LEAKED AUDIO: GOP Chair Tried to BRIBE Kari Lake to EXIT Arizona Sen Race, Lake: ‘I Can’t Be Bought’

Briahna Joy Gray and Robby Soave react to leaked Kari Lake audio. #KariLake

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Author: Rafael Nieves


27 thoughts on “LEAKED AUDIO: GOP Chair Tried to BRIBE Kari Lake to EXIT Arizona Sen Race, Lake: ‘I Can’t Be Bought’

  1. It's not the rmv are you serious?? It's Soros bill gates and those people!!! Wow this guy is naive huh!!!! The going rate is 50 million to by all politicians get with the program sir!!! I mean look at how he goes on and on thinking he's right, what a fool!!!

  2. In the recording, they left out the part when he said there are cartels in all 50 states. This reporter tries to convince that the car bomb explosion is only referring to career and not actually hit, what a tool.

  3. This male reporter is clearly a democrat! He is trying to blame trump supporters for the mob style tactics of blowing up the car. Trump is the target that they are trying to get rid of. Everyone listen to the entire tape on Megan Kelly’s podcast. It reveals that this is about trump. Plus listen to what he said about st@@ling the listen. He said that they are trying to ste@l the election In Arizona “again” he said again which means that he knows or have knowledge about the 2020 election fraud. Remember this was the same guy who was in charge of the recount in Arizona and tried to stop it and wouldn’t let them have access to the b@llots or v@ting machines. He is clearly a snake and needs to be investigated

  4. Both sides of the political criminal cabal are corrupt beyond belief. Democrats and Republicans are both limbs of the same creature that embodies the global criminal banking cartel. Anyone who doesn't understand that and recognize that truth doesn't see the big picture or they are lying to themselves.

  5. Republicans don't want her to run because they know she will lose. MAGA doesn't do well in Arizona anymore and she had lost already in 2020 and they know she will lose again in 2024. Did you all hear the loud booing she received at the recent Arizona State GOP conference to elect Gina Swoboda? Even republicans hate Kari Lake now. She's a MAGA election denier and a loser!

  6. Interesting to suggest “MAGA” might show up when he clearly detailed cartel is in all 50 states and disappear and deal with people. So dishonest and disingenuous. Can you imagine if a leftist had received these threats and bribes and released the proof? Something tells me these two would be reporting very differently

  7. More fake and dishonest media.
    He says they have cartel in all 50 states and this guy chuckles, suggests him referencing a threat of a car bombing is “talking about how mad people would be” and that MAGA would show up…. Not the Cartel he CLEARLY referenced.

  8. It's so obvious that Kari knew the conversation was being recorded and deliberately released this piece to take him down. She can be bought, but had more to gain by turning him down and exposing his bribe. It makes her look pristine and faultless.

  9. Kari Lake was winning in the 2024 lead up week polls every time but one – a draw (11 to 1). The combined result I would be very surprised if not highly statistically significant. That she didn't win on legal review is in my opinion more likely down to the crafty indirectness of the election manipulation. She is a threat because she asks too many questions about election trustworthiness. Just as Bernie should have raised electoral process questions – over his Primary election loss (though less crafty and indirect).

  10. Well I made it through the first three minutes and couldn't watch any more. Mighty selective editing of the conversation, and then Robby speculating if Dewitt was offering his own personal money. He either didn't listen to the whole recording or he's deliberately obfuscating the truth. I've heard the whole recording and there was several times Dewitt clearly mentions some "very powerful people" back east willing to pay whatever it takes. Pretty disappointing, lukewarm reporting IMHO…. I believe I heard Robby come right out and say "we have to be careful" (meaning about what we say) Personally I'm getting a little tired of "careful" reporting. We want the TRUTH! The whole truth and nothing but the truth! Come on guys….

  11. Hilarious, “could you name a figure?”….the jeb bush wing of the party. Rhinos and never Trumpers. Mitt Romney will talk to some donors and we will see what we can come up with. Let’s run this by the voters again. The teachers are quitting in droves. Students are schooling the teachers on the dream act. Time for adults to take control. Don’t start on the election again. I got five sample ballots in the mail for people who are registered to vote at this address, but who do not live here. They could be voting by mail from another country, but it is not ‘voter fraud’. It is just plain fraud.

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