At a critical inflection point in history. The mainstream media continues to fail us. NBC News has just announced that it is hiring insurrection participant, MAGA Trump loyalist, and election denier, Ronna Romney McDaniel. what kind of message does this send out to the American public? How dangerous is it when legacy media platforms normalize dangerous behavior? Journalist Suri Crowe breaks it down in this hot take.

Suri’s story on why she left the mainstream media: https://youtu.be/1FojvxCmI_o?si=TJWw-GsRZcGylD8q

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Author: phillynews215


44 thoughts on “NBC News Makes FATAL DECISION And EXPOSES Themselves

  1. Sufi, please consider your “lightening”. It is so hard to watch your videos with all the reflection on your glasses. I like to look in a person’s eyes when listening to them. 🙃

  2. This was a terrible decision. I am glad that it was reversed. She is a part of the resurrection conspiracy she should be jailed along with trump

  3. When Trump was President he went to France and refused to go to an American Service members cemetery, where (as President) he owed these honorable dead there a service member’s due. He refused this. When Trump was President he went to Arlington National Cemetery and said those dead there were “suckers” and “losers”. When asked about Senator John McCain and how the 5 years of torture McCain endured as a prisoner of war had made McCain a hero, Donald Trump said he preferred his heroes who had not been a captured. When in the Vietnam War era Donald Trump got a note (from his mother 🥶 no doubt) that he had bone spurs and shouldn’t be drafted. You want to see how a real President and First Lady acts during a time of somber Presidential reflection? Look at the return of those three dead American service members from Jordan, killed on the Syrian border. Each of those three coffins wrapped in the American flag that Donald Trump has lost all understanding of what that means anymore. President Biden and First Lady Dr. Biden joined in a somber service at the airport to show respect for three dead service members being brought home. That is the actions of a real President and First Lady. Respect our service members, respect our President even though you disagree, respect our Constitution because if you don’t what EXACTLY is it that makes you an American?

  4. I have not watched a main stream media outlet for several years now and it looks like I am NOT GOING BACK! Nope, not anytime soon. Thank you Meidas for all your efforts to keep our republic alive.

  5. I never watch main stream media anymore. Very sophomoric redundant over the top 8th grade melodrama. Everything is a crisis. You hardly get any facts.

  6. MEDIA CEOs don't care about integrity… it's ratings equal 💰💰💰💰
    They should interview the people that hired her…. put the soulless corporate scum bags on front street.

  7. Louder, Ms Suri Crowe! Let them hear your voice in the rafters! May your words freeze the creepers in their steps and reverse their efforts! Thank you!

  8. MSNBC did NOT hire this woman, NBC did. All the shows I watch on MSNBC said, "She is not welcome and will never be on their show."

  9. Breaking News: NBC Execs met Tuesday March 26 and decided McDaniel would NOT be a NBC employee.

    Apparently the mega-agents at CAA set up the deal. CAA dumped McDaniel as a client, too.

    The EDIT button is to the right of your comments.

  10. First it was CNN in 2023, now in 2024 it's NBC News. I hope that you people at MeidasTouch will keep a very watchful eye on NBC News.

  11. Please get rid of that ridiculous overlarge microphone that is actually as big as your head and you do not need all that rigging if you use a smaller mic that would work just as well. I can't see you! Geez, I think there is some very successful microphone salesperson around somewhere.

  12. NBC normalizing and legitimizing MAGA fascist authoritarian lies.
    All MSNBC hosts should have walked off the job in protest or they now lose their legitimacy.

  13. I hope at the first lie in the network, Ronna and NBC receive a multi billion dollar lawsuit from Dominion. Money is the only language networks seem to understand.

  14. Wow… are they doing this to suck up to Trump so if he wins the get to stay on the air… why do people want a DICTATOR WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE IDIOTS

  15. Nobody ever mentions the actual NAMES of the scum that hired this RACIST. Uncle Romney said corporations are people, but NBC can think for itself, too?

  16. I stopped watching NBC now. No eyeballs on advertisements means a decrease in revenue. I am not willing to spend even 1 minute watching a liar.

  17. POST-N-👻: NBC trying to frame this decision by claiming they want to present a different perspective is absurd. Seeing the glass half empty or half full is having different perspectives, but we both agree that there is a glass filled with liquid. Ronna McDaniel's position is that there is no glass and that the liquid is a government conspiracy, that if drank, will give you autism.
    Way to 💩the bed NBC. Nice work!👏

  18. Full stop… Trump is literally a cash cow so the MM will normalize him. Such a betrayal of reality and even public safety. Mm gave Trump exponentially more hours of free press and that's how we ended up with him in the first place.

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