Zadie Smith Is WRONG: WORDS Are Not VIOLENCE, Zionism Is: Briahna Joy Gray

Briahna Joy Gray argues against “bothsiderisms” present in many reports about the Israel-Palestine war. #zionists #palestine

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

Author: Rafael Nieves


38 thoughts on “Zadie Smith Is WRONG: WORDS Are Not VIOLENCE, Zionism Is: Briahna Joy Gray

  1. OMG I just learned The Hill fired Briahna she is a Great journalist fair and speaking Truth!!
    Why are we allowing the Censorship by Another country Israel of our people and Media who are clearly Biased!!
    I will never Watch The Hill Again!!

  2. She doesn’t even know what Zionism is.
    It’s the Jewish people’s right to self determination in their ancestral homeland.
    Her biased ignorance is appalling.

  3. I am waiting for your show about apartheid in one of 49 Muslim majority countries . Islamic republic of Iran . Islamic republic of Afghanistan .
    I am waiting for my church permit in Saudi Arabia !
    God bless Israel .
    Why do you focus only on the 8 million Jews in Israel and not the 500 million Muslims in Middle East ?
    God bless Israel

  4. This comments board is an absolute freak show on both sides. The Hill, for the love of god, do something about this or you will lose all credibility. Full on prejudice everywhere. Full on hate.

  5. While I generally like and appreciate the piece, we’ll done, however I have a couple of nits to pick… (1) those calling themselves Jews constantly conflate the idea of Jewish people vs the religion called Judaism. The Zionists in Israel are NOT JEWISH PEOPLE, they are Khazarians whose leadership converted (read usurped) the identity of Jewish people. Why is this important? They have no legitimate claim to that land… (2) you referred to those supporting the Zionist state as conservatives and those supporting the rights of the Palestinians as liberal, while that might be true of the specific people you are referencing, it must be noted that historically this is inaccurate. Conservatives were largely for Germany during WW2. Why is this distinction important? It’s important b/c it illustrates how the true puppet masters behind the puppets are neither conservatives nor liberals, rather they are globalists who are pushing a New World Order agenda. America is effectively a one-party political system. Conservatives vs liberals is merely window dressing to keep the public’s eye off of what is really going on. Love & light and power to the people ✊🏾💕

  6. I submit people don't know what Zionism means. The land belongs to the Jews. It's been that way from the start.

    Even the Quran states the land belongs to us. It goes further to say to Christians and Muslims, if there are any questions related to the scripture, they should consult the Jews.

    So let's make example, should America give back the Western of Mississippi to California back to Spain? Germany, France and other countries who had their part.

    I could go on. I been there. Israel is my home, I am Jew and Zionist. Unapologetically!!!!

  7. Israel has every right to be an ethno religious state if it wants too. Japan and Hungry and England all have a right to their ethnic compositions.

  8. Bri just doesnt understand that israel is sovereign and until hamas is ended all deaths are hamas caused deaths period point blank

  9. When White folks point to the opinions of Clarence Thomas and say 'look he represents Brown folks' — this is essentially what you are doing by pointing to anti-zionist Jews and trying to make them seem like most Jews aren't Zionists- while simultaneously pointing to it as 'the problem'– its wrong, and you are using really inflammatory and simply definitionally incorrect language- do better.

  10. The aggressors calling themselves victims. To understand Zionist reasoning we must go to scriuture.
    CORINTHIANS 4:4 says,

    whose unbelieving minds the god of this world (Satan) hath blinded, lest the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them."
    Even though they say they are believers, pride has cause their blindnesd by Satan will eventually end in their fall.
    Most people cannot see the spiritual war taking place between Jesus and Satan in our world, do they are without sound minds and cannot see themselves.

  11. Also theose prophecies were written by their ancestors and carried out through the Centuries… is all a Lie…. Also very important…..THE ONLY REASON WE HAVE DIFFERENT RELIGIONS, IS TO PREVENT/PROTECT AGAINST A 1WORLD GOVERNMENT

  12. Joy you are 100% however Robbie is living in a bubble. If J's were unsafe why aint they all in Israel right now? There is NO justification for a j state. 0 . A matter of fact they are MORE protected than any other human being on earth right now. Moreover, the US justice system has a TWO tier sytem made just for them. The US and other western countries have enabled an ethic apartheid system. If you don't belive me look around you!

  13. Bravo Brie i had to be said and it was said. I think this might be your last show on Rising. Zionist are gonna come for you full force now. I think this has been your most powerful monologue ever. No words minced and named what i had to be named.

  14. what needs to be spoken of and revealed is Israels actual support of Hamas ! This is a fact revealed thru video footage of BB in conference with the knesset. Why, Why, Why is this never spoken of ? Israels creation of ISIS as a branch of mossad intel is also a fact. Wake the F up ! This narrative, in its entirety, is controlled by Israel.

  15. At the head of everything deplorable thing that had/has happened to a people in the world, there was a guy just like this guy who's always twisting logic to dismiss/ excuse atrocities against people he's not a part of.

  16. People saying whole populaces should be exterminated is something smart people wouldn't say. Thankfully there is a difference. Nobody sane in this world would say the jews are all guilty. It's the insanity that Netanyahu is calling for an entire genocide that a whole populace could be guilty and they are doing it

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