Nikki Haley’s Romantic Tryst EXPOSED, Campaign on HIGH ALERT as Rumors Swirl

Jessica Burbank and Amber Duke discuss new reporting on Nikki Haley’s alleged affairs. Originally aired January 19, 2024; #NikkyHaley #SouthCarolina

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Author: Rafael Nieves


37 thoughts on “Nikki Haley’s Romantic Tryst EXPOSED, Campaign on HIGH ALERT as Rumors Swirl

  1. If its fair to go after men , its completely fair to go after her. Maybe this will help to stop all this. If women are equal, now its equal.

  2. Great show again as always you young beautiful ladies have an exclusive journalist report 10 star ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ star ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ star ⭐️ ⭐️’S!!!

  3. My heart goes out to her husband because he is in the dark and now this breaking news is breaking his heart.❤️

  4. When you keep it quiet within the state you know the Attorney General knew about it also and they kept it quiet this affair with Nikki Haley with two men that worked with her

  5. I bet her husband will vote for Trump. He knows first hand about war. Nikki will escalate it, Trump will stop it. I bet many Europeans are praying that Trump will prevail.

    Did Pelosi mega-donor fund her fundraising campaign in Texas? And, if an endorsement from Newsome doesn't scare those supporting, nothing can.. very revealing!

  6. Katie Porter – does not accept $$ for her election – BUT YOUR MONEY SHE WANTS.
    Not ashamed to run under the flag of – lying and asking for your money. Since she only takes money from you.
    How paid for her advertising? Another Stacey Abrams in the making

  7. Nikki isn't Constitutionally eligible to be president, as neither of her parents were naturalized citizens at the time of her birth.
    Neither is Vivek, and as a matter of fact his father continues to refuse to get naturalized out of loyalty to his native India.
    Neither is Ted Cruz, born in Canada, with a father not even naturalized to Canadian citizenship, much less US citizenship, as he remained Cuban.
    Then we come to the current usurpers! Kamala Harris is ineligible to be president, because not only was she an anchor baby to both her parents in the US on student visas, but her father, who has held a professorship at Stanford for decades refused to get naturalized due to his continued loyalty to Jamaica along with his continued work on behalf of Jamaica. He didn't get naturalized until Kamala threw a fit, after PedoPete tapped her.
    …to be his VP.
    The Constitution calls for eligibility to be naturally born citizens only. Naturally born citizens is defined as citizens of "two" parents, "both" being citizens of the United States of America!

  8. Open for defamation for repeating false claims, with an example being such as the unsubstantiated "rumor" slipped in about Gov Kristi Noam and Corey Lewendowski!
    Happy lawsuit to you gossip girls!

  9. Didn't the two men offer to undergo a polygraph and challenged Haley to do the same to see who is telling the truth? I read that Haley refused🤔🤔🤔

  10. WOW WHAT a hypocrite and SHE HAD THE AMERICAN PEOPLE THINKING SHE WAS clean well as they say what is done in the dark ALWAYS COMES to LIGHT.

  11. Well, Trump wasn't working for the goverment. These people had a job to repersent the people. We the people pay them. We dont pay Mr Trump , he worked for free. They took an oath. Trump created jobs.

  12. I was wondering why Nikki's husband was not the around, now I understand. Nikki has the blessing of the RINO Swamp and the Democrats who are her main supporters. If she cheated on her husband why not cheat on the public by running as a Republican; when she is really a RINO, and the proof is that although early voting is showing she is loosing, she continues to run because she wants to divide the party. Nikki is a RINO who bites the hand of President Trump, who help her get to where she is now. Nikki is not only ungrateful, but unfaithful as well, but this is America and we, the people have a right to choose our poison. Just saying.

  13. She can't be trusted. What in a world trying to prove that she a chance to beat Biden with a 40% on your side of the Republican? Trump evidently the Republican nominee, why can't she just drop the race and support the people choice….TRUMP 2024!!!

  14. If Nikki Haley was a democrat, nobody would say a word. Same double standard, there is no penalty for perjury and affidavit are just rumors. Cost more to sue liar than it is worth.

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