Supreme Court MASSIVE ERROR has Major Consequence


On a special Legal AF interview hot take, podcast co founder Michael Popok interviews former federal judge J. Michael Luttig about his view that the Supreme Court’s decision effectively eliminating the insurrection disqualification provision in 14th Amendment, Section 3 was unconstitutional in itself and wrongly decided.

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Author: phillynews215


45 thoughts on “Supreme Court MASSIVE ERROR has Major Consequence

  1. The court is taking the same stance as James Come did. Let the voters decide and get what they deserve. Absolutely terrible decision

  2. SCOTUS is screwing the Americans in every direction; taking away our rights, benefiting from billionaires, a salary with benefits for life. They can all go to hell. Stock the bench with those that care about the American people & not just themselves.

  3. Another useless MeidasTouch video that a) deals with an irrelevant topic and b) only repeats what you already know. The whole world has long understood how the 14th Amendment is to be understood, and it's funny: you don't even need a law degree to understand what it means: common sense is enough. The really important issue would be how can it be that ALL US politicians, ALL US judges and ALL US prosecutors have just stood by and done NOTHING to hold the US Supreme Court accountable. or is it above the law, even when it is clearly making decisions against the law?

  4. "Leading questions" are striking examples of the incompetence and personal bias exemplified by these sitting Republican Supreme Court Judges. Embarrassing and horrific.

  5. Donald Trump was found innocent in another bogus impeachment. He told the people at his speech on January 6th to go peacefully and patriotically. He also offered up to 40,000 national guard troops to be at the Capitol and was told that it was not needed by pelosi and the governor of DC. Don't you liberals understand that if this can happen to a former president it can happen to you too. They can make up lies and false charges against you and throw you in prison for the rest of your life. God forbid

  6. Clean one by one Supreme Court…and justice department…
    Also remove trump from the ballots…we don't want a terrorist.. insurrectionist.criminal in the White house..period

  7. For the January 6th insurrection as it is called. Donald Trump has been blamed but if you look at the facts Nancy Pelosi had stopped the National Guard saying it was not needed. The Democrats talk very loud when in fact they are to blame.

  8. Vote blue people! 🌊 That's why they stacked the Supreme Court full of f**king worthless garbage that is ignoring the principle of the law. Term for these clowns. 🤡💩🤥

  9. Supreme Court got it right. 100%. It's lunacy to believe Trump participated in an insurrection. It's lunacy to believe J6 was even an insurrection. The only reason to push this propaganda is for politics alone.
    If your opnion is wrong no matter how many times you repeat it, it's still wrong.

  10. Would the 14th include Maxine Waters and AOC and others who have said on camera “get in people’s faces” while protesting or are they above the law (exempt)?

  11. Report: Liz Cheney, Jan 6 committee, suppressed testimony confirming Trump asked for 10,000 National Guard troops by: Pat Droney 2024-03-10 Source: Law Enforcement Today "Serbians Hacked Election 2020 Voting Machines", 4350 The Still Report on R.umble the Clowns IN America set it all up , money, equipment, and Hunter Biden visited them in progress. In addition, the Jan 6th Committee withheld major exculpatory key evidence, namely the testimony of Kash Patel. You will all learn very soon that a Coup took place on November 3rd, 2020.

  12. Vote blue all down the ballot and save our country and get it back on track 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

  13. Vote blue all down the ballot to save our government from having a dictator run our country. Citizen Trump is dictator to the mega republicans and a dictator to the Supreme Court to get himself in to being dictator of our American Government .we the people our the government . What are we the people doing to stop the dictatorship of our country . Or are we going to let a party of men and Supreme Court tells us what to do with our Government. We could refuse to pay their salaries until they do what we think is best . Don’t pay income tax or give them donations until they decide to work in our behalf 🤬

  14. They are Mega Supreme Court that steps to what Trump asks them to do . Trump publicly said Trump got them in and they owe Trump for doing that for them . This needs to go back to the Supreme Court with the most read in the American constitution and represent this again to the Supreme Court!

  15. Imagine enough never Trump representatives resign to give the Democrats a one seat voting majority in the House, they call for speaker elections and take control calling up an insurrection vote and name DJT as its organizer and leader. The Senate then votes to abolish the filibuster for issues related to insurrections and pass the House's legislation, Biden signs. Every Trump leading state then declares the Democrats insurrectionist for passing that law and say 10th amendment rights gives them the right to abolish that law and keep Trump on the Ballot. Trump wins the current predicted 312 EV and the house as a whole accept the will of the people to seat DJT. If they challenge his votes it goes to the House to appoint a president and still hold a majority of the states so Trump still wins a contingency election. The SCOTUS says the 14th amendment is Congress enforced and election of president is a political question and the House's ruling is not subject to judicial interference.

  16. The final question of why would anyone want to prevent an insurrectionist from being disbarred from holding office misses the point. It is the preceding step that they would have wanted to avoid.
    Namely, they would not have wanted 50 states or 435 districts from deciding if someone is an insurrectionist. As we see playing out with Donald Trump some states say he is some say he is not. We do not want the disunity of allowing some states to say he is and off the ballot and even within states some districts saying yes while others say no. If Democrats held both branches and passed a law signed by the president that Trump was an insurrectionists, Anti-Trump'ers would be furious is some states disagreed and simply ignored congress and said he stays on and is eligible since they don't think he is an insurrectionist and the feds got it wrong. Same argument from the other side.

  17. A Dictator does what he desires, regardless of what his people keep telling him they want in their country. We the People have been begging Biden and his sidekick, Mayorkas, to please close the border, stop importing massive amounts of poverty into our country, stop allowing Mexico and China send fentanyl into our country because it’s killing thousands and thousands of our great youth, please stop giving our tax money to encourage people to come here illegally, please stop putting immigrants over citizens, please stop ruining our country! But Biden refuses and Mayorkas refuses to close the borders and return to using our immigration laws. But Biden says he will continue to leave borders open because that’s what he wants to do. Is Biden a Dictator?

  18. You protest too much. The Justices explained how that by using the 16th Amendment that States can usurp Presidential elections due to majority bias. Liberals don't like it when their method of "trial by accusation" doesn't work. Forget that its the Supreme Court that decides the historical ramifications and how practical result is theirs to decide, let's just cry foul when they disagree. Cry me a river!

  19. the important change that needs to be legislated is the supreme court and any other court that does not have members VOTED in by the people. Term limits, voters choose, a legislative addition of a Supreme court watch dog without any left or right influence. This watchdog group would refer indictments to congress/senate to remove judges that are not performing in the best interest of the United States People

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