Robby Soave: Discredited Misinformation Cops FAIL Upwards, Demand MORE Censorship

Robby Soave criticizes the pressure “misinformation watchdogs” are putting on companies. #misinformation #speech

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

Author: Rafael Nieves


47 thoughts on “Robby Soave: Discredited Misinformation Cops FAIL Upwards, Demand MORE Censorship

  1. She not making the point she think she making lol. Not to me anyways and im as milk toast meh, about it all as you can get while still enjoying the convos.

    She comfortably labels DW as Zionist supporters bc they’re openly transparent about their position. If they were like NY Times or CNN who are anti-Zionist portraying themselves as neutral arbiters then she would have a point. MSNBC coming out against Israel wouldn’t be an issue w/ most conservatives other than fun water cooler gossip bc MSNBC has always presented themselves as left leaning.

    She may think it’s petty, but that distinction really does make a difference and squashes the hypocrisy angle she thinks she’s settled on

  2. We know consertive websites were shut down during the 2020 elections.
    We know Biden shut down websites concerning the Biden laptop.
    We know the FBI lied and said the laptop was Russian.
    The left said violent riots were mostly peaceful while buildings were burning in the back. All left wing proganda.
    The list of the left lies is endless.
    When people shout death to Americans that should be listed as terrorists threats.
    Funny how Q anon conspiricy came true. Elites, entertainment, musicians are all connected to petifilia and Santism.
    Now we see vidios of lazors staring forest fires, one lazor blows up a house and how weird the Maui fires were, nothing blue burnt, expert saying theses were not normal fires? How did Q anon know these facts so many years ago? We see the vidios of Dubi seeding their clouds causing mass floods. Just saying.

  3. I've learned to stop the videos as soon as Bri starts talking. I appreciate an opposing argument but Bri's are often hypocritical and intellectually bankrupt and she just gets louder and talks faster when confronted with information she can't dispute even if her argument makes little to no sense.

  4. The lady on the panel can't go a minute without bringing up "dailycaller." She adds zero value to these discussions and shows absolute bias everytime the guy does his best to be objective. It sort of destroys to product to have to hear biased cyclical talking points when trying to listen for actual value.

  5. yes everyone gets a platform. That's the idea behind YouTube. It's an eight billion Channel universe. anyone who has internet access and have one or two or three channels. If you don't like what they say don't watch the channel. in a thousand Channel universe you can't get away with mine because people can do their own fact checking go on Google look at other YouTube videos of people working what they say and find out the truth the only way you can get away with a lie because if you censor the truth channels. gee I wonder why people and that still doesn't work they have to form a Ministry of Truth and if that doesn't work the person ends up in the Deadpool

  6. Y’all see the hypocrisy right in front of your face of the Daily Wire saying they care about free speech and then turning around the censor and fire Candace Owen’s for having a different view.
    Y’all can’t say Brie is being dishonest or doesn’t understand when it seems like you won’t even try to grapple with what she’s actually saying. You just hear her begin to speak and tune out.

  7. 9:10 There was a 'conversation' about platforming fifteen years ago? At the time of this writing it's 2024. That would be 2009. None of this was part of the public debate back then. There was no discourse about "misinformation" and no calls to censor and control the internet. 'Cancel Culture' wasn't part of the public lexicon until 2014, and the war on 'misinformation' didn't start until after Donald Trump won the 2016 election. Bri is either totally ignorant or blatantly lying here.

  8. Here is a good place to start: what in the world is the other person pointing at. And then settle down and actually listen to the full circuit … Full stop…. Public discourse and even personal gets triggered at everything thing and humans argue over whether other person uses the right tools or metaphors to describe something in the world.

  9. There's so much that people say that I don't care for, but even hate speech is free speech, and if that's allowed and protected (as it should) then misinformation is not even an issue in comparison. Let people decide what they want to believe, no matter how crazy, it's their right.

  10. Within the context of a corporate controlled democracy free speech should be applied to all social media. ANd they use public air ways and cable transmission to broadcast. I'm done with living in a fascist state Briana. Appealing to the Constitution is hiding behind its written limits

  11. Ironic that Bri argues that one shouldn't get shouted down and fired from their job when just recently in an interview she shouts down both Robbie her co host and the person she was supposedly interviewing.

    The lack of self awareness on her part always astounds me.

  12. Well it's nice that Bri is being more honest about the fact that she opposes free speech on principal, and we should instead just all be trying to shut down and destroy each other and whoever wins, wins. Basically, we should all just fight for the dictatorship of our choosing.

  13. No Brie the Y isn’t the other side, it’s the left. Just because your side is split over Israel/Palestine doesn’t mean that other half is now “the right”. The Y cancelled Dersh for speaking out against the sham trump impeachment. Brie sees everything as her v them. And that’s it. The right has zero institutional power to censor.

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