WATCH LIVE: Senate panel considers 32-hour work week

The Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions is slated to hold a hearing Thursday morning regarding a standard 32-hour work week.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Wednesday introduced a bill to establish a standard four-day workweek in the United States without any reduction in pay.

The bill, over a four-year period, would lower the threshold required for overtime pay, from 40 hours to 32 hours. It would require overtime pay at a rate of 1.5 times a worker’s regular salary for work days longer than 8 hours, and it would require overtime pay at double a worker’s regular salary for work days longer than 12 hours.

The committee will hear from United Auto Workers President Shawn Fain, among other witnesses.

The hearing is scheduled for 10 a.m. EDT.

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

Author: Rafael Nieves


40 thoughts on “WATCH LIVE: Senate panel considers 32-hour work week

  1. If the last four years have taught you anything, let it be that these politicians do NOTHING for your benefit.
    Years ago Europe started reducing their work week…in order to have work hours that could be allocated to their enormous wave of immigrants. Europe has better worker protections than the US does, so they do work fewer hours and more vacation days – protected and enforced by law.
    However, if US businesses reduce the work hours, count on them also reducing the wages and any remaining health benefits. If we have a 32 hour work week, the actual amount of work won't decrease. But they can and will reduce overtime hours and pay and hire lots of extra, cheap migrant labor.

  2. The government needs to stop trying to mandate everything. Nothing is stopping the free market from doing this so if it's successful it happen on its own. We need less government never more.

  3. That lady just shaking her head in the back looks so bitter… she definitely thinks workers are lazy. Bet she doesn't work at all or barely works all week.

  4. Mr. King, with all due respect. The market has decided in how the wealth should be divided. It has been decided that the average CEO makes 350 times the average wages of their workers. That is not a market decision, that is a monopolized decision.

  5. I'm going to tell all the imposter democrats im a real crippled Democrat and I had to get a second job to make ends meet my parrot talked to mother nature and she said she s mad about climate change because you said ain't doing her and collecting money of her so I told my parrot tell her send mejo to every democrats home and vacation trips and send all the weather to teach them s lesson and all democrats and Republicans who gives money to Ukraine and Gaza and Taiwan and Palestinians and UN send them and their weather from hail

  6. 𝗛𝗼𝘄 𝗖𝗮𝗻 𝗔𝗻𝘆𝗯𝗼𝗱𝘆 𝗯𝗲 𝗪𝗲𝗹𝗹-𝗕𝗲𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲𝗱?

    Our behavior will click into place ultimately when we come to perceive ourselves as sharing our existence as a single interconnected whole. Until then, we would be wise to at least conceptualize that vision.

    For instance, we do not see radiation, but when we learn about its harmful effects and the devices that expose us to it, we then develop fear for our exposure to radiation and caution ourselves with certain radiation-emitting devices. It is the same principle regarding our knowledge and feeling of the system of creation we find ourselves in.

    The vision of us as a single interconnected and interdependent system constitutes the foundation of connection-enriching education, i.e., the understanding that we live in a single integral sphere and that we completely depend on each other. The more we recognize our global interdependence, the more we understand how we each determine the kinds of lives and states we undergo.

    Moreover, our global connection is an eternal state. We cannot simply put it aside, thinking that one day we will die and then we will escape whatever life we have here. Our global connection is inescapable. Our animal body will die, and it will again appear and perish myriad times, but we are forever included in this sphere of communication among everyone, each of us as special parts of this single, integral and closed system of creation.

    Therefore, the more we will feel ourselves belonging to a single interconnected system, the more we will feel the basis upon which to behave well with each other.

