Trump’s Former Press Sec PUTS THE DAGGER in Trump with New Announcement

As the election season ramps up across the nation, so does the spin zone. Right wing networks are pushing straight up propaganda and mainstream news outlets don’t always push back with facts against right wing talking points. Journalist, Suri Crowe, breaks down some of that misinformation and disinformation in this report by pushing back with facts.

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Author: phillynews215


45 thoughts on “Trump’s Former Press Sec PUTS THE DAGGER in Trump with New Announcement

  1. To solve the immigration problem requires an honest compromise between the two parties. But the problem at the US-Mexico border only become relevant to republicans as a political talking points. They actually don’t want the problem to be solved so they rejected the bipartisan bill as per Trump’s request. For them the situation at the border conveniently serve to highlight their political propaganda purposes during election time. They fabricate and uses words of lie to further their agenda. Exaggerated statements like South Americans who were labeled criminals of all sort are invading the US at the border. The problem at the border existed decades ago. Congress needs to find a genuine solution through an honest compromise.

  2. If i may correct that lady, please i challenge her to look at the economic data, the economy is doing well, what those states especially red state need to do is let the economy reach those on the ground who needs it, that is why people keep complaining cos their leadership is making things difficult for the common folks,do to stupid legislation.

  3. My mom said that her genaration fought for women freedom,and now they are taking it away ,one by one ,taking us back to the handmaiden era.

  4. She's wrong. You gotta fight crazy with crazy….not facts. I get her intentions but this is too meek. Watch Tony Michaels.

  5. I just traveled by car across our country to be with family. Along the way every hotel was fully booked each night and the local restaurants were full with waiting lines. So I don’t know where the bad economy reports come from?!! Roads are packed with plenty of trucks and cars as well.

  6. I would love to see her sit down with someone on tv and go through policies and achievements for each side. Crying about the border is miniscule compared to other metrics.

  7. The main language he approves of is russian, Spanish is world wide and so is English. Those languages he refers to are Arabic, Hindu, Chinese etc etc where many immigrants are flying into the U.S. from middle eastern countries, Pakistan, India, etc but naaah! The border crisis. Why are so many of these ppl flying here and keep coming in and can get all the assistance they need from our Govnt, they are running every corner store in America and treat citizens like 💩, why? If I request i.e. $200,000 from my govnt to start a business, I am automatically denied and these ppl get it like yesterday. These loopholes need to be plugged. Americans are being left behind in these endeavors, why?. 🤬🤬🤬⚓️🇺🇲⚓️🇺🇲⚓️🇺🇲⚓️

  8. I’m sorry it’s hard for me to listen to this girl. I’ve been a registered republican since 1984 and I’ve voted for Democrats many times. Wake up, grow up and get your head out of your behind.

  9. So, the monopolistic supply chain corps aren't releasing their hold on price gouging in the camo of media fog on the compliant mass of idjits and it's Prez Biden's fault?

  10. This is what's wrong with the 2 party system. People vote Republican because they've been a Republican or they vote. Democrat, I'm a Democrat that's bullshit. You vote for the best person who has the constituents best interest at heart

  11. Yes Sarah!!!!! Hit her up!!! Be interviewed for real (nothing against Joy as a journalist, but sometimes she cannot ask the harder questions).

  12. Right! She was just a bunch of talk! Maybe he just got to the immigration issue because he was working on other issues and dealing with being blocked. No one can do everything at one time. Shouldn't matter when he got to it, here it was and it was rejected by the party that said it meant so much. I wish Joy would have pushed back, too but she does work for a network that may not have allowed that. Bottom line folks are trying to keep their positions secure and avoid the maga backlash. They will call #46 everything but a child of God but won't use the word liar, cheat, scammer, etc. when describing #45. Shame on all of them!!

  13. There's no trickle down. President Biden was busy for the first two years cleaning up your mess. He has delivered for the American people.

  14. As a multi linguist who speaks to many races especially women, they are terrified of republicans and their policies.

  15. I wonder how many abortions Donald Trump has (1) fathered (2) paid for. Money well-spent.

    Trump will not live forever. The dishonorable legacy of those who support him will live on forever. (apologies to Liz Cheney).

  16. Republicans stand for nothing. They are the ones blocking immigration laws cause trump told them not to pass any laws so he can run on it. Biden wants to solve the problem . Do your research before judging

  17. State of the country is not great???????? What the hell does that mean. It is a $26 Trillion dollar economy. The only thing not great about the zus is that most people will only ever see a few dollars of the $26 trillion, you’ve got just a few scraps for social welfare and decent health insurance for average people is a sick joke considering the extortionate medical costs. The is the work of republicans 90%. What? So are you saying that the rich haven’t screwed poor people enough? Is that what you can “the poor state of the country”?

  18. In the 1990s, Gingrich wrote “On Language”, which instructed his fellow Republicans to stop being statesmen and start calling their Democratic opponents “anti-child” and “anti-flag” and “corrupt” and “radical” and “sick” and worse. They’ve been doing it for three decades now, and in that time they have raised two generations of extremists (first the Tea Party and now MAGAs) who BELIEVE this shit. They think every Dem is a socialist fascist (an oxymoron) who aborts babies “after birth” (not a thing) and wants to groom every child to be whatever their latest scare tactic is (this year, it’s trans).

    So DJT comes along, and he is the EMBODIMENT of On Language, nicknaming every opponent like a five-year-old ((Sleepy Joe, Sloppy Stepanopolous, the Deranged Judge or Prosecutor or anyone trying to do their job, etc.), and these generations raised on On Language are eating it up. “He speaks our language!” This former Trump worker needs to take the plank out of her own eye before removing the speck in Biden’s eye.

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