Speaker Johnson Does TRUMP’S BIDDING On ILLEGAL Voting

Jessica Burbank and Amber Duke discuss GOP’s election bill that targets immigrants’ ability to vote. #Illegalimmigrants #voting

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Author: Rafael Nieves


46 thoughts on “Speaker Johnson Does TRUMP’S BIDDING On ILLEGAL Voting

  1. Wow I thought Republicans went into witness protection. Don't hear much from the majority in Congress. Someone should tell them they are the majority

  2. It boggles the mind, the cognitive dissonance of some people. The current electoral system is extremely easy to scam and or game in a way that is functionally impossible to prove. if you want to vote, show an ID. If you really can’t afford the 20/$30 charge you probably shouldn’t be voting anyway. you’re in no position to be making decisions for the rest of the community.

  3. How do you prove you are a citizen? Drivers' licenses are available to legal residents, whether citizens or not. Do you carry around your birth certificate? Your passport? Social Security numbers are given to anyone who is a legal resident, regardless of citizenship. Hispanics are not the only group coming to this country, both legally or unlawfully. They come from Europe and Canada as well, so everyone will need to prove citizenship, including you.

    Besides, both Federal law and the US Constitution grant only citizens the right to vote. This new bill is basic political grandstanding.

  4. Bring in dr Caroline heldman, occidental college, to discuss proposed voter legislation. She's pretty bold, making regular guest appearances on Fox, and just an interesting person.

  5. There’s a decline in the border crossings because Biden is Flying them in bypassing the border.
    Trump had tried getting citizenship included on the last Census and it didn’t pass.

  6. Jessica, voting is the vouce of an American Citizen, not residents or illegals. Stop virtue signaling. If you loose your ID or a license, you can still prove who you are a registered voter. As a legal immigrant, there have been many opportunities to vote federally without being registered; that should be illegal.

  7. Yes, we already have laws on the books about this problem. it is just a matter of enforcement.
    We also have Laws on the books about people illegally and criminally breaking into our country. I am also calling baloney on the number given of illegals voting. The number is much greater than that. Don't get me started on how many dead people voted.

  8. Only in clown world, would a country find it OK for a non-citizen to vote. Another example of the left ignoring the US constitution, as they do!

  9. My local Costco has me show ID before entering the store to eliminate fraud. Let's do the same on election day! Alot more at stake!

  10. The “border crisis” is another manufacturing consent scheme to implement a “smart wall”. The two party system is just two different avenues to the same place.

  11. I know this title did not say he's doing, "Trumps bidding!" He is doing his job and doing the, "bidding" of the American people! There isn't even a large party divide on this when it comes to the actual citizens — voters from both sides expect this voter security.

    This bill is very necessary because there is a loophole that essentially states that if an illegal immigrant believes they were an actual citizen at the time they voted — then it's ok. These ladies can't see how that could be a problem, or is it that they don't know about this loophole?

  12. It's illegal in Mexico to even peacefully protest, if you are a citizen from the United States. So why would we let non citizens vote in this country,?

  13. There are upwards of 30 million illegal residents within the United States. The idea of running elections on the honor system is insane.

    One party squeals like a pig any time there is any move to make an enforceable system to verify eligibility to vote. I wonder why that is?

  14. I'm so happy that I've never wasted time with a single election in my life and never will…… all these senseless fights over ID that change nothing like the voting thingy they defend…

  15. New York has actively been trying to get illegals to vote though. They brought it to the Supreme Court in New York and they were shut down, thank goodness, but they are still trying to get it overturned. So this is very much so an issue that needs to be addressed.

  16. why did it take Republicans so long to realize and make the point about the census and representation portion problem with illegal immigration and sanctuary cities? Were they waiting to see or figure out whether illegals were going to end up in their cities and benefit them? Hope not

  17. Make IDs free and readily available bc there should be 0 hindrance on an Americans right to vote.
    The Red stateimake a habit of not making IDs available within 50 miles of brown and black communities plus $40 and the place is only open 2-4 days a month.
    It absolutely is unnecessarily restrictive and doesn't address the problem

  18. You can't compare 2016 illegal voting to today, there's like over 10 million illegals here now so all those numbers you're quoting are irrelevant. We absolutely have to stop illegal voting

  19. Requiring ID to vote shouldn’t be that controversial. If Democrats are worried that the cost prevents low income individuals from voting then create a program that gets them id free of charge.

  20. Both republicans and democrats are desperate to dictate control over the number and content of the voting population.

    They will then, dictate the choices these eligible people will be permitted to select from.

    And then, some will have ten thousand individual votes each…

    Other people will have no vote at all.
    And the majority will have one…
    Which they are told is “a worthless and wasted effort”, but only if you don’t give it to them…

    A lot of effort made to extort that single “worthless vote” from the suffering masses…

    Because even with all the advantages given to the establishment, people are really running away from the establishment and from both establishment parties, and you can smell their desperation and fear.

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