  7. Does the the Congress have any productivity – SENATE AND HOUSE ?
    Re Ukraine 🇺🇦? Let’s start there ?

  8. 4 day work week good idea. it should happen now but it more than likely will not happen because of owners and investor interest. well it looks like the owners and investors would rather see a UBI verses a 4 day work week because ultimately it keeps the power in their hands in witch case its a bad way to go because sooner or later you inflate the Dollar's value to nothing witch in turn leads to runaway inflation leading to poor people not even being able to buy enough for there family's on the far end of the scale. look its obvious you create more work with less hours worked witch creates more competent people that know how to get things done in the process versus a UBI that makes more rich incompetent people but on the other hand a UBI is good in the form of food and water think of it as a safety net that keeps really poor people from going to jail from stealing food to feed them self then its good but at only that level but the problem is when UBI comes in. in most economies people try to use it to subsidize their whole income so for practical purposes it's a bad idea. the best way is what we have been doing playing around with stimulus checks also known as UBI mostly but now its time to stop that before it becomes the normal way of doing things and go to a 4 shift work week to avoid the pit falls of a UBI. its good for a stop gap between going from a 5 day a week to a 4 day a week but not good to keep using it.

  9. Im fine with a 4 day work week, just DON'T expect to be payed for 40 hours if you only work 32 hours!

    That's simply leftist stupidity!

  10. Dr. Vittert. It’s just using big fancy words in a fancy suit. If you listen, she’s got nothing absolutely nothing I wish she would shut up. This is so shameful. We just want to see your families and pay our bills. I love the fact that none of them realize if all of the working class just doesn’t show up to work tomorrow the country will actually fall apart.

  11. Government has no jurisdiction on the best choice for American businesses. They have already caused chaos with minimum wage requirements. Bernie has never run a business, he has no clue

  12. Mr. King says “let the market decide,” but “the market” is a social construct. “the market” doesn’t make decisions; people do. and the people who have the power to make decisions (i.e. the owner class) will simply continue to decide to hoard the benefits for themselves, just like they’re doing now and have always done.

  13. The need to reduce the standard work week? Get the cake bags out of Congress and the younger congressional members can work a normal week.

  14. Mr. King literally just tried to argue that somehow, by giving workers more time back, that it would really take more time away. Gaslighting, anyone?

  15. I don't care if corporate profits and economic output falls. Who cares? That does not matter. What matters is that the American people have a better quality of life. Institute the 32-hour work week now.

  16. A four day work week with a five day payday is totally insane. It would mean instant 20% inflation. Sanders is playing to those with a grade school level of logic, this makes him evil.

  17. This would be huge for my family. My job is currently making me and my co workers work mandatory 50 hour weeks, with the overtime being over 40 hours.

    If this passes. It would put pressure for them to work us a more typical work scedule, and if they didnt atleast we would be rewarded greatly with an additional 8 hours of overtime every week.

  18. I easily work over 60 hours a week and my husband's company REQUIRES you to work at least 50 hours!!!
    Cassidy said there wouldnt be enough workers, employees dont have to pay benefits for part time…. how about we stop paying ssi to single moms just b.c they pop out kids, which i have heard many of them say "why do i need to work, i get free money from the gov" THERE is your work force. Apply full time benefits to EVERY employee. Prevent employers from not rehiring employees who quit without a 2 week notice (not walk outs) but still gave some kind of notice. Employers have learned how to use, abuse, and over worker people until they have nothing left to do anything else.

  19. I work in manufacturing, and I meet my quota by end of the day Thursday.. so now, like a lot of people i work with, we have to drag out our work, so we will have something to do on Friday.

  20. Excellent idea! Not only has technology helped us significantly but also our responsibilities outside of work have gotten harder. We need more time with our families and less time in the office

  21. The government is also taking more and more of the working mans paycheck for less and less fair representation and policies. People like Bernie, who entered the government, broke, and now he is worth millions off our money.

  22. Democrats and independents working together to try to win the young Americans vote. This, is such an awful bill. I can't see this being passed. Higher prices for goods,gas and everything else we need. 40 hrs a weeks is perfect enough work schedule. They do the 32 hour workweek will destroy this country's economy. We will lose jobs to other countries that have lower pay. The companies will hurry up the process to automation. Their's so much that isn't a good outcome with this.

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