Wow: Chris Cuomo TAKING INVERMECTIN, Slams CNN Groupthink

Briahna Joy Gray and Robby Soave react to Chris Cuomo’s praise of Joe Rogan. #Cuomo #JoeRogan Disclaimer: The FDA has not authorized or approved ivermectin for use in preventing or treating COVID-19 in humans or animals.

For humans, ivermectin tablets are approved at specific doses to treat some parasitic worms, and there are topical (on the skin) formulations for head lice and skin conditions like rosacea. For animals, certain pour-on, injectable, paste, chewable, and “drench” ivermectin products are approved in the U.S. to treat or prevent parasites in animals.

The FDA has received multiple reports of patients who have required medical attention, including hospitalization, after self-medicating with ivermectin intended for animals. 19 The Panel recommends against the use of hydroxychloroquine for SARS-CoV-2 PEP (AI).

Both chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine have in vitro activity against SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2.29,30 A small cohort study without a control group suggested that hydroxychloroquine might reduce the risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission to close contacts.31 There have been several large trials to determine whether hydroxychloroquine can reduce the risk of infection after exposure to individuals infected with SARS-CoV-2. These studies used different dose schedules and targeted different at-risk populations. In addition, some studies were unable to confirm infection using molecular or antigen tests. None of these studies demonstrated any evidence of efficacy for hydroxychloroquine, and all showed a higher risk of generally mild adverse events in those who received the drug.32-34


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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

Author: Rafael Nieves


48 thoughts on “Wow: Chris Cuomo TAKING INVERMECTIN, Slams CNN Groupthink

  1. I remember all of the evil BS that Coumo spewed out, and I will never forget it. I am NOT an American and won’t fall for this new BS.

  2. Nobody needs to listen to a single word coming out of his lying mouth. He only wants publicity and a shot at another network after being run off in the first place.

  3. ANYONE who did a little research could find out very quickly that we were being lied to about virtually everything about the experimental drugs. I have never seen so many red flags in my life. I researched a lot and very happy with my decision not to risk an experimental drug that didn't work. And we still don't know the long term and next generation side affects.

  4. If you know the story of Ivermectin , then you know it was discovered in Japan by a Japanese researcher. Now it’s used all over Africa to prevent elephantitis and river blindness. And it’s over-the-counter. That’s how safe it is. India and Africa have some of the lowest Covid rates because they all took ivermectin. Originally prescribed to people and then to animals. Animals take a lot of drugs that were first prescribed for humans. Too bad Cris and Don couldn’t think for themselves and do their own research. Signed: proudly unVaxxed and never had Covid.

  5. when i asked my oncologist about getting the vaccine for H1N1 virus back in 2008 she said 'why invite trouble' so because of her response I refused any and all vaccines – including for Covid. i never got H1N1 or Covid and really didn't do anything out of the ordinary from 2008 thru to today. so glad i never invited trouble…

  6. There was on discourse publicly or anywhere for 3+ years…
    They would just shut down your social media page or scream at you
    and villainize you!!!!!!!!

  7. Billions of doses of ivermectin were given before the pandemic completely safe. Mainstream was completely responsible for thousands of deaths.

  8. At the end of the day, where was the pressure coming from to demonise and deny any treatment other than the vax push. It was super sketchy from the start and the reason why I and none of my family got ANY jabs. We lost jobs in our family and had to wait out the mandates. So glad we did. Sure hindsight is 20:20 but if your eyes were open you could see it from the very start.

  9. Ivermectin is a incredibly safe and Nobel prize winning drug that was targeted by the corrupt mainstream media along with Plaquenil to get the potentially effective antivirals out of the way for the Emergency Use Authorization for the experimental mrna vaccines.

