Journalist Steve Baker ARRESTED, Conservatives Say Jan 6 Coverage Made Him FBI TARGET

Briahna Joy Gray and Robby Soave react to the arrest of libertarian reporter Steve Baker in connection with Jan. 6. #j6 #insurrection

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Author: Rafael Nieves


49 thoughts on “Journalist Steve Baker ARRESTED, Conservatives Say Jan 6 Coverage Made Him FBI TARGET

  1. Out of a sense of fairness, the DOJ should also go after other journalists that were present at the capital, even those who our on the liberal side of the political spectrum. If they go after conservatives, and non-well known journalists then there needs to be criminal charges against members of the DOJ. If not, then Biden needs to be impeached and a RICO act needs to be applied to his administration; otherwise, a real insurrection may occur because of the gross violations of the constitution.

  2. It's all about your political leanings. Joe Biden and his administration are the exact nightmare of democracy they thought President Trump was going to be. What world are we currently living in? I couldn't recall any journalists who were ever molested for their covering the summer riots of BLM whose destruction was exponential compared to anything on January 6th.

  3. I’m pretty sure that YouTube has an algorithm that can tell you when most people stop watching your videos, if you look at that, you’ll know the interest is dropping dramatically when she talks.

  4. The fact he wasn't arrested until 3 years after the event tells me it's more about his commentary than anything he did on Jan. 6th.

  5. When this first came out there was a black reporter who was filming going into the capital with other people he was encouraging people to go into the capital that lady was shot by Capitol police in his video there is a staircase down on the next landing was a gentleman changing his clothes they arrested him and dropped all charges against him I had the video saved on my computer to favorites about a month later I went to view that video and it was gone go figure

  6. I can’t listen to Bri talk about Jan 6 when BLM rioters went unpunished. No more evidence is needed to show political bias where the law is concerned.

  7. Here's what Microsoft AI Copilot had to say about the allegedly fatal overdoes of Adderall that Roseanne Boyland took on Jan 6: "Roseanne Boyland, one of the individuals who tragically lost her life during the events at the Capitol on January 6, died from accidental “acute amphetamine intoxication” according to the D.C. Medical Examiner’s Office 1. This means that she had an overdose of amphetamines. Now, let’s delve into the specifics. Fatal Adderall overdoses are rare, and it’s estimated that Boyland would have needed to ingest roughly 25 times her standard dose to die from it Adderall is a prescription medication commonly used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy. However, when taken in excessive amounts, it can have serious consequences." Such a massive overdose of her daily medication couldn't have been accidental as the medical examiner claimed.

  8. When are the mainstream left wing reporters that entered the Capitol alongside him reporting with him. He has reported on officers that lied under oath about where in the Capitol they were, and what was happening to them. People that actually helped them that day were accused of committing violence on them. Video evidence was hidden from their lawyers. The video shows them helping the offier in question. It also shows that the other officer that was supposed to have witnessed the defendants attacking the officer that they helped, was in another building at the time. These are the things he was exposing.

  9. They’re taking people from the right side of the political spectrum and throwing them in prison, if not full-blown, solitary confinement over simple trespass. Meanwhile, people from the left, who did the exact same thing in the exact same place in the exact same time… No charges. I hope Brianna keeps the same energy when the progressives are on the receiving end of the stick.

  10. Any protestor goes to court in wrist and leg chains. My friend was protesting DC methane pipeline and was arrested, they did the same thing. It's horrible but it's the way it works. If he wants to change it … great! But he better be prepared to change it for everyone.

  11. Bri just cannot suppress her liberal bias, even when a fellow journalist is selectively prosecuted for trespass. More than one hundred journalists were in the building that day. Only four conservative-sympathetic journalists were charged !

  12. So they are saying journalists most never expires sympathy for or empathy towards rioters or people who are engaging in criminal activity… 🤔 Somebody should really talk all the MSM who covered BLM riots about that. 🙄

  13. Remember the same people that cried outrage over Kasshogi & Navalney are perpetrating the same thing here. Godspeed Steve Baker you're being punished for outting their dirty crimes.

  14. Vote Out the CORRUPT B.O. / Biden Admin. I’d like to know how many Americans are facing legal consequences like imprisonment, fines and legal costs since Biden took office. THIS HAS TO END !!!!!

  15. You can't charge Baker unless you charge all the others who entered the builder as reporters reporting the story.

  16. Mere subjective perception of another person's words (even if the words objectively constitute a threat) is not a valid heckler's veto.
    In addition to an objectively articulated Threat, the State must ALSO prove
    "that the defendant had some subjective understanding of his statements' threatening nature,
    but the First Amendment requires no more demanding a showing than recklessness."
    Colorado v. Counterman

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