LIVE: Supreme Court ORAL ARGUMENT on Mifepristone Access

MeidasTouch brings you the full Supreme Court oral arguments in the case FDA V. ALLIANCE FOR HIPPOCRATIC MEDICINE hosted by Dina Doll.

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Author: phillynews215


20 thoughts on “LIVE: Supreme Court ORAL ARGUMENT on Mifepristone Access

  1. I supported a post about the right to choose.
    Now I have been flooded with posts about adoption.
    Adoption stories using emotion as manipulation.
    I support adoption as a choice for an unwed mother.
    Again the right to choose.
    I do not support manipulation of someone in an emotional situation.
    Adoption is not easy.
    The children face a raft of emotions not experienced by other children teens and young adults.
    I can speak from experience as 3 of my tribe are adopted.
    Has anyone else noticed that there are so many utube stories about adoption at the moment?

  2. Politics should never be a part of any judicial decision!! Those Supreme Court judge's are the worse in history ever. They will be acknowledged in history as such. We need to end the lifetime seating of Supreme Court judge's. They have totally destroyed any confidence in justice this country had!!🤮🤮🤮🤔🤔🤔

  3. You need explain this😬 plain English please. What I understand that if a person doesn't eat foods, so that means a person doesn't needs to brush their teeth 😵 😨😑 😬 So why you don't needs those abortion pills. Everyone says this doesn't make any sense.

  4. Why doesn’t anyone mention that each Trump appointed Justice was asked point blank about Roe vs Wade and all said that it was settled law. So they all lied.

  5. Their only solution is to deny women anything. When do you expect they won’t let women work and if you cannot bare a baby I guess we’ll be shot because we’re not worth what it costs to keep us alive

  6. Harm to all the women in the war on women in the country doesn’t get any consideration from the right side argument because they really just want to control women. If they keep women pregnant all the time it will be easier to push women out of the job force until poverty for women and their dozens of children go up above fifty percent. It’s all part of their take over of the country by force

  7. Suppose people like the complainers would prefer to let the women die because they basically want to control women through fear and lies of course

  8. America is no longer when the GD corrupt supreme court..starts telling women what to do with our bodies! The GD Republicans have nothing better to do but to corrupt our Country. Vote Blue all the way!

  9. Who are these doctors? We should be boycotting them and run their sorry cry baby butts outta medical field.

    My dad always said…you can only have as much principal as you can afford. Let's boycott them and hit their pocket book. Then how you think they will pay those student loans?

  10. In my humble opinion these doctors are violating their oath…Do No Harm. They are hurting women's Reproductive Rights based on their religious beliefs.

  11. I'd love to see one of those judges.
    Go into a hospital waiting room with a daughter who's married and looking forward to her second.Child Curled up in a fetal position and an
    d in so much pain all she can do is cry…. You tell her you can't do anything for her until it's reviewed by the legal dapartment!. I had to drive 30 miles to another hospital just to get treatment

  12. Just hearing voices of Thomas and Alito…iam angry!!! Just one word and iam out…can listen to hypocrisy and bias from the get go!!! They shouldn't be on the bench for life….bc this is outrageous 😤!!!!!!

  13. I think this is a really simple decision. If mifepristone is banned based on some incredibly small possibility that a doctor with ethical objections might be presented with an incomplete medication abortion and additionally has no other doctor to step in, many women are going to die. That is the unbearable trade-off.

    No other fact belies the anti-mifepristone doctors’ arguments. If they put the health and safety of the population above their religious beliefs they would just deal with this on a case by case basis on the VERY small chance they are ever presented with a case.

    Oh, and mifepristone is also used to treat Cushing's syndrome and uterine leiomyomas.

    I think it will end up 7-2, with Alito and Thomas relying on the Comstack Act. If they do that, we need to start requiring the USPS to check every package going into red states for “obscene” material. We already know red states view far more porn, I bet they buy many more “marital devices.”

  14. NOTHING will come of this "particular" case as the plaintiff (Mrs.Holly… yes Josh Holly's wife) DID NOT prove her case. In June of this year when the Supreme Court reconvenes they will NOT rule on the proposed case… they will drop the case.

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