  10. Dr Harvey Risch, a Yale New Haven epidemiologist, successfully used a combination of Ivermectin, vitamin D and an antibiotic as an early treatment for the elderly for SARs type viruses for many years. Suddenly he was not allowed to during the pandemic.Many elderly suffered due to the demonization of Ivermectin and Hydroxycloriquine. Ivermectin is NOT ONLY for the treatment of parasites.These repurposed drugs should be left to the physician to recommend and use at their discretion. The reason these repurposed drugs were demonized was so the government could call Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). They can call EUA only if there were no other viable drugs available. This gave the government and drug companies more power and also gave them immunity to being sued for vaccine injury – which they knew was going to happen. The MRNA drugs were EXPERIMENTAL. They still do not know the long term effects of the Covid Jab. Almost daily, more is coming out as people are coming forward complaining about various side effects of the vaccine such as blood clots, heart issues, Bells Palsy, cancer, shingles, Guillaine Barre disease and many other autoimmune illnesses.

  11. It doesn't matter what people use as the excuse for not using Ivermectin that envolves what they were "told". The information on the medicine was available.

  12. we won the court case against the FDA for saying ivermectin was not good for you … (flccc) wake up , censorship is very real . I am waiting for when those who are hurt get MAD , and angry , the shift will be happen

  13. I have worked in a critical care setting for 18 years and I knew something wasn't right from the start. I followed the science, and it led me to the truth. I will say this I'm never going to trust the medical industry ever again. Oh yea, I didn't cave in and take the shot now nobody wants to talk about it, you know why because they have to live with it. I don't blame them.

  14. He lies. Dr. Pierre Cory was always broadly-public and available to educate Cuomo in 2020……if the truth at that time was actually his intent.

  15. I was that conspiracy guy at work who wouldn’t back down. I went head to head with surgeons, anesthesiologist, nurses and medical professionals. all the things I’ve said are coming true.

  16. The medical community always knew about Ivermectin, and Hydroxicloriquin, but they had their part to play if they wanted to cash in on the financial bonanza. Now it is widely known, now you know who not to trust.

  17. You know my mother used to always tell me use the brain that God gave you. At the very beginning of all of this BS I knew something was up. It didn’t add up. It didn’t make sense. I told every single person that I knew and only a few took the time to use the brain and figure out that I was right it didn’t add up. In my family and friends took the vaccine because they were sheep, and weren’t listening to the conflicting messages. Then messages alone should have made people weary onto follow what the government and the media was telling them as their Messages changed, literally by the hour. Once again, there is truth and when you get them, spider senses and something doesn’t seem proper. You must investigate it more because the consequences could be fatal. The problem is that many do not pay attention to what’s happening in life they seem to walk through life with blinders on. If nothing more this Covid fiasco should open everybody’s eyes to what’s really going on. You need to take the time and look at the 2030 agenda and what the WEF and the WHO are trying to do in the world, and none of it is good for any of us your eyes.

  18. People were blackmailed to take part in the experiment. Threats of job loss were held over people's heads so many chose their job and made the sacrifice. I know of people who were vaccinated and then had such a severe reaction that they lost their job. They were damaged and couldn't perform their duties. Our government became marketers for pharma, so did mainstream media.

  19. When you already had Covid the previous year past without any issues then you’re forced to take the shot and you pass out at 21 years old having 0 medical history, one need not be a physician! I had taken the 1st shop and I’d be dammed if I got that follow up because I felt like I was dying!

  20. While the dialog I'm hearing these days is moving in the direction of honesty, the two of you are skirting a crucial and inexcusable circumstance of the vaccine era: the vax mandates and the passports. I asked the local county COVID hotline nurse in a March 2021 call if there was any evidence that the vaccine had any proven affect on the risk of contracting or spreading the disease. She said (without hesitation), "no." That never changed because, in fact, it did not and was not even tested for that. Before our society makes significant incursions against basic freedoms–including the freedom to choose what we can do with our bodies–shouldn't we insist on having equally significant scientific evidence of significant efficacy for public health? Any journalist that did not ask that basic question in favor of human rights should be truly, truly ashamed of accepting the narrative egged on by big government and big pharma working together. You, Robbie, owe your viewers an apology for encouraging people to take an experimental medical treatment instead of merely suggesting people to confer with their physician to see if its right for you. That would have been the ethical journalistic thing to do.

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