Unfairly Targeted? Popular Podcaster Andrew Huberman EXPOSED In NY Magazine Piece

Briahna Joy Gray and Robby Soave react to article published in New York Magazine about popular podcaster Andrew Huberman. #andrewhuberman #huberman

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Author: Rafael Nieves


41 thoughts on “Unfairly Targeted? Popular Podcaster Andrew Huberman EXPOSED In NY Magazine Piece

  1. This is beyond ridicioulus. He ist credible for His information and Work, Not for His privat issues. Delusional people want to See more in him…. Where do we See a health Guru?????? He ist a Professor who provides US with knowledge. Women should start think more logical. Private Life is private.

  2. These accusations have not changed my opinion of Huberman in the least. The man gives powerful advice that you cannot find elsewhere. What he does behind closed doors is none of our business.

  3. I think this is great for Huberman. Media has proven that his natural health claims work, giving him superpowers as a Neuroscience genius and the vitality to maintain six relationships at once 😮

  4. I listen to Huberman and he makes zero claim to be helping people with their social lives. He helps, a lot, with physical and mental health. The raised pitch of Bri’s voice, while she talks over Robbie as usual, when she never heard of him and only read 2/3 of the article, is funny.

  5. This is pretty simple. He started platforming people that left wing media considered dangerous. Pretty much guaranteed to have journalists try to find, and exaggerate dirt on you.

    This is pretty much predictable.

    I don’t know what is true about his personal life. And, if he’s a serial cheater, I disagree with this.

    But, he’s not giving relationship or ethical advice. He’s giving scientific summaries regarding various topics.

    The science is either accurate or it isn’t. I see him as very good at that. Best in the business.

    This is simply an attempt to bring someone down who platforms people they don’t like. It’s a shot across the bow.

    Look, when Russel Brand was fully left wing and a completely disgusting womanizer nobody cared. Period.

    He started challenging the establishments narrative and all the sudden there are all these accusations.

    You have to be only mildly open minded to see this. If you’re not in the left wing bubble, it’s quite obvious.

    This is another example. And it’s blatant.

  6. He is amazing! Unlike all these other podcasters he gives much needed free health content. Who cares about his dating life? I really hate this world trying to destroy him over what the majority of men and women do dating so sickening

  7. The Hubermanists and Huberman apologists are completely missing the point of the article.

    I started listening to Huberman on Spotify well before he blew up on YouTube and became a cultural phenomenon. Over time, I've grown weary of his shtick. He's boring and transparently biased, opinionated and dogmatic. A formula for me quickly losing interest and respect for any social media "influencer".

    First and foremost, outside of the "sunlight in your eyes", very little of what he says is new; such as "exercise is good for you", "stop smoking"…etc. Nothing new under the sun.

    Most of what he says on his podcast is excessively one-sided with little to no information about opposing "data".

    In some cases, like his piece on alcohol, he only covers one side of the story and presents incomplete information. Any "study" on alcohol consumption and the resulting "data," which don't take into account the Blue Zones where people drink every day, yet live to 95 yrs old, is a flawed and incomplete "study". Knowing that, Huberman persists in preaching about alcohol abstinence. That is WRONG and deceitful.

    Getting back to the article…

    Huberman is not your typical podcaster who talks about nutrition and exercise exclusively. Some of his talking points center on discipline, impulse control, improving relationships, toxic relationships, better communication with others, and the list goes on and on. Once he crossed the line from hard science to psychology and began recommending techniques for better interactions and relationships, it was open season on his character and credibility.

    Per the NY Magazine piece, he could very well be someone who DOESN'T practice what he preaches. Does that take away from the value of what he teaches? Perhaps not. But it does put into question his character, and that's something that every Huberman devotee will have to weigh.

  8. He gives profund health information and not only pharma propaganda….therefore maybe the smear campaign?
    I listened a bit to his channel and its pure science, he's a scientist….
    But think about the effect of this article, emotions, ect…

  9. You don’t know Hubermann podcast, where do you live?🙈 He’s the best educator. The way he’s teaching about topics is amazing. His personal life is up to him, as long as he’s not hurting anyone. NY magazine is pathetic. Please do your research on people you speak about before you speak about them if you want to be credible.

  10. This is really bad commentary. Neither of the hosts know who Huberman is. Huberman does NOT attract alternative right wing leaning people only, he really attracts many types of people, it’s amazing how far his reach is. Most of my feminist friends listen to him.
    Brie, Huberman doesn’t act like he has his life together at all and is now advising us. He literally tries to bring best research forward in the most neutral sense. He never pretends to have it all, he constantly is working on himself.
    What was really appealing to Huberman was that he wasn’t political or gossipy but we all made fun of him for being robotic and in this polarized culture wars, it was so refreshing.
    Unfortunately now because of these attacks and only the right with bros standing up for him, he will turn to the right and be associated with the right.
    Huberman is a product of his world, Americans capitalist academia but he did try to bring information for free and most of his research and protocols is FREE and free to implement.
    He spoke about growing up with a liberal mother and a conservative father and he has been thinking about how to be in this world.
    He wrote a beautiful eulogy for a trans colleague who died. He wasn’t pigeonholed in right or left (left of right wing, as in within capitalism) but now he will be and he will gravitate towards those who don’t try to destroy his reputation.

  11. Honestly… I only see personal attacks and bruised egos.
    When you see Andrew Huberman speaking live (see just released in Melbourne, AU), his dedication and selflessness in his teachings with rigorous vulgarising and sourcing, it's hard to discredit all of his work for some private stories.
    Crafting hours of content at that pace and of that length and quality is a huge task, I don't have his team, but I already struggle to release a 20-minute video/week!
    And the content is FREE! Yes, there are sponsors and levers to monetise, and the company must be making millions, but it is simply the law of digital scalability.

    The Huberman Lab transforms lives.

    Ask people how were the greatest minds of this world to live with or be around, Males AND Females!
    People are not perfect- duh.

    If he does or did anything against the law: Then seize the law.
    If he does anything incorrect in the private sphere: Communicate in private, make up or cut the bridge.
    If he is being scientifically inaccurate: Open a scientific dialogue and/or seize the relevant commission.
    If you're jealous of his success: make yourself useful.

    But, please, especially Americans, stop this systematic media lynching.
    In my country, this would be undoubtedly sued for Public Defamation.

  12. Andrew admits to livin large and Making mistakes. He is in no way trying to be a guru, he is a human seeking knowledge and has expertise about neurobiology, which his breakdown of research is top notch. If people see him as a guru that’s an overlay on Andrew and not how he represents himself. His doctorate and research alone qualifies him to be listened to and respected and is an indicator of his ability to focus and accomplish things. Any comparison to Hunter Biden is ridiculous and unwarranted. Hunter is a trash loser.
    Andrew has never held himself as a paragon of virtue , therefore I think you should remove the title of this thumbnail as it is unfair. Everyone is hypocritical if Andrew Huberman is labeled as such.

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