Briahna Joy Gray and Robby Soave discuss NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg’s recent comments on support for Ukraine. #Russia #Zelensky
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Yes, this is how they think. No understanding of basic economics. It's called 'The Broken Window' fallacy. Kids playing ball accidentally break a window, so when the window repairman shows up to fix it someone says "well, if kids didn't break windows there'd be less work for the window repair people so it's not a bad thing." The implication is that breaking a window is good for the economy. However, what goes unconsidered is that the money spent to fix the window could have been spent elsewhere, even if that is only money saved to have more capital for a later purchase. Therefore someone else in the economy is deprived of the money spent on the window. So the net result isn't a boon to the economy, but an economy that has lost one perfectly good window. This is one of the most common mistakes and it's no surprise Nuland doesn't understand this principle, she's simply a member of the tribe and a shill. She's just another midwit inserted into a position of power she didn't deserve. Her reasoning is: "Yes, we forcefully (ie by use of government) took money from your pocket, money you would have spent voluntarily on goods and services of YOUR choice, and used that money to line the pockets of political power brokers and contractors in the war machine. We stimulated the economy. You're welcome." Merely spending someone elses' money on what you think it should be spent on is not "stimulating the economy." It's depleting the supply of goods and services people voluntarily support in favor of something they did not voluntarily support, in this case something entirely unsubstantial to our quality of life. The war machine stuffs billions into barrels and turns it into confetti, and it's merely an excuse to fleece the public. Everything that could have been produced to better our quality of life with that money is now literally incinerated on a battlefield or put into grotesque expenditures on more war toys.
OKULTIZAM I POLITIKA Stvara se nova država Hazara Jevreja koja će kontrolirati svijet i novi ‘PUT SVILE’ – EVO GDJE …
DogaÄ‘aji na «arapskoj dugi», ukljuÄujući Libiju, Egipat Siriju i Palestinu pokazali su se povezanim sa dogaÄ‘ajima u Ukrajini – tj. planom stvaranja «Nove Velike Hazarije», koja bi se prostirala od Sueckog kanala do Pribaltika
Do 2014. godine «ukrajinskim pitanjem» su se koristile SAD, Velika Britanija, Evropska unija, Vatikan i NATO, ali od te godine na geopolitiÄku pozornicu stupa novi «igraÄ» sa viÅ¡estrukim (pomalo nedefiniranim) likom – Hazari – Jevreji i Izrael. Zapravo, aktivacija Izraela i Hazara ima dublji geopolitiÄki razlog.
Naime, dogaÄ‘aji na «arapskoj dugi», ukljuÄujući Libiju, Egipat Siriju i Palestinu pokazali su se povezanim sa dogaÄ‘ajima u Ukrajini – tj. planom stvaranja «Nove Velike Hazarije», koja bi se prostirala od Sueckog kanala do Pribaltika i kontrolirala sve naftovode, gasovode i transportne puteve «novog velikog puta svile» koji ide iz Azije u Evropu, a to je znaÄilo da se mora djelovati u Ukrajini. U hazarskim medijima od obojene revolucije u Kijevu 2014. godine traje kampanja za zauzimanje «Erec Ukrajine» (zemlje Izraela).Cilj im je pobiti odreÄ‘en broj Ukrajinaca jedan dio raseliti treba ih ostati oko 10do15miliona tako su Ukrajinci postali izumirajuća nacija ,cijeli politiÄki vrh Ukrajine su Jevreji Hazari takoÄ‘er ambasadorica Amerike u Ukrajini je Jevrejka Hazarka Viktorija Nuland i ona najviÅ¡e gura rat protiv Rusije.Sve se radi pod budnim okom Izraela i obavjeÅ¡tajne službe Mossad i sekte Chabad Lubovich pitanje je kakva je uloga Rusije u svemu tome dali su dio tog projekta ili se bore protiv tih planova?
She and Stoltenberg could be considered war criminals. In my mind a war criminal is anyone who has contributed to promoting an unnecessary war. The Ukraine was was 100% a war that could have easily been avoided.
Jail Nuland
jail her
I guess one of this psychopaths “nasty surprises†came to fruition, this is horrific
Looney Psyco Nuland😮
Take a HIKE Stoltenberg😮
31K Ukrainians? Try 20 times that.
Ukraine corrupt? Tell me it isn't so!!!
Strange world! Victoria Nuland is a diplomat and Bill Gates is a farmer.
Why does a healthy Democracy like the U.S. produced evils like Nuland?
The Ukraine deaths are closer to 400k. The US has over 300 military bases surround Russia. If they had one near us it would be ww3.
Where NATO goes war follows
Stoltenberg comes off as the kid who's company is about to fail.
It is not only about economy! It is about thousands and thousands of lifes lost in Ukraine!
Nuland is a sociopath, she never cared about Ukraine. She is responsible for so many deaths is the Ukrainian conflict, she should be charged and sent to jail for life, and that's only if her crimes don't warrant capital punishment!
a face mirroring her soul…
"WHEN??? After how many decades if not centuries?"
The mission is to launder money to weapons manufacturers.
That’s BS the real experts are saying 500,000 killed and more injured. Why quote the most disreputable sources out there like the BBC, God sake Why do you think they are press-ganging people off the street. Get it right Stolteberg is a globalist warmongering puppet.
Boris Johnson also need to go to jail for interfering and stopping signing pease agreement causing hundred thousand of deaths. These people just felt smth burning on their back and stepped away.
At 1:30 is Nuland saying using and transferring money from the US taxpayer to US offense contractors is a good thing.
V is absolute evil
We all hate nato….
Not happening
Did it say only 32,000 ukrainians.. there's probably a month in which they have lost 32,000 soldiers
Nuland more and more look like the evil Madeleine Albright .
After this conflict what will left from Ukraine will be useless to NATO.
Do you think Putin doesn’t have a plan?
She was talking too much and spilled the beans.
It looks like literally ten days later she resigned.))
Stop this Jens Stoltenberg, he is a warmonger, Ucraine in Nato is the reason of the war. This is no defense situation, but a horribly provocation of war
Surprising this host truly believe the 30k number casualty figures. So laughable and that is everything wrong with media right there smh
Jen Stoltenberg & co threw Ukraine under Russian bus !
Nato is watching the fun and Russia weakening while thousands of Ukraineons are dying .
West is happy that two most powerful countries from the earstwhile USSR are fighting each other fiercely , destroying each other !
They thought the world will be foolish enough to follow their lead. NATO did not think this through before they pushed Ukraine into its extinction.
She is the last person to point fingers at contract companies — Nuland is the corrupt party in all this. She should be jailed.
Why is Nuland / USA / NATO always picking a fight with Russia!!!
Leave Ukraine alone. People of Ukraine don’t want to die for NATO.
Crazy people. NATO is madness altogether
jail her