Trump and MAGA Quickly BETRAY Entire World with Latest Moves

Fred Wellman interviews Ukraine-based journalist Tim Mak to get updates on the two year anniversary of the invasion.

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Author: phillynews215


50 thoughts on “Trump and MAGA Quickly BETRAY Entire World with Latest Moves

  1. If America won’t help Ukraine the rest of the free world will.
    Europe obviously knows what’s at stake, but so do other countries who haven’t been brainwashed by people with no moral compass.

  2. I love Dr. Mike, and have since I discovered his channel. I respect and admire him very much. Howie, you and your daughter are amazingly entertaining. Toronto misses you! Stay well. As an aside, our moms are friends…❤

  3. Hello from Sweden.

    It is very clear that America has a large group of people who do not have the brains to realize the consequences of putting Trump in the White House a second time. These idiots don't understand how dangerous it is to have a movement where members uncritically believe that the cult leader's word is law. 99% of everyone I know in Sweden and in Europe just shake their heads. How are these Americans created? Lack of education? The upbringing? How come my friends and I know more about American domestic politics than most of the cult members? But it's clear, if your only source of news is Hannity/Carson and Newsmax, well then you get a totally distorted view of the outside world.

    Love to all democracy-loving Americans from Sweden

  4. Google “Open Skies Treaty May 2020”. I can’t help but feel that Trump contributed to Russia’s invasion by ending that program. I don’t know if it was on purpose, but it definitely helped the Russians out unnecessarily.

  5. Tuberville is a traitor…. He supported the Jan 6 coup, and #45 and his lies…. Tuberville is gaslighting just like his orange savior…. Orange It is Putin’s best-ey… and Tuberville knows that fact!

  6. Answer the question. Did and will Ukraine intend to let USA under the NATO umbrella place military assets within its country. And will it only be defensive or more.

  7. the R next to his state doesn't stand for republican anymore, it means RUSSIAN, so the republican is close to going full on pro russian and not hiding it

  8. Put's puppet Trump and Trump's fellow traitors to America have taken over the Republican party. Putin is winning right now, thanks to the maga traitors. They all need to be voted out. Vote blue to save America 🇺🇸 💙

  9. What dirt does Putin have on Trump and MAGA Republicans ? To sell one's soul and turn into traitors for Russia is beyond comprehension.

  10. Those congresspersons who are against aid to Ukraine are being played by the Gremlin in the Kremlin. 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 Слава Україні!!! Героям слава!!! 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦

  11. Putin doesn't want NATO to take its borders up to Russia. But he wants to take his borders up to NATO. Cynical ploy. NATO and Russia already share a long border. Then long before Belarus collapses?

  12. The GOP has forgotten the principle of self determination. Each of the NATO countries determined themselves what they want to do and who they want to be aligned with. It was never ‘forced’ on them like the Soviet Union did with the eastern block countries.

  13. If trump gets back to the White House, he will pull the US out of NATO immediately and Russia will walk right over Europe. I'm in the UK, and our government knows this and is already talking about conscription for our children in readiness for war. I can't believe what's happening in the US and I'm so worried about its impact across the world. We all need to hold the line for democracy 💙

  14. Bunch of Traitors. It's like they're holding Ukraine hostage like their orange leader tried to do in the beginning. All these so-called lawmakers are Traitors and should be held accountable for treason! Not helping Ukraine, is absolutely going to affect America not to mention the rest of our allies around the world. This is ridiculous that these Traitors are allowed to do this.

  15. Tubberville is clearly an Russian assett. From his blocking Military promotions for months to now all his outward support for Putin and Russia. It's clear to me that Putin has strategically placed Russian operatives in our society and government. Mike Johnson, Tommy Tubberville, Donald Trump and Tucker Carlson are out front but they have plenty working behind the seems as well. It's a damn shame.

  16. Absolutely fucking VILE that we have foreign operatives in the GOP doing everything they can to destabilize our nation and support foreign interests. Get everyone you can to do their part and VOTE. We cannot allow the GOP to bring their White Nationalist Nazi party into power.

  17. I think everyone of the traitors should be deported to russia and their citizenship taken away. They love Russia so much go live there. Vote 💙 save America

  18. What's happening in this country is appalling. The very technology that improved our lives. Is the very thing that is destroying our Democracy, and people's families. What really shocks me is there's no one that's willing to stop these people. Our politicians and courts have been corrupted for power and money. A third of working americans are being used to push some greedy, rich groups twisted agendas. If America's so powerful, why can't they stop the take over of its own country.

  19. Is he saying that if Mexico got nuclear weapons the US would attack and try to take over Mexico? What about Canada- are they on thin ice with the GOP, too?

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