Norman Finkelstein & Alan Dershowitz EXPLOSIVE Debate Over Gaza: MUST WATCH

Briahna Joy Gray and Robby Soave react to a debate between Alan Dershowitz and Norman Finkelstein over the legality of Israel’s siege in Gaza

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

Author: Rafael Nieves


36 thoughts on “Norman Finkelstein & Alan Dershowitz EXPLOSIVE Debate Over Gaza: MUST WATCH

  1. Norm can’t stop lying. Israel has no blockade of Gaza they have a BORDER which they secure. 100,000 Gazans cross into Israel daily to work there. It is EGYPT that has a blockade.

  2. Norman Finklestein said it was OK what Hamas did on 10/07. That is not OK. That is just JOy's opinion that he N.F. is the Preeminent Scholar on Galza. N.F. is the Preeminent scholar of self Hating Jews and Jews who hate their own people.

  3. The most important point Alan is making is that feeling dispossessed does not entitle to commit acts of terrorism. Many people in Europe had such feeling about millions of migrants from Muslim countries and European governments punished any violence agains these migrants. Jews came as refugees fleeing persecution in Europe and Arab countries and none could protect them but the state of Israel

  4. Fear of displacement?

    200 years ago, the Arab population of this region was 1/10th the population of (smaller) Judea 2,000 years ago. By this metric, we can say that "Palestine" was more than 90% empty.

    Indeed, Napoleon (1799) and the British Consul to Jerusalem (1856) both noted that the land was empty and in need of a population to tend it (as did many other travelers).

    By comparison to today's population, that bumps up to 98% empty.

    Why then would anyone believe that it was a zero-sum game? That a Jew could only enter by "displacing" an Arab?

    Why is it that this would "displacement" only be the case with Jews, but not with Arab or Muslim immigrants?

    For example, the Bedouin only arrived in the Negev in the 18th century and moved further north in the 19th. Could they do so without displacing the "existing inhabitants"?

    Likewise there was a Bosnian (Muslim) "colony" in Caesarea and an Afghan "colony" in Jaffa. The Ottomans resettled Circassians and Turkmen. Algerians fleeing the French and Sudanese arrived – all in the last 1/3rd of the 19th century.

    In reality, rather than "displace" anyone, in the first 40 years of modern political Zionism (1882-1922), the Arab population – after centuries of decline – nearly doubled.

    During the Mandate years (1923-1947), not only did the Arab population again double (2x growth, compare to 1.5x in Egypt), but in areas of Jewish development the Arab population grew 4x (compare to 1.4x in Nablus, away from Jewish development).

  5. Like that pro-Israel lady whose interview was going around on Twitter a few days ago, talking about the right to return not being a thing…she too completely missed the irony of her comment.

  6. Arab fear?? Its a bulletproof fact that 22 Muslim Arab League states possess 99.98% of all land in Middle East. Meanwhile Israel possess 0.02% including Gaza and West Bank. 60% of Jews in Israel today still identify with the heritage of Arabic states their families were forced to leave post 1948. These 22 Arabic states forced 850,000 Jews to leave with most ending up in Israel while the Palestinian Arabs forced to relocate to the 4 Arabic countries surrounding Israel remained as refugees for next 75 years. Can anyone explain that.

  7. Western governments are becoming morally corrupt because they have completely lost the moral high ground and the qualification to criticise ANY human right violations that are nowhere near as bad as genocide in gaza in other parts of the world.

    Everytime the western media or governments criticise others that they have violated minor international laws, most in the globa south would ask " what about your support on genocide in Gaza?"

    How can anyone exercise leadership if the leaders are breaking the laws themselves but ask others to follow the laws?

  8. Count Bernadotte was assassinated on Friday 17 September 1948 by members of the group Lehi, a Zionist paramilitary militant organization, commonly known in the West as the Stern Gang.

  9. Menachem Begin, one of Netanyahu's ideological mentors and predecessors as prime minister and, who at the time commanded the Irgun Zvai Leumi, or National Military Organization, were the group responsible for the bombing of King David Hotel, Jerusalem in July 1946.

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