Trump’s Former Top Aide TURNS AGAINST HIM on Live TV

MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports on Donald Trump’s former Deputy Press Secretary Sara Matthews raising red flag warnings about the threat Trump poses to our democracy.

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Author: phillynews215


43 thoughts on “Trump’s Former Top Aide TURNS AGAINST HIM on Live TV

  1. "USURPER" is his aim, and the United States 🇺🇸 4th of July celebrations 🍾 will become irrelevant if Trump becomes dictator 😢

  2. Our democracy is safe under Biden. Just like our border. He’s doing great. Our economy is doing so good. Please people stop drinking the kool aid. Biden is killing this country.

  3. Thank you Sarah for the truth. The most ironic thing is Trump saying the lawsuits are undemocratic and then at CPAC his supporters calling to destroy democracy. Which is it Mr. Trump. Are you for democracy or against it.

  4. Newsmax host is a jerk, and a liar! Letting trump run for office again is the same as handing him his coup, completely wrapped up with a bow.

  5. I am a moderate Conservative in Canada and I see through the hypocrisy of Donald Trump. I hope the USA voters choose Biden and the Democrats who understand that the USA will stand up to the tyrants on the world!

  6. I think Biden should appoint two new Supreme Court justices, starting with Neil Katia and Judge ludic republican conservative, but not a right wing mega Justice like the five Supreme Court justices that are on the Supreme Court. It would be a winning strategy. That way the Republicans can’t say he’s being biased he can appoint a Republican Supreme Court Justice, and both would be fair and would go by the constitution, so anybody knows how to get a hold of Biden people please pass this wining strategy before it’s too late and they say he does have immunity. This would put the fear of God in them and make them do their damn job according to the constitution.

  7. Kudos to Costas for speaking out. Agreed that many maga ppl are cultists. However, the majority of maggats in the House & Senate are just making a bid for $$ & power via the orange man & sociopathic associates in a very corrupt manner. Imo if the orange man loses the November 24 election they will claim they were bamboozled & they now see the light. I just hope Voters dump them asap. If only the universe actually cared.

  8. Spineless Johnson, butt kisser of the Mad Hatter, like the rest of the maggots go on vacation rather than try to help out allies. Typical, "Us above all". No honor among them.

  9. My 70-year-old, life-long Republican sister-in-law switched in 2016 from Republican to Independent. She refused to vote for any party that was willing to put forward Trump as a viable candidate.

  10. The Q stuff, fox and the evangelicals have been the most potentially harmful things to democracy in the west and now to humanity

  11. She couldn’t be more right about trump flipping.
    It’s trump’s main MO to just flip anything
    He’s the biggest flipper ever in the public eye

  12. If We only had means to purge those that currently actively are subverting the functions of Our governments in support of an ongoing insurrection/attempt at installing a dictatorship… (14/3)

    Some way to disqualify those currently serving in positions of Trust, requiring Oaths to defend and Uphold…(14/3)

    "Somehow djt flips the script…" Is that really a mystery?

    We are kept fed FUD, crafted by their owned and operated media outlets. That's got something to do with it, right?
    Also, How about how most of the media not overty aligned with those masquerading as The Free Press, as Our 4th Estate, feeding us FUD, keep being reactive to djt & co, suckered into name calling and cosplaying scoldings.

    In short, djt is allowed to define the forum to the exclusion of productive public dialogs around proactive measures to advance a general position that Values Democracy.
    Nothing on how Progressive, Democracy enhancing initiatives, are the promove.
    Nothing on how Progressive policies are a congruent expression of our Democratic Principles in action.
    Nothing on how openly delusional-misguided many djt supporters are.
    Nothing even on what the US "flipping" into a dictatorship will mean to the world and our Grandchildren. Progeny.

    Raging fires merited being lit under the benches of these Judges long ago. The Indictments Were to have been that fire! Each indictment nearly fully supports Summary Judgments in favor of the the Government's, Our position. Even still, now, when they are stale.

    Purposefully written, fresh, Petitions for Summary Judgement for each case can fully support that conclusion. The Law & Facts support that.

    RIght? If anything ever merited a Summary Judgement, this must rise to that. (selected non-prosecution?)

    There is No possible Defense for djt and the putschettes. Due Process doesn't require we cosplay like we don't all know djt's guilty.

    Never let others define the terms of engagement: The Art of Democracy.
    Like calling the states battleground states or swing ones when the fact is that it is only through decades long efforts at gerrymandering that those states with close splits between DEMs and GOP, those states until this election cycle have been trifectas for the GOP, with super majorities in at least one State Legislative Chamber, and a majority of their Supreme Court Justices too. Hence djt's attempt to clinch his installment as dictator in 2020 by sending the question back to the state legislators.

    Civility, good Faith-Principled engagement, Truth, Whole, Full, and Nothing But:
    We Have Got to be that tall to ride this ride, Democracy.
    That is the toll. That's the ante.

    Without this Bar, with the normalized use of FUD (active sedition), ala fox & co, to induce hysterias, as SOP, there is no consent possible. Their declared goal.

    What do DV perps, pedophiles, sexual predators, religious charlatans, supremacists, grifters, bullies, sadists, and dictators have in common?

    Issues with consent.
    They are all about getting their way over any objections or cost to others.
    They are terrorists.
    And they all groom for each other.

    And you can never-ever appease them.

  13. This is the kind of thing we should be seeing everyday from now until November.
    The truth is far more important that Trump's hijinks. He's not worth the ratings.

  14. Why is everyone so scared of a coward?? Make sure to jail his jackass followers. They wouldn't follow Trump if they had an iota of intelligence. They've closed their minds before ever opening it. Pathetic!!

  15. I work with MAGA people and many claim not to be aware of project 2025. I don't know if that's true or not but everyone should be made aware of it and just how devastating to our country and the world it would be!! Please let's talk about it, bring it out of the shadows! 💙💙💙💙💙

  16. Trump could not even tell the truth in the UN which is why everyone laughed at him and at the US. He was so dumb he thought they were laughing with him.

  17. I never heard it put that way, "we have to be worried if he wins, we have to be worried if (🤞when🤞) he loses." This is what it's come down to. We have to be scared of the pathetic ogre rapist, who wants to be leader of our beloved country. That doesn't seem right.😮💙💙💙

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