MAJOR DEVELOPMENT on Trump NY Criminal Trail Date


Legal AF hosts Ben Meiselas and Karen Friedman Agnifolo report on the new filing by Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg about the start date of the trial currently scheduled for March 25, 2024.

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Author: phillynews215


45 thoughts on “MAJOR DEVELOPMENT on Trump NY Criminal Trail Date

  1. UK guy here. I have been watching this develop for so long. We don't have any politics in the judicial system here period, totally independent. It is no way perfect BTW. It is obviously a 2 tier system for you in the US. If you are rich and famous ( and a politician ) you can manipulate the system. This is like a crap reality show. Really. How can the rest of the world trust the USA to do the right thing? If someone could give me a cogent and plausible explanation as to why / how you are allowing this to be happening I would love to hear it.

  2. Fuck the so-called justice system. If it is so broken as to be incapable of holding this criminal, conman, traitorous monster to account, America is too broken to last.

  3. This is so goddamn infuriating. NO ONE that has money WILL EVER be held ACCOUNTABLE for ANYTHING. Our institutions are ALL TRASH.

  4. Ohh great, more delay. Trump will be thrilled. Our judicial system is about as useful as wet cardboard when it comes to rich people. It's pathetic.

  5. delay delay delay delay delay delay delay delay,what it won't delay is getting prison time or when he dies whichever happens 1st,both options are very much going to be cause for celebration.

  6. Delay, delay, delay! So now we know the US attorney's office is in Trumps back pocket!
    The DA obviously knows the importance of this case going forward.
    So, is the Supreme Court in cahoots with the DA,s office?
    Everyone knows Trump will do ANYTHING to steel the 2024 election. The amount of planning that goes into putting on a case is enormous. All the work involved going down the drain. All these folks are in Trumps back pocket. This is OUTRAGEOUS!
    Folks, we need clean politicians. We need actual work to be done by congress. (I won't capitalize congress as I have lost respect for all republicans)
    Everybody is in Trumps pockets, and as time goes by, this will become evident.
    Wake up folks. This is wrong. Trump should not be above the law! Are you above the law? Could you stand on 5th Ave and shoot someone, and get away with it? I believe Trump is just that person.

  7. there is no justification for this, & trump should not be allowed to exploit this for to his advantage. he has no real need to drag this out, passover? are you kidding, these people are not celebrating passover. these are corrupt thugs. like melania said 'who give a f–k. about' passover!. 30 days is plenty of time. they don't get to wait till the last minute, per usual, & say 'we need more time!'. they should be well into as we speak. no excuses. we the people, the victims, the complainants demand our day in court. asap. he used up his looking the other way by the 'justice system' down there, long, long ago. they owe us.

  8. This just floors me. How can this keep hapening, over and over again. What a s… show. If this were you or me, we'd already be behind bar's, long ago. This is NOT FAIR to the American people. We deserve more then this. Could this get any worse? Maybe. But time is running out.

  9. Yeah, if trump investigations were started as soon as Merrick Garland was put in place, we wouldn't be facing a time crunch. If they had been aggressive with trump investigations, i think prosecutors everywhere would have jumped right on trump. No one wanted to go first.
    Thank you both for the update 💙💙

  10. Hey Ben and Karen!!! DOJ very weird with Garland……
    April 25- is that the date SCOTUS does their fake trial of trumps immunity?? They hear arguments or what on April 22? Bet They move this to May. 🥳🥰😇

  11. America, please do not let this con man and criminal walk free. The power's in the hands of voters, please do not get complacent and rely on him automatically losing. It's up to you, the people, to do the job that these cowards are too scared to do by voting blue to keep Trump out of the White House and in a prison cell where he belongs. Convince whoever you can, get moderates and people on the fence to see what's at stake. Trump has been telling everyone what he plans to do, people need to start listening to him.

  12. This smells like a Trumper ….a year ago this material access was deniedto the Manhattan DA. Now made available to Trump's team in two material dumps. ( one now, another coming?) Your guys thoughts?

  13. I've said it many times before, Garland must be replaced by Biden. He has no backbone and is completely impotent when it comes to trump.😣😣😣

  14. Judges and Garland and the Supreme Court Judges are all in the same boat and McAfee is dropping the anchor..I am sick and tired of the support by all, of Trump. WHY?

  15. if they had planned to start the trial on March 25 when they didn’t have the documents from the DOJ, why not ignore them & proceed with the trial as if they did n’t have them?

  16. More delays and passes in favor of Trump. I don't believe he will ever be tried or held accountable. Our justice system is a joke. NOBODY EVER has been treated so tenderly.

  17. This is a good calendar blocking move for prosecuting Trump. The Alvin Bragg case against Trump is not significant enough to schedule before DC, Florida or Georgia are realistically scheduled. It's also a close call for conviction, otherwise it would have already been done. The last thing we need is a hung jury.
    I know that the schedule depends on the supreme court ruling, disqualifying Cannon and a new grand jury. But this is the best move to delay Bragg.

  18. I could have cried when I heard that this trial has been delayed the only saving grace is that it won't go away just make sure it happens before election time.

  19. Is there any way to investigate WHO decided to give these documents over at the last moment, that is delaying the case, and CHARGE the people within the office for INTERFERENCE with a case as it smells highly of sulfur, that Trump has at least someone working in his favor in that office? Just like how the secret services communications were wiped the day after Jan 6, very suspiciously.

  20. What are the odds that all these documents don’t lead to additional motions and additional appeals and delays. Ugh. So much for the court system.

  21. Trumps WINS AGAIN!!! When will this SHIT ever end? The people with brains are tired of being pooped allover by the MAGA GANG.
    Someone in the US Attorney's Office should either have to explain the reasoning for this action, or be punished – if not punisable – then there should be laws their office has to provide within a pre-stated time. Then what about after next week, they do another dump of documents. They could at least tell us when they will get to the end of the pile and when the last dump is. Anyone in this group of the US Attorny's office have some common sense.

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