Trump’s Former TOP EXEC Makes STUNNING Admission

A former senior VP and head of construction for Trump who lead the team that built his beloved Trump Tower just admitted that Trump had lead a fraudulent company for years, and that he will say and do anything and lie to get re-elected. Michael Popok of Legal AF breaks down the fraudulent myth of Trump’s business success and how he dupes his followers.

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Author: phillynews215


34 thoughts on “Trump’s Former TOP EXEC Makes STUNNING Admission

  1. You are so full of crap.. what bubble are you living in? Get out into the world USA and you will see how bad it is!

  2. OF COURSE he's a fraud! He's a blatantly obvious con-man and grifter. A carnival barker.
    It is truly unsettling how many people cannot see that, despite how clear it has been for many years.

  3. The ones at fault for Trump getting away with so much are the: Republican legislators: senators, congressmen, the judges in the Supreme Court chosen by him, corrupted government officials who choose to ignore that Trump is a menace to our Democracy.

    The MAGA followers have been brain washed by Trump. Check out psychology, how brainwash works. I was once brainwashed by a Christian sect. It was at college, while studying brain washing techniques, that I was shocked that I was a captive of the sect.
    I did not need any help to get out. I was intelligent enough and had strong self esteem taught to me by my family.

    I just walked out. No one could get me back. I became the person that I had always being.

    I was a fan of Trump during the Apprentice. Hey, a handsome tall man : who made a fortune, practically on his own, now a billionaire, who owned so many buildings, even the
    Plaza Hotel. I figured him intelligent, educated, refined, practically, the cream of the cream.

    Not that I was a young woman, dreaming of the Charming Prince, No! I had married a
    gentleman, honest, responsible, a hard worker, romantic, Macho Man. I knew him since
    our elementary school.
    Sadly, I lost him recently due to COVID, after we celebrated our 65th anniversary.

    Trump is an empty soul, no love but for himself. He is not what he pretended to be. He is not educated enough to be a president. As for being a patriot, he is not; he even cheats
    on his taxes.

    Now, he is talking about Jesus and Christianity on his speeches, to win more Christian
    votes. Doesn’t he know, that Jesus upon being questioned about paying dtaxes, showed a
    I coin and replied: “ give to Caesar, what belongs to Caesar”. The coin ha Caesar’s image.

    A true Christian does not cheat on his taxes. Why are pastors backing him up?

  4. And this is coming from a woman who worked for DJT for 18 years so tell me why is it so difficult for the MAGA people to come to terms with the truth or is it what gives them the courage to just be evil

  5. Why the hell do you have to follow up a great commentary with an infomercial promoting razor blades of all things? Aren't you embarrassed by this? WTF? : (

  6. Trump is a blatant narcissist. Obviously. A failed business man with a corrupt attitude/mindset. A poison pill to his attorneys and a complete disgrace to American politics, THE CONSTITUTION and to PEACE & DEMOCRACY to which he puts far behind his self- absorbed want of having the status of being our president of the United States. As one highly respected person said "A cauldron of loathsome ethics that defies being an honorable, law-abiding citizen". Or words to that affect.

  7. Why are there people always taking advantage of others in order to make money
    She is obviously a fraud if trump is such a bad guy why did she work for him for such a long time
    Long live trump and he will clean up this country from the radical left socialist communist democrat scum

  8. Trump is a narcissist. Narcissists fool a lot of people, first and mostly themselves. They're always the victim, they're never wrong, they know everything better than anyone else. Stupid people buy into their rhetoric without even thinking.

  9. You will have a hard time finding a New Yorker or even the greater Metro area who has any respect for Trump. And that was his stomping grounds until recently, as they say.

  10. This woman in 100% correct..the mega support are idiots and have fallen for a con man they will never wake up, they will go down with the ship…the other group that supports him is more dangerous the super wealthy that care only about their tax cuts and deregulations so tney can conduct business like its 1910 and the rest of us including the mega supporters will be their slaves….and then T only cares about money and power but he is an idiot because those super wealthy will tnrow him under the bus when he becomes useless to them…how can some Americans be so ignorant, blind to put this man in the WH😮😮😮😮

  11. When you people point out the obvious lies and evil of Trump, but Cannot and Will Not point out the obvious lies and evil of the Biden group, you also are a fraud and lose All credibility. Anyone who refuses to disavow Both of these frauds is highly mentally, morally, and childishly weak minded.

  12. Was Trump Sr really a good developer? He robbed people the same way his son learned to do. I wish there was a retroactive investigation into the wealth Trump Sr acquired to expose that its fraudulent means.

  13. Great…speak out …where is the FBI and military? snap out of it america !!! You will hate yourself in the morning !

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