Robert Hur TESTIFYING on Biden’s Age and Documents Case As Media RUNS COVER for POTUS

Briahna Joy Gray and Robby Soave discuss expected testimony from Special Counsel Robert Hur. #RobertHur #JoeBiden

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Author: Rafael Nieves


47 thoughts on “Robert Hur TESTIFYING on Biden’s Age and Documents Case As Media RUNS COVER for POTUS

  1. Hur should not have the power to protect Bidens corruption for 30 years.Biden was not senile for decades when he personally stole top secrets out of the scieft.
    All the other things about Bidens memory is just a distraction that he committed theif of documents for 30 years.
    When you connect Hunters busness deals in foreign countries to Biden stealing documents. Will the blind ever see.
    Biden clearly not running the country its still the Oboma old administration left in place.

  2. Try as I might, I simply cannot relate mentally to the thought process methodology belonging to one Briahna Joy Gray – unless, of course, she is a paid DNC shill. Having said that, I will happily parrot what others have said in the comments, "If he is not mentally fit to answer questions in deposition or stand trial for his obvious crimes (as DJT is enduring), then he is not a mentally fit POTUS."
    This is zero sum.
    TRUST !!

  3. If biden is too old for this situation then he been too old he has had those documents for a very long time. If it's not a crime for biden then it shouldn't be trump.

  4. the fact that we're even having to debate this is absurd – if there's any question of a potus's mental competence or physical health that potus should not be entertaining another term

  5. Hey robbie, don't disrespect managers of Starbucks. Biden is no where near in good enough shape to manage a Starbucks. I would bet managing a Starbucks can be a fairly tough job making everything run smoothly.

  6. I know what that poor old dude feels. I don't want to be president. If you can't remember ŵkat you ate for breakfast you shouldn't be running any country.

  7. Biden is clearly just a pawn to use to keep office till they can put someone else in his place, which should have been RFK. But they wont and can't because he'll expose all the corruption around Covid…..

  8. It seems Biden has no problem remembering everything when he vehemently denies being involved in Hunters influence pedaling

  9. "everything starts happening at once" plus the President is on the Campaign Trail … or was anyways. Now he's either back in the White House losing World War 3 again or under arrest or both. Quick ban TicTok!

  10. It’s speculation what a jury is going to think! IF BIDEN IS FIT TO BE PRESIDENT, THEN HE IS FIT TO BE PUT ON TRIAL! Another example of a two-tiered justice system!!! BAD job Mr. Hur!!! You robbed WE THE PEOPLE!!!

  11. Mr. Hur, did Mr. Trump ever sleep with a Chinese spy. Mr. Hur, did Mr. Trump as a US Senator or Vice President ever take classified documents, which is a felony?

  12. There is a simple 10 minute memory test Biden’s physician can administer to determine if he has dementia. If he wasn’t impaired, the test would have already been administered to stop speculation.

  13. I don’t like to remember what year my older brother died. Its just a sad time and horrible thing to think about. I could easily struggle to get the year right 10-15 years from now. The Trump cultists clicks you’re chasing is pretty sad.

  14. Absent CLEAR evidence that either President Trump or Biden INTENTIONALLY profited off of these alleged confidential documents both these cases should be dropped. Trump began by cooperating with prosecutors, who then just kept fishing for more and more. Major allegations are Trump tried to overturn an election. That matters. Trump’s aids packing up some allegedly classified documents do not matter. This appears like a political prosecution. Likewise, I can’t stand Biden, but could care less about documents’ case. If Trump was prosecuted Biden should have been prosecuted. It’s either a crime or it’s not. Government claims: Trump
    Did not help us enough to prove our case so therefore he is guilty: BEYOND WEAK. The injustice Department should be investigated at this point. Way too many confidentiality cases. Way too many lower level employees involved. Way too much over-classification of documents and outright lies. COVID, Ukraine, Iraq, etc: way too many lies constantly from government. Government deserves NO benefit of the doubt. It has become the enemy of the people.

  15. It’s important to note that in all likelihood Biden was extensively prepared for his deposition and still presented as senile. He wasn’t suddenly shoved into a room with a court reporter and a prosecutor rapidly firing random questions at him. A deposition is scheduled in advance on a mutually agreeable date, time, and location. The witness has days, if not weeks, to prepare for questioning including any evidence that will be used.

  16. General consensus is that the president is suffering from some cognitive decline due to age. No one is going to dispute that. There is nothing earth shattering about that observation. Yet the WH seemingly makes it worse by their response. This would have been forgotten quicker than Biden's ability to recall if not for their own reaction.

  17. Seems to me, by now, one half of the country think the President is too enfeebled to serve with even moderate effectiveness another four year term, while the other half agrees but thinks that's fine because it makes him a better puppet for their neo-con or far left domestic policy initiatives, We're at a stalemate. Good news, either way, four years go pretty fast and all this may be the last gasp of the Boomer generation.

  18. Biden said the Special Council raised the subject of his son's death and he found it outrageous. The transcript shows that Biden either outright lied or again simply forgot that it was he, and not the SC, who first mentioned his son's death.

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