Trump Makes SURPRISE MOVE on Florida Trial Date

MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports on the dueling trial date submissions by Special Counsel Jack Smith and Donald Trump (and his co-defendants) in the Mar-A-Lago document case before Judge Aileen Cannon.

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Author: phillynews215


49 thoughts on “Trump Makes SURPRISE MOVE on Florida Trial Date

  1. Observation| Trump will run out of monay and instead of flying all over the place | He will have to ROAD Trip with his Herd .. NO MORE PLANE

    He can not afford his plane. His Secret Service people will double dislike the assignment. The driver will get sick of driving from City to City, State to State.

  2. So, there are legal, procedurally approved means of reaffirming the classified nature of those documents, and making sure they are, indeed, the property of the US government, and not private citizen Trump, and therefore undercut his argument entirely, since if one sitting president can do the thin, the next sitting president can also do the thing.

  3. If Trump was promoting his agenda to improve living standards postives for the nation I would say go right ahead and wait until after the election BUT all he does is regurgitates same old same old BS and being a nasty little man

  4. I think in light of all of us voting TFG out for good. I think it is time that Election Day is considered a Federal Holiday for all. If the situation. We are currently in doesn’t justify to people how important it is to vote, I don’t know what does. Get out and VOTE BLUE!💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

  5. This trial ain't gong in August. This is just a blatant tactic to block out all other cases from going this year, Chutkin should just schedule her trial as though this one is not happening ever.

  6. I love how the GOP claims election interference when Trump is NOT the official nominee. It’s a false claim for which the GOP refuses to acknowledge

  7. There is NO reason to stop a criminal trial just because someone has decided to run for president! Trumpty could be on trial on Nov 5th & it's irrelevant! He doesn't HAVE to be campaigning, especially if he's already the repug nominee 🤷‍♀️

  8. I think Biden needs to come out and say that back in Jan of 2021, he used his presidential mind powers to re-classify all of those documents and see what Trump's defense would be then.

  9. I cried when I heard about what the supreme court did in favor of trump. It could've been settled immediately instead of waiting the rwo full weeks. supreme court, i believe are being bought off by trump snd his attorneys. Javk Smith needs to replace judge cannon ASAP. She's on the side of trump. 68% of American people and 38% of Republicans want to see these trials go forward before the election. VOTE BLUE ALL THE WAY!!!!

  10. I can’t believe how messed up the American justice system has got . Tump seems to be allowed to do as he pleases. You have people like Jack Smith doing the right thing and trying to get justice and make trump pay for his actions but he’s just getting nowhere because of people like this judge cannon and now the Supreme Court . Its disgusting how the Supreme Court are so up trumps bum

  11. Question: under the constitution what if any action can be taken by the people of the country against a Supreme Court suspected of ruling against the citizens of America? If none why not?

  12. What happens if the supreme courts don’t decide until after the election, and Trump is elected president and then they decide to give him presidential immunity.

  13. This all just means that NO ONE is going to save us from Donald Trump except for ourselves!! We have to get out and vote against this extraordinary destructive fascist and as many of his cohorts and possible this November!! VOTE BLUE and save this country from the fascists that want to rule over us instead of representing us!!

  14. Running for office is a privilege not a rule. Dark Brandon has to stack SCOTUS. A Democratic Congress has to correct the 6 years of MagaRino firestorm on our government and country, put in place guardrails to better protect our democracy

  15. Biden should just claim that the documents which the orange guy stole were Biden's property, therefore Orange 45 committed theft.

  16. We must vote blue 💙 in large numbers as never before in history to take back the majority in both houses. Then impeach Clarence Thomas, charge Ginny and reform the Supreme Court so this partisan, Maga Court will be disbanded. Corruption at the highest level.

  17. This trial will not take place this year Ben. I wish sometimes you would be more realistic instead of giving false hope. You mean well and I like your channel but this ship has sailed. Just saw expert comments on CNN and MSNBC a few hours after the hearing so I am writing in hindsight. But it is obvious from the get go. Andrew Weisman and other notables summarised and concluded this will not happen this year. Very frustrating. But you tend to post really long segments saying stuff that could be said in less than half that time. Clutching at straws. I mean 14 minutes? Waffle. You need to get a dose of realism. Concentrate on voter blue messages. We are on our own. Cannon has done the dirty. Fanni may be removed when it should have been Cannon instead. And that is down to Garland and Smith. Blame them for the Cannon mess. Stormy Daniels will not prevent Trump in running because he will not go to jail. He will squirm his way somehow out of the debt he owes or at least delay for as long as he can. We have to go to the polls and make sure he does not win and fight like hell to prevent another Jan 6th. Forget this stuff unless or until we hear good positive news. Last chance saloon. Two hopes. Bob Hope and No Hope.

  18. We are looking for the trial date but if it runs will this be a "normal" trial or would we be looking at a copy of Kyle Rittenhouse trial were judge Schroeder made a lot of very strange rulings during the proces. What if she told Smith he can not use the words top secret documents but has to call it personel papers for example. It doesn't matter when the case will start, she probally will sabotage it from day one.

  19. Is trump really that stupid didn’t the moral Lago raid place after he was out as president, so he has no case on absolute immunity because it happened after he was out of office

  20. So… Since the Supreme Court is going down the road they are… Couldn't President Biden just send Seal Team Six…? Seems like he could just hit the "RESET" button and then use the superpowers to put things back the way they were including limiting his own power?

  21. Idaho is trying to make it very hard to petition changes to State admendments..They want a large % to sign them.. and some towns are not large enough to be counted !

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