate. Don’t tell us to stop because you guys are not stopping either. We’re only defending Trump because of many obvious reasons. If any court agreed to see Trump’s evidences & it failed to show evidences of fraud, everybody could have moved on. You guys are not moving on even though you established your beliefs without allowing Trump to prove or disprove election fraud. Who is the wrong one here?

    Refusal to certify Florida is different from Republicans asking for the return of the issue to the State Legislatures for the 5 swing states. There were too much evidences of irregularities in the 2020 Presidential election collaborated by Mike Lindell’s absolute proof, Maria Zack’s signed affidavit from Italy stating that Italy transferred votes from Trump to Biden using satellite, & the 2000 mules.

  19. The only coup attempt began as a “soft coup” in 2016 when Donald Trump was elected President:
    “…the Justice Department Inspector General found that the Federal Bureau of Investigation made “fundamental errors” and persistently deceived a secret court to authorize surveilling a 2016 Trump presidential campaign official.” – USA Today

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