RFK Jr. Lawyer’s UP: Nicole Shanahan JOINS RFK JR. presidential independent ticket. Musk AFFAIR?

Campaign reporter Julia Manchester shares five quick facts about Nicole Shanahan, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s pick for V.P.

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

Author: Rafael Nieves


27 thoughts on “RFK Jr. Lawyer’s UP: Nicole Shanahan JOINS RFK JR. presidential independent ticket. Musk AFFAIR?

  1. Biden Favorable / Unfavorable 40.4 / 55.2

    Trump Favorable / Unfavorable 42.7/ 53.5

    Kennedy Favorable / Unfavorable 40.5 / 35.9 Yup. He's in the mix.

    Real clear politics polling as of 3/30/24

  2. I recall when Bobby Jr. announced and blathered a bit, there was a bunch of people who were bleating, "he'll save us, I'm voting for him!" Now it looks like he's a more extreme version of a Soros prosecutor. Just because the democrats think he's a loon doesn't mean he isn't.

  3. Rfk ticket for the health of my family for clean food, clean air, regenerative farming that will take care of climate change which has been happening for a billions of years and will continue for billions of years. No one can stop it but we can certainly create a healthier planet.❤❤❤. I love his VP Nicole she's a true rag from riches story with her heart in the right place

  4. Who? He really doesn't want to get elected does he? Not to mention that many of his supporters are conservatives who do not 'support reproductive rights' like Shanahan's foundation does. He should have picked someone close to the people, gritty, and real. This ain't it.

  5. RFK Jr. Called Shanahan a scientist, she’s a lawyer and a billionaire from a marriage to the co-founder of Google, perhaps the creepiest most evil corporation that ever existed on Earth.

  6. Shanahan is the epitome of a well-rounded leader. With her deep understanding of both law and technology, she's not just leading from one perspective—she's bringing a holistic approach to the table. Her groundbreaking tech innovations have revolutionized the legal landscape, making her a force to be reckoned with in the digital age. Shanahan's digital awareness will serve as a crucial protection for the American people against the potential misuse of AI and other emerging technologies. With her understanding of the digital landscape, she's well-equipped to navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by rapidly advancing technology. As an activist Shanahan's commitment to issues like food and soil health isn't just admirable—it's essential. In a time when our environment and our health are under threat, having someone like Shanahan in a position of leadership is crucial. Her dedication to ensuring a better future for our children speaks volumes about her character and priorities. Perhaps one of the most exciting aspects of Shanahan's VP candidacy is her youth. In a world where we often see recycled ignorance, her fresh perspective and energy are a breath of fresh air. She represents a new generation of leadership—one that is ready to tackle the complex issues of today with innovative solutions. It’s about time the youth were represented since they are the ones that will inherent the mess that older generations have created.

  7. As an Independent considering RFKjr, she's way to progressive democrat for me. Liked RFKjr independent thought, seems this is to get back in with the Democrat party maybe for next time, this will help Trump in this election and pushes me towards Trump. This will be my first time voting for Trump as this administration is worst in my life time (65yrs). Causally leading USA to war with Russia and possible nuclear Armagedón unlike anything I've ever seen. The wide-open border more illegal entries than Obama (8yrs) and Trump (4yrs) combined by Biden (3yrs), this hurts the poor and black communities the hardest as resources are diverted to give to illegals. Far worse and more dangerous than Trump.

  8. Trolls are saying she's a joke VP pick BUT keep in mind Harris is our current VP and Pence was Our Previous one… I think I'd be safe betting my life in saying She'll be better than both of them combined

  9. Desperate trolls are going to throw around words that they don't even know what they mean and don't apply in here. This pick is perfect. She grew up poor on food stamps and then made her money later. Her child was autistic and she started investigating why this was which let her to exploring what was wrong with our food and our environment. And she's been working nonstop since to help solve this problem. She is a beautiful soul and RFK is the only one that shares her values on actually helping our country instead of throwing out policies that will never be fulfilled. Anyone who badmouth her either doesn't have a soul or just did not watch the speech and is ignorant

  10. I had so much hope fro RFK. This is an anchor around his neck. Im sure she is great. I really felt he need a big name to help give him a more legitimate chance. Now hes become a wasted vote. So sad. I really liked him and considered him a viable option even if a long shot. Now hes not even in the ball park.

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