Trump’s $60 BIBLE & Hush Money GAG ORDER, Ronna McDaniel FIRED, Hunter’s Felony FIASCO, RFK Jr. VP

Daily Debrief host Kevin Cirilli chats with The Hill’s Julia Manchester about former President Trump’s gag order in his New York hush money trial. They break down the latest developments on the trial and the news that Trump is now selling “God Bless USA” Bibles. Plus, they discuss RFK Jr. Announcing Nicole Shanahan as his running mate pick.

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

Author: Rafael Nieves


45 thoughts on “Trump’s $60 BIBLE & Hush Money GAG ORDER, Ronna McDaniel FIRED, Hunter’s Felony FIASCO, RFK Jr. VP

  1. A Fulton County, Georgia Elections Board member voted not to certify the 2020 Election results in the county because signature verifications were not performed.
    The lying left and Corrupt Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger hid the fact that signature verifications were not performed in Fulton County (where Atlanta is located) on 147,000 ballots in the 2020 Election, yet they certified a Joe Biden “win” by 12,000 votes.

  2. For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book.

  3. A billionaire should GIFT bibles to people, not GRIFT them by selling our Holy Book at an outrageously exorbitant price. Didn’t Jesus Christ reprimand people who were grifting and trying to profit from temple attendees? What would Jesus say about this grift?

  4. This is a message for trump: Psalm 23. I will carry out great vengeance on them and punish them in my wrath. This is what happens :And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the money changers, and the seats of them that sold doves, And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves. trump is a thief, playing with faith for his own gain, he will pay, as God don't play! it's a metaphor and the temple is Gods word and he wants you to think what he's selling is a good thing but those selling doves, their table was also turned over, in wrath for pretending. Don't play with the word.

  5. actually Lee Greenwood is selling the Bibles, not Trump. Do a little research. Trump is promoting the Lee Greenwood bible, just like the Dallas Cowboys promoted Lee Greenwood merchandise last year.

  6. am a researcher of the scripture.
    Is it prophecy that Trump is the Antichrist who claims to be a religious leader, who claims to come in the name of our Savior Jesus Christ. In Revelations 13 the miracles performed by the deceiver is similar to the “miracles” Trump takes credit for appointing conservative Supreme Court Judges that helped overturn Roe vs Wade.
    Is Trump the Saviour or the AntiChrist?
    This surely feels like the end of times.

  7. @Philkron1

    0 seconds ago

    Biden 2024

    Trump lost me when he started selling the Bible! It says plainly in Deuteronomy 4:2 in the New Living Translation (NLT) of the Bible says, "Do not add to or subtract from these commands I am giving you. Just obey the commands of the Lord your God that I am giving you". What was added to his Bible? God help us all!

  8. $59.95 plus tax & Shipping? A politicized bible? A MAGA bible? nahh—- my friend "Gideon" gave me a bible free! An unencumbered hard cover gem! Good margins, excellent typeface-unlike the MAGA bibles.

  9. Donald Trump is an excellent person, and for Donald Trump to sell Bibles is the best thing he could offer to make a little money to help his campaign, because selling Bibles is a great idea because it's the book that everyone needs in their hands, God bless you Donald and family.

  10. NBC and the Daily Wire are both proving the current cancel culture where you cannot disagree with the majority of the people on the forum and have honest discussions of our differences. NBC is proving that they pander to the left, and the Daily Wire has chosen Judaism over Christianity. If you are perceived as Anti-Sematic for saying "Christ is King" at the start of the Easter week, it's just wrong. And if you let the staff dictate policy and hiring practices to the management, you are not the ones running your Corporation.

  11. Does he realize that he's broken the 10 Commandments? Adultery is his favorite, you know his wives must have known but didn't like him enough to care. It was just an embarrassment for them.

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