Super Tuesday Shake-Up: ‘Uncommitted’ Voters Prove PROBLEMATIC For Biden

Briahna Joy Gray and Robby Soave break down the results of Super Tuesday, including the impact of “uncommitted” voters. #Supertuesday #uncommittedvoters

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Author: Rafael Nieves


35 thoughts on “Super Tuesday Shake-Up: ‘Uncommitted’ Voters Prove PROBLEMATIC For Biden

  1. Look these voters in the uncommitted movement are willing to put Donald Trump back in the oval office and they're playing into Trump's hands when it comes to protesting and boycotting their vote against Joe Biden and they're doing damage to the Democratic party and these types of boycotts and protest votes are not helping with the Democratic party. This is an embarrassing moment for these folks to throw away everything the Democratic party stood for when it comes to the rights and freedoms for all Americans including broader issues of climate change, abortion rights, voting rights, LGBTQ rights, civil rights, immigration, child care, social security, and healthcare, are they willing to hand a victory to the Republican party who are hellbent on destroying everything that will never be accepted in America for the next decades of years, sitting out the election and protest votes and boycotts is a win for both Donald Trump and the Republican party, these dangerous tactics must stop. This uncommitted protest vote and a vote for Jill Stein and Cornel West is a vote for Donald Trump which would hand Trump a victory and this would be the end of this country and our democracy if Donald Trump returns to the oval office and both Jill Stein, Cornel West, and the uncommitted movement will be blamed for harming Joe Biden's chances of winning and nothing will get passed legislatively when it comes to voting rights, abortion rights, child care, housing, build back better, climate change, and racial justice and these people are throwing away everything the Democratic party is fighting for and these protests and voting 3rd party candidates benefits Donald Trump and the Republicans and these do not understand the ramifications on how their anger against Joe Biden would damage the Democratic party and would benefit Republicans that the Republican party's goals are to dismantle everything and help protect Donald Trump where the Republican party's opportunity is to take this country backwards and the Republicans will remain in power for the next decades of years where they'll be the only political party that wants to hold this country hostage and no fundamental rights and freedoms will be given to people and our nation will no longer be able to move forward and this is what happens when boycotting Joe Biden and the Democrats and voting 3rd party opens the door to Donald Trump and the Republicans who's goals are to destroy this country and stripping away the rights and freedoms for all Americans and this uncommitted vote and a 3rd party vote does nothing, this stunt help Trump and the GOP even more. To all the folks out there who are in the uncommitted movement who are protesting against Joe Biden, your protest votes and your boycotts to sit out the 2024 will not help on making your voices heard when it comes to the war between Israel and Hamas, these anti-Biden protest votes for this election is a gift to Donald Trump and the Trump-loving Republican party who are hellbent on weakening this nation and weakening the American people and that's a fact and this happened from time and time again during the Trump-era how the destruction of Donald Trump plagued upon the lives of the American people including this country, thousands or millions of American lives were lost under Donald Trump during the COVID-19 pandemic, parents children and families were separated at the border due to Donald Trump's racist anti-immigration policies and the rise of hatred and division inflicted the pain on America including the American people who were the victims of Donald Trump's hateful ideology. Uncommitted voters please know and understand that what you all are doing is a dangerous move that would put Donald Trump back in power and it will lead to another repeat and replay of Donald Trump going back to the same toxic standards he's pulled before when Trump was President and this time Donald Trump will continue his extreme methods he will use over and over again and this country and the American people will never be the same, the years of progress, the American dream, democracy, and the rights and freedoms for this country including the American people will be diminished for years and America will never recover due to the destruction of Donald Trump and the Trump-loving Republican party. Uncommitted voters must put aside from everything they're doing and for the sake of god and for the sake of this beloved country and American democracy, let's all unite and help both Joe Biden and the Democratic party win the 2024 election in order to stop Donald Trump and the Republicans from winning back power and let us all save this country and reestablishing the fundamental rights and freedoms for all Americans and help move this country forward, you all don't have to think about Joe Biden but think about the minds of this country including the American people and let's put democracy, humanity, freedom, and country first.

  2. I really hope that the uncommitted voters realize what bidens policies have done to this country, look for yourselves and don,t take either parties word for it,spend some time really looking and you will vote for trump,,Biden has failed this country and the world

  3. Trump's mental condition isn't great either, however, he projects more energy and confidence. Unfortunately Biden's lifelong stutter is becoming more prominent as he ages and makes him appear duller than he actually is.

  4. Gotta wonder how many registered Dem voters went non-committal b/c they didn’t switch to Republican or Unaffiliated before the primary. Meaning they couldn’t vote for anyone but a Democrat on their available ballot. Says more about the Democrat Party platform than just Joe Biden

  5. Why does Schiff being funded by crypto make him seem even shadier than he already was? The man is “crooked & creepy” combined into one.

  6. I'll ask again: Why does anyone on either side of the aisle care about what Kamala Harris says she "thinks"? She's instructed what to say. She doesn't "think."

  7. All of these polls and the reasons behind them will be rendered moot, because sometime between August and November the Russians will drop a Racism Bomb or something like that, which will galvanize the Establish… I mean Democrat base.

  8. I hope you issue a retraction. Garvey is winning at the moment. I haven't seen a single outlet that called it for Schiff post anything about it since Garvey took the lead. Pathetic and obvious media bias.

  9. Barbara Lee was against every war even the lone vote against Afghanistan, but she's all in with a nuclear war with Russia? As the saying goes money talks and morality walks. That is why she lost so bad. She was all over the map on war and peace and that's a bad place to be if your a peace activist. Ron's probably turning in his grave right now.

  10. In Oklahoma, if one is an "Independent", one gets stuck with the democratic ballot. I couldnt vote for RFK if I wanted to. So I left it blank. And that messed up the counting machine. It rejected my ballot 3 times, before it took it. So, why did it take it? Did it vote for me? Who's name did it record? This is not the first time a voting machine has gone awry when I have been attempting to use one. How many other machines are doing this?

  11. Is "Uncommitted" really exclusively protest related to the Israeli/Gaza issue? I think a reasonable part of it is the fact that the DNC have disenfranchised Democratic voters in general from having a choice.

  12. Watch Trump and even more Biden work to keep Kennedy off the debate stage. If Kennedy gets to talk to the whole nation and explain his position and his ideals, they'd both be f'd.

  13. You will never see this covered in CNN, USA Today, MSNBC, etc because most of the media in the USA is fake news with a goal to prop up the democratic party

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