Supreme Court signals reluctance to disqualify Trump from ballot

The Supreme Court on Thursday appeared reluctant to take the extraordinary step of disqualifying former President Trump from appearing on the ballot during a historic oral argument in which the justices grilled lawyers about whether states have the authority to ban a candidate from running for federal office.
Additional media:
AP, Getty,
Library of Congress

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

Author: Rafael Nieves


32 thoughts on “Supreme Court signals reluctance to disqualify Trump from ballot

  1. Not a second it would be the 3rd time on a ballot 😮. 2016. 2020 overwhelming lost 😮.
    And never accepted his lose.,and tried to stay by force.
    No 3rd chance.
    He tried to disenfranchisement millions of Biden votes.
    He is a treasonous unworthy candidate.

  2. That’s absurd, John Roberts. The con clearly states that insurrectionists are barred. Not just random people who a party doesn’t like. The reason this law hasn’t been used since the civil war era is because Trump is the only president in our history to subvert the transfer of power, to interfere with the Congress in the middle of handling the people’s business. Somehow, we managed to avoid electing a career criminal until Trump. How is it that this wasn’t hammered by CO’s attorney.

  3. If the supreme Court doesnt tàke any necessary measures to disqualify trump,i will say we dont have a supreme court in the US anymore 😮

  4. NO one over 65 should run for office ! Do it like the airline pilots. Too old to fly ? too old to run important countries……Not asking much. We are tired of the old guys….and old gals. .

  5. La Cour suprême devrait mettre un terme à cette mascarade. Laissons les gens décider librement s’ils veulent ou non que Trump soit président. Arrêtez l’ingérence électorale.

  6. " The judges didn't spend any time discussing Trumps conduct " ……. Do you know why ? Because thats what happens at a criminal trial after someone has been charged which Trump has not ! The Hill is still as biased as ever I see…

  7. The Supreme Court is not reluctant to disqualify trump from the ballot . They are upholding the constitution because there is no legal basis to disqualify trump from the ballot !!! this matter should never have gotten past the lower courts . A child can run a due process argument through the insurrection nonsense

  8. This is pointless. The Democrats should know the Supreme Court will NEVER set such a precedent, I know I wouldn't. This is a can of worms best left unopened.

  9. It's a Total disgrace what's happening in America 😪🤦‍♂️🙏❤🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸❤🙏

  10. I detest Trump but to take him off the ballot would make the USA like Pakistan, where popular candidate Imran Khan was jailed and prevented from running in their election. Seems America is leaning toward Fascism.

  11. Blame the DOJ and Garland for not charging Trump immediately after Garland got into office. They could of had him tried and convicted already.

  12. 😢😢What a big joke! I always applauded the Supreme Court , not any more! Now we are supposed to not follow the United States of America constitution anymore 😢??? Like someone who was running for President once said on t.v., “ I can shoot someone on 5th Avenue and get away with it “ WHAT A JOKE THIS COURT IS 😢. “

  13. I would be amazed if they ruled any other way. I'm no Trump supporter, but the precedent this would create would utterly destroy our election process. This whole thing is a desperate sham on the part of the Dems.

  14. Biden cant even walk and he mumbles in his speechs srry u cant keep trump off the ballot we have the right to vote for who we want they certainly didnt think about Americans jobs when the immigrants invaded our country there all connected

  15. After yesterdays spectacular events, the first US politician not fit to stand trial, much less lead the Free World, is President Joe Biden.

  16. At this point, they can put a parrot in office, if it increases real earned wages that outpaces inflation, reforms the corrupt lobbying, removes housing speculation which inflates rents, stops forcing people to do things ideologically and taxes less.

  17. It is heartbreaking to watch and learn that the law in America is NOT equal to every American citizen in the United States. Trump, who committed TREASON and providing aid and comfort to the enemy is unbelievably running for president after his shocking attempt to steal the election and take power over the government is entirely irrelevant and separate from the 14th Amendment. Unlike sedition and insurrection, treason is specifically and narrowly defined by the Constitution. The highest and worst crime ever committed in the US must be directly punished with imprisonment without exception, Trump is a vital danger to the US. As of December 2023, Donald Trump has been personally charged with 91 criminal offenses in four criminal cases. This total reflects charges related to Trump’s attempts to overturn the results of the 2020 election with election interference in Georgia, falsifying business records in New York, and mishandling classified records after leaving the presidency. Donald Trump is the first former president in U.S. history to be criminally indicted. Indicating that Trump committed by far the highest crime in the history of the United States, and this is immediately punishable by law no matter what position he was in, be it president, officer, or citizen. Trump, with a clear record to be the first proven criminal who committed a well-prepared insurrection, should have been in prison for the criminal acts he almost accomplished. People died in the insurrection and hundreds of people went to the hospital and prison. Within the White House all governing people inside were running for their lives to safety while he was trying to take over the entire government and could have kept them as hostages. People have argued for years about section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment while criminal Trump still walks freely around, causing more chaos. The Supreme Court is not capable of upholding the laws and that must be examined. Trump is derailed and dangerous and must be imprisoned for life, and certainly must be immediately banned from running for president. Choosing not to pursue accountability for fear of political criticism or consequences would itself be a deeply irrevocable dangerous political act. Congress must take up the responsibility to end this overwhelming disturbing part of US history, this, unfortunately, is not the end of the story!

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