Judge Quickly STRIKES BACK at Trump with EXPANDED Gag Order

Trump’s gag order is modified to include family members and in an ominous warning to him and his attorneys, if he violates, the Judge will not hesitate to utilize all of his tools in the tool belt to punish him including withholding juror names, fines and ultimately he could be put in jail. Former Prosecutor and Legal AF Host, Karen Friedman Agnifilo, reports.

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Author: phillynews215


48 thoughts on “Judge Quickly STRIKES BACK at Trump with EXPANDED Gag Order

  1. Lawyers are so pathetic – a gag order on Trump? Then – another gag order – nothing. And now an EXPANED gag order – Ooooh! Watch out now! Trump is really getting hit hard! PLEEESE! Pathetic justice system with clowns that think a gag order is something terrifying or administering justice somehow.

  2. Trump is a coward, take his secret service protection from him and they can protect the people Trump is aiming his minions at. Bet he learns to shut up when he does not have agents to hide behind.

  3. This Judge is destroying the FREEDOM of Speech of our Constitution, of our Republic, they are Destroying the Justice System of our country, this is NOT acceptable…..This is has to End!!!

  4. Disgraceful, Corrupt Judge with his idiotic GAG Order, he is Violating President Trump 1st amendment of FREE Speech in our Constitution of our Republic, unbelievable what is happening in our country today, these Judges are destroying Justice in our Country……..While his Corrupt daughter is raising money on this INJUSTICE case, simply SHAMEFUL and Disgusting, these Corrupt Judges are Turning Justice UPSIDE Down and destroying our Justice System, and DUE Process…….😢😢😢😢

  5. While you’re there, maybe you can put a gag order on the constitution of the United States. November is coming soon Cinderella and it’s almost midnight.

  6. Stupid foreign judge. If he does not remove himself as judge, it will be reversible error on appeal. His daughter, but a photograph on the Internet, showing drop in behind bars, and announcing that Trump was going to be sent to jail by. Since she is the judge’s daughter, of course she has inside information and is merely reflecting what she has heard it home. This poisons the jury pool, telling the potential jury that the judge thinks he is guilty and plans to send him to jail. What is the jury to do ?

  7. Trumps rhetoric simply shows that he is an insecure man, who constantly needs validation whether negative or positive, to feel like he matters. And the fact that he historically continues to go after the “weaker” sex clearly shows he has no idea that he only makes himself look inept. He is a child and needs to be treated as such. He must be shown that there are consequences for his actions, because if not done he and those like him will just keep skirting the line.

  8. Forget the gag order, if you want to 'strike back' then do it with jail time and $ fines. Gotta speak the language of the 'Russian mafia lover'.

  9. We all know, trump attacks women because he knows they are stronger than him. Look at all the women who have shown tremendous strength speaking out against him. He's inferior, and inadequate(🍄🍆). "Big man" has to pick on women to feign strength. That's just pathetic!

  10. Sane AMERICANS are frustrated with the special treatment this tangerine defendant is getting. It's not Red or Blue, it's the rules of law. And tangerineman is mocking the judicial system to get his case dismiss or delayed.

  11. Violations are only 5k per day, not per post. This is pennies for Trump. The ONLY thing that would do anything is taking his freedom. This would have already been done to anyone else. But there are special rules for Trump, the Teflon Don. Whatever they're afraid of, it's going to happen anyway, if justice actually prevails.

  12. Tske him in a jump suit from jail and when the trial is over lead him in hand cuffs back to jail with no communication out side of court and any comments to lawyers should be in the courts presence

  13. They won’t put him behind bars because they have all ready shown that they placed him above the law. Our justice system is corrupt. So what if they have never had a President charged with crimes. That’s because no president was stupid enough to commit any crimes as this man was so down right stupid to do them right in front of us.
    Our courts have all ready put Trump above the law.
    The fact that he is running g for office doesn’t give him the right to attack and threaten people. Our justice department is corrupt. They are the ones to blame for allowed ng him to get away with what he does over and over. It is getting old and I’m sick of hearing g about it.
    They don’t see how pathetic our country looks by being taken over by a bully who acts like a child. Everyone is scared to do anything. This is so ridiculous.

  14. Trump is a coward and a bully. Especially since he got secret service protection. His boldness in bullying is even worse now that he has SS.
    He needs to be jailed because he is making a mockery of our justice system. The judges giving him chance after chance are just making him worse because he knows they don’t have the balls to put him behind bars. The judges are only proving our justice system is corrupt and there toscared to p it him behind bars because they have never had Amex president act like a child who is a bully and thinks he is above the law. They are proving him right.

  15. Just more delay and talk without any worth. Donald is laughing at the legal system since he can do whatever he wants without accountability.

  16. Betcha each time he acts up&violates his
    sick& unintelligent😵‍💫
    repubiccans gets a
    thrill laughing&patting
    trumps shoulder&he gets a chill of glee😡
    trump is so delusional
    thinking he can get away&sticking his tongue @the justice
    system👺Stop him now no more games
    lock him up w/Bubba
    or Tyrone as long as
    the justice can😮&act
    like the guards misplaced the key& can't find it&will take 3
    dys to get it worked on
    🙀let trump put a big
    sweat*But then they
    might not take the smell of his dirty diapers they said after
    all the drugs he does
    for years is drinking,
    all kinds of pills etc some of those drugs have laxatives&he can't control his bowels that's coming
    from his ex worker his old show"apprentice"&
    Keith"wipes"would have to wipe trump
    down&change his
    diaper for Mr Almighty
    😊pee ueew!🤮So that's why ppl say he
    stinks&Cohen agrees😅

  17. Another gag order, NOT good enough. How much more can America take of this deranged criminal wanabee. He should be in pretrial detention NOW. Our Justice system has failed Americans who live honestly and morally right. I am ASHAMED of country at this time.

  18. This is a very timely video because, beyond the other media coverage of this order, you have provided a reality view of what's meant by the order, and the judge's options. A lucid presentation.

    I'd like to see the options available in Texas that provide for the reversal of Appointments such as that of Kascmaryck, made by false or incomplete (fraud) statements on the application.

    Thank you for your analysis of Marchan's order!

  19. I think he should have his internet acess taken away period. He can't incite violence if he doesn't have access to his stupid media platform. Vote blue 💙

  20. Will someone throw this SOB in jail already!!!! If this was you or I we would already be in jail for contempt of court. THROW HIS ASS IN JAIL!

  21. It states, several places, that he cannot “MAKE OR DIRECT OTHERS TO MAKE”
    Nothing about reposting stuff people make on their own for him to repost, if he so desires.

  22. Judges are not above criticism! Heck…Joe Biden verbally attacked and intimidated the 9 Supreme Court justices over their Colorado ruling when they were sitting right in front of him at the State of the Union address!

  23. MT needs to "cut to the chase". Lawyers love to talk. But we need more information on the end state and how likely is it that 45 goes inside.

  24. If he violates, pull from Monopoly. Go to jail. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.

    I hear Riker's is lovely this time of year.

  25. If the law was equal for US citizens Trump would already be in jail until trial.

    Dictatorships apply different legal standards for their politicians than they do for normal citizens.

    Trump is receiving dictator like legal privileges.

  26. Any other defendant would be in jail for Trump's actions. Trump is a CRIMINAL defendant and should be remanded to jail now because he is a threat.

    There are two systems of US justice and Trump is the luckiest criminal defendant EVER in US history. He receives a disgusting level of privilege when compared to any other US citizen.

    US courts are weak as water.

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