Jeffrey Sachs EXCORIATES Biden On Ukraine- Russia War

Economist and professor at Columbia Jeffrey Sachs weighs in on the latest on the Russia-Ukraine war. #russia #ukraineI Originally aired April 2, 2024

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

Author: Rafael Nieves


25 thoughts on “Jeffrey Sachs EXCORIATES Biden On Ukraine- Russia War

  1. I just can't believe that Brihana was fired from Rising. This firing hurts all of us and our freedom as well. How do we get the candidates for president we get when we might be much better served with the likes of Jeffrey Sachs?

  2. If USA could not allow Cuba to have missiles why do they think Russia would entertain threats from Ukraine.
    And why should Russia allow USA to put nuclear weapons (they will do that eventually) in Ukraine right next to it's door steps.

  3. Why would they negotiate and stop the war? None of their loved ones are dying and it was not their money that are being thrown into the toilet.

  4. What your guest is implying is that countries close to , Russia are not independent and must trade of the right to run their country at the pleasing of the Russians. It's not about insults it's all about sensible, logical and honest argument. He is quick to state that confiscating Russias assets is illegal but . remains silent no the legality of the invasion. The honest truth that your guest refuse s to see is that Ukraine as a n independent country has a right to determine where to align .If am wrong let your guest speak out . If Russia is not pleased with Ukraines desire to Join NATO must Russia fight against it in a court on law or musi she fight Ukraine on the battle field . The argument that America convinced Ukraine to …. Is a non starter cos that's the standard practice we are either convincing people or people are convincing us. Your daughter enters into marriage not cos a gun was pulled at her she did that cos the guy talked her into it and she also bought into the idea this is what it is it has nothing to do with the classroom it has all to do with common sense. Let's call a cloudy day a cloudy day and no other name this is what it is.


  5. The argument that Ukraine is another Afghanistan is a stretch. For one, we don't have any boots on the ground in Ukraine like we did in Afghanistan. That's a BIG difference.

  6. Sachs also fails to mention that any negotiation with Putin that leads to a treaty will invariably and ultimately be violated by the Russians. History had proven that.

  7. What Sachs fails to mention is that Zelensky is ASKING for more assistance from the US and others. It's not as if we are forcing them to take money, weapons, and ammunition. Think about it.

  8. Bottom line: the U.S. is an Empire and like all Empires in the past, it must expand, exploit, and dominate.

    The only difference is that the American Empire expands COVERTLY under the guise of spreading democracy.

    Whoever they install to be in charge of the government must carry out this covert effort.

    If not, they will get rid of him like they did JFK via assassination or Trump via character assassination.

  9. Great guest Rising how come Lame Stream Media says war started in 2014 (Minsk Accord) im a just a dumb grandpa and i knew that!!! COME ON RISING TALK about 2014 Minsk Accord and our coup gettin Zelensky in

  10. Professor Sachs is RIGHT! We have spent too much $ & the only way Zelenskyy can keep it going is foreign troops eventually! Zelenskyy suspends elections & kills American citizens like journalist Gonzalo Lira! Meanwhile we Americans don't secure our own borders under Prez Joker One Election aka JOE Biden for the same reason Biden keeps the war going: It is in his political & financial interests NOT AMERICAN CITIZENS' INTERESTS@

  11. Кто Американского кавбоя ..угомонит..Эстония?…

  12. ..Крым в Нато ..поПрироде он Русский и Блок для Новороссийска!!!…

  13. Деньги..забирайте..но !!!..Время пренадлежит ..другим!!!

  14. россия ..на столько богата..на сколько ее Хотят!!!

  15. One hundred or more Military-Industrial-Complex Lockheed is the biggest.War is a Racket. It always has been. It is likely the oldest, easily the most profitable, and surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.S.Butler Maj, Gen.USMC

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