Ryan Grim GRILLS State Dept: IS U.S. COMPLICIT In ‘Ethnic Cleansing’ Of Palestine?

Briahna Joy Gray and Robby Soave discuss the two explosions that took place in Iran yesterday. #Iran #Houthi

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Author: Rafael Nieves


38 thoughts on “Ryan Grim GRILLS State Dept: IS U.S. COMPLICIT In ‘Ethnic Cleansing’ Of Palestine?

  1. Israel is a sovereign Nation? By what Right does this so-called Nation lay claim to Gaza that is considered Palestinian land as currently established? Even under the lie of their self defense, there is no right to colonize land that belongs to another people.

  2. Brie needs to stop targeting israel. Why doesnt she ever recognize all of the killing the palestinians have done. You could regularly report on the palestinians killing jews weekly over the last 4p years. But since the last 3 months she is roasting israel for standing up for themselves. Whoever runs this idiot brie needs to shut her down. All she has reported on israel is starting to make the rise look like they are jew hating racists! If it keeps ongoing i eill condem this show and shut down their reporting in my household. Its totally racist. How are the palestinians do perfect to her when the othe muslim countries want nothing to do with them and they were kicked out of jordan and poland will not even allow muslim immigrants? She needs to go. Actually ilsince i realize she is making me angry i am done with your show aorry robbie. You are a great level headed reporter. But the rise must stand for eising against jews and it condones killing jews based on bries reporting. Thats it. I am done with the rise and will tell the others in my auto factory 10k workers why i have seperated from your show.bshe is too rediculous and angry. She hates hwites in general. I will let my coworkers understand the rise is racist. See you all and stay blessed! Even you brie!

  3. Bri is a disgrace to the profession of journalism. "Ethnic cleansing" leads to population REDUCTIONS, not population GROWTH as has been happening in Palestine since 1948. If you want to talk about ethnic cleansing then look at all the Muslim countries which have almost completely cleansed their populations of non-Muslims.

  4. Most definitely – they're the ones who have & still are providing arms to the Israelis TO THIS DAY.

    America has enabled & cheered on this genocide; they literally blocked the only chance to end the killings at the UN. They're soulless, zionists wanting to impose their racist colonist agenda.

  5. So, Robby is for "ethnic cleansing, he just doesn't want to pay for it. Fair enough, I'm also for my country not supporting in any way the Zionist project in Palestine. I have read the 84 pages of the report. I have also read about the assassination of Lord Moyne and Count Bernadotte, the Stern gang and much more. I will not mourn the termination of the Zionist project which is inevitable. It is too bad that so many children have to suffer before this travesty is rectified. But hey, they are just little snakes, right Bibi.

  6. Talk about the National gas in northern GASA , this is what it is all about , three trillion dollar of natural gas of northern GASA wake up , they including USA are trying to get rid of the Egypt s canal , I changed things because the people in charge of my thoughts are getting fit so I can’t say the words I be should the natural Gas on northern GASA. Is worth 3 trillion dollars this is why they want then to leave northern GASA wake up your country is put people in a control co

  7. Why do any mainstream media not talk about the natural gas of northern GAZA three trillion US dollars in nature gas ? Why are they shoving people out of northern GASA the want the gas the money , they held the people Palestine in a concentration camp for yers , the Suez Canal it going to be a thing of the past , America Uk want the emulation of people that lived there for thousands of years , yet UK gave Natzs land for money , this is worse than the holocaust

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