Judge STRIKES DOWN DeSantis’ Anti-Woke Law as UNCONSTITUTIONAL: Rising Reacts

Briahna Joy Gray and Robby Soave weigh in on a federal appeals court block Florida’s “Stop Woke Act.” #desantis #woke Originally Aired March 5, 2024; https://youtu.be/HIhsIpRvl3Q

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Author: Rafael Nieves


43 thoughts on “Judge STRIKES DOWN DeSantis’ Anti-Woke Law as UNCONSTITUTIONAL: Rising Reacts

  1. This is not for the government to decide. Let these companies teach racism disguised as diversity training. Once people start suing the companies for creating hostile work environments and discrimination, then the companies will stop. Like Bri says, you can have free speech, but that doesn't mean you won't have consequences. Use their logic against them AND MAKE THEM PAY

  2. To act against authoritarianism is authoritarianism? Projection and gaslighting, as expected.

    Oh wait, I forgot its only 2024. We are still pretending the Matriarchy isn't a thing. and the US and Western countries are "democracies", not authoritarian systems.

  3. thank you, Bri. Agree, DeSantis has been abusing his power to sow so many seeds of intolerance…and vaccines are a public health good so public institutions should protect our public health. our kids deserve to go to school and be safe from deadly preventable diseases.

  4. Just doesn’t make any sense from a private company standpoint. Now getting rid of it for government agencies is a perfectly legitimate use of government power.

  5. The Judges are wrong. The first Amendment was written for Citizens, not companies.
    Companies are not citizens, and therefore can and should be regulated in this way, to prevent companies from forcing Citizen employees to submit to this drivel.

  6. As someone who opposes these divisive types of trainings– Striking this law down was the right choice. Even though I despise these kinds of trainings, we shouldn't be forbidding companies from being able to have them. This law was very much a form of censorship.

  7. Perhaps as a red state DeSantis is just following the will of the people. I know, it's an old fashioned concept in politics today but some folks actually prefer politicians that do what THEY want. Brie trying to make it personal is silly.

  8. Education should not be publicly funded. Medical decisions should be made on an informed consent base only. NO ONE, not even your doctor should be allowed to refuse access to basic services such as education and medical treatment because someone refuses to take drugs. Thats called blackmail. Its also a completely corrupt business model where pharmaceutical companies make money on poorly tested drugs that definitely have serious consequences with no responsibility for the damages and where citizens are being coerced into consuming these dangerous products.

  9. All that bs should stay outside of all the workplace and schools. Keep that in your home and or around the company you keep.

  10. If DEI policies, which are r-a-c-i-s-t, are protected by the 1st amendment and the government can't ban them, then how can the government force private businesses to trade with people they don't want to, or property owners to sell to people they don't want to?

  11. I do think that DeSantis has overreached on a lot of these issues. The truth of the matter is, he got duped by the LGBTQ folks and fell right into their trap. Originally, he went after LGBTQ stuff…which most people supported. The LGBTQ people, then realized that they were losing, started mixing their agenda with racial issues and instead of separating the two, DeSantis started attacking racial issues…once he did that, he basically was guaranteed to fail. You gotta separate the two…LGBTQ and racial issues are not the same things…they are totally different and if you fall into that trap, they will beat you every time.

  12. Oh libertarians. The government can mandate MMR vaccine but not COVID because the public gets a say in public institutions! 😂 personal autonomy?

  13. No, sorry Bri, DeSantis is reacting to federal rules, not coming up with his own rules out of no-where.
    To insist outside efforts have no place in Florida legislation is not making things up as he goes but re-acting to what the feds or outside forces want to push on Florida.

    DeSantis "failing" as a presidential candidate is not a "referendum on his policies" but a reaction by the republican base to his efforts to push his name forward amongst republicans.
    That you would intentionally muddy the waters this way shows no integrity and willful partisanship of the toxic kind.
    On a show that hosts both sides, Bri being so willfully disingenuous is saddening and kinda pathetic.

  14. America! We now have Testimony and Documents that President Trump, did in Fact, offer Pelosi, Mayor Bowser up to 10,000 National Guard Troops before the events of J-6. We also now know that Pelosi, Cheney, Schiff and the whole of the J-6 Committee received Testimony and Documents to substantiate these facts during the J-6 Committee hearing and kept this information from the Public. What does this mean? It means no one tries to Halt a Official Government Proceeding or Start an Insurrection when they offer 10,000 National Guard to Protect the Capital. Wake Up America!

  15. Wait – teaching diversity and inclusion in the workplace, and if you don't toe that line…what, you are fired? never promoted? never get the job in the first place?
    And that's not a matter of free speech and discrimination, let alone heavy-handedness and bias of the gov't?
    Justice should be blind, but it clearly isn't.

  16. Authoritarianism has nothing to do with woke-sounding words. People should not be forced to call a man a her or a girl a him.

  17. Agree with Robbie 💯 on this one. Brie only seems to side with Robbie because she doesn't like the law itself, but could have a different view if the law was mandating private companies to force employees to take woke classes😂

  18. Bri is being deceptive & trying to act like the FL law is all about white ppl feeling bad learning that other white ppl did bad things. What other ppl did shouldn't make you feel any kind of way about yourself & nobody should be told otherwise. Unfortunately, under racist DEI teachings, ppl are being told they are X based on BS like race.
    The laws are bad & should be thrown out (along with all the other unconstitutional power grabbing laws that continue to exist) but not bc the goal of the law was described in terms of a subjective feeling.

  19. If the government wants people to trust it, it needs to stop lying. Vaccine hesitancy after 2022 wil lie entirely at the feet of the government's handling of COVID. Dont blame citizens for the hesitancy. Blame those responsible.

  20. DEI training is fundamentally useless with no proven empirical benefits. It caused many companies to implement illegal discrimination via race and gender quotas. Companies would be wise to dump DEI and DEI employees before the eventual discrimination lawsuits are won and they are open to major liability.